Elite: General talk

08 Dec 2020, 4:17am
SakashiroThe irony about ganking is that once you learn how to counter it, you're no longer the preferred target.

That's not Irony, that's Logic.
08 Dec 2020, 5:13am
SakashiroThe irony about ganking is that once you learn how to counter it, you're no longer the preferred target.

That's not Irony, that's Logic.

Yes, the logic of PvP in ED is to avoid PvP, and that is precisely why some people refuse to call ED a PvP game.
08 Dec 2020, 5:17am
SakashiroYes, the logic of PvP in ED is to avoid PvP, and that is precisely why some people refuse to call ED a PvP game.

No. That is the logic of a Ganker, To go for the easier targets.

Your PvP generalisations are incorrect.
08 Dec 2020, 5:28am
SakashiroYes, the logic of PvP in ED is to avoid PvP, and that is precisely why some people refuse to call ED a PvP game.

No. That is the logic of a Ganker, To go for the easier targets.

Your PvP generalisations are incorrect.

95% of PvP in ED is ganking, so my generalisations are valid.
08 Dec 2020, 5:44am
From your point of view of seeing all PvP as Ganking, is incorrect.

look at it from my point of view. Of all the types of PvP, Ganking is one of many, Ganking may be the most common form but it is only one, therfore your generalisation is incorrect. because most of the other forms do not fit into your generalisation of "the logic of PvP in ED is to avoid PvP" bacause in a lot of those, all parties are actively engaging in PvP.

Please separate Ganking From PvP as a generalisation as it is false and misleading.

Last edit: 08 Dec 2020, 6:53am
08 Dec 2020, 6:21am
Aleksander MajjamHere is where I think the disconnect is and it's a pretty important fact that the PvP crowd is ignoring.

Those that don't like PvP aren't lumping gankers/seal-clubbers into the PvP category.
Those that do like PvP lump everything into one category.

I don't like ganking. I especially don't like new player ganking. PvPr's say that ganking isn't an issue and isn't widespread. Statistics are showing otherwise. I like PvP. I really like contained PvP. I especially like RP/BSG PvP. The majority of ED PvP isn't RP/BGS PvP, it's ganking/seal-clubbing PvP. When those that don't like ganking/seal-clubbing voice their opinions about it, the PvP crowd thinks that none of us like PvP and think we want to fly Solo the whole time. This is not true. I don't want to end PvP, I just want to make it more meaningful like other games make it meaningful. However, in its current state, it is very useless other than getting your shooting kicks in, and it provides no substance to the game. It's like it's there because it's there. Unless PvP changes, I don't think I'll change my mind on that, but we can still talk about ways to make it better, but it seems like the majority of PvPr's think everything is fine as is.

95% or more of PvPers are also gankers.
08 Dec 2020, 9:17am
SakashiroThe irony about ganking is that once you learn how to counter it, you're no longer the preferred target.

Ever tried to build a viper mk 3 race oriented for trolling them?
08 Dec 2020, 9:19am
I get confused by the term ganker/ganking even more after listening to the YT linked below.

I’m not sure that I understanding what is often being referred to by the term Ganking. Surely going out into the void to kill people is a properly valid play style?

If griefing is hounding the same player repeatedly, but ganking is just killing people when you see them, then I think there needs to be less focus on the term ganking when complaining about PVP and more specific focus on griefing?

I would agree that griefing is bad and should be reported and a ban issue by FD on the griefer.

If any of my ramble is correct, then Gankers are simply players to be avoided and one only has to learn how to avoid and escape them. One shouldn’t be trying to turn the Galaxy into a Billy Bear style safe space. In my opinion that is far worse than the potential of running into a griefer in space.

I honestly believe the outpouring of horror all across the interweb, over ganking, sends the wrong signal to a potential or new player of ED.
08 Dec 2020, 9:21am
RenraikuFrom your point of view of seeing all PvP as Ganking, is incorrect.

look at it from my point of view. Of all the types of PvP, Ganking is one of many, Ganking may be the most common form but it is only one, therfore your generalisation is incorrect. because most of the other forms do not fit into your generalisation of "the logic of PvP in ED is to avoid PvP" bacause in a lot of those, all parties are actively engaging in PvP.

Please separate Ganking From PvP as a generalisation as it is false and misleading.

08 Dec 2020, 9:39am
Ganking can't be separated from PvP because people do not usually pick fights they cannot win. The consequence is that PvP between strangers will usually be initiated by a player flying a more powerful ship and/or by a wing outnumbering the target. Whether this qualifies as a gank or not is really up to the player being attacked.

Another consequence of this is that the more you prepare your ship for PvP, the less likely other players will initiate combat with you. So if PvP with strangers is what you want, becoming a ganker is pretty much inevitable. The fact that PvP-capable ships can't be used for anything else contributes to the problem: Once you're stuck in Deciat with your overengineered FDL with its shitty jump range, attacking other players is the only thing you can do.
08 Dec 2020, 10:43am
I found it notable via the video posted above, & an example shown in 1 earlier, that 1 player ranked so high in ganks only had 25 deaths because they'd actively try to avoid the engagements where they themselves would be outclassed or overpowered.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Regardless how I or anyone else thinks of gankers, they exist because the game allows ganking.

The game also allows a completely effective means to avoid those that engage in that play-style: Solo or PG.

As for any lamentations from the ganking community re: lack of victims,

I shed huge crocodile tears. Huge ones.  
08 Dec 2020, 11:20am
Grecale80Ever tried to build a viper mk 3 race oriented for trolling them?

I built my Courier for that purpose.
08 Dec 2020, 11:21am
Grecale80Ever tried to build a viper mk 3 race oriented for trolling them?

I built my Courier for that purpose.

08 Dec 2020, 5:16pm
I'm a sucker for sales... T10. Defender is too damm ridiculous not to have. Love it)
08 Dec 2020, 5:36pm
I will probably buy one but not engineering it for sure

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