Elite: General talk

18 Sep 2021, 3:15am
SalmoneaReal scale of our solar system model. Very pretty video

there is a permanent one in Australia.
18 Sep 2021, 2:07pm
20 Sep 2021, 9:37am
Looking to recruit some players, new or old. I'm newer myself but love the game and have some aspirations for it. For those on xbox who are interested please get in touch with me game tag is OffsetPower. Thanks
21 Sep 2021, 5:27pm
OOOH! Shiny things!

the new Inara Commander badges! Thank you, Inara folks!
21 Sep 2021, 11:21pm
22 Sep 2021, 12:08pm
22 Sep 2021, 2:46pm
Inara team,

Thank you so very much for the new medals added to the profiles, and the rebalancing of the existing medals.
My tier 3 Soldier medal looks as if the image was updated or enhanced. Is there a new graphic for each tier?

Thank you.
22 Sep 2021, 4:24pm
Maketaurie GuaiabaInara team,

Thank you so very much for the new medals added to the profiles, and the rebalancing of the existing medals.
My tier 3 Soldier medal looks as if the image was updated or enhanced. Is there a new graphic for each tier?

Thank you.

Those haven't been touched for a long time. Does it look differently than the other medals in quality? If that's a case, can you send me a screenshot, please? Otherwise, each medal tier has a different graphics, yes.
24 Sep 2021, 11:38am
25 Sep 2021, 3:19pm
Is there a good place for a squadron to advertise for recruitment?
25 Sep 2021, 3:26pm
Rattler85Is there a good place for a squadron to advertise for recruitment?

You want to go to Galaxy (on the top) then to Bulletin Board (on the left).
25 Sep 2021, 4:20pm
25 Sep 2021, 9:08pm
28 Sep 2021, 3:40pm
Is there a easy way to find the best trades between two specific stations?
28 Sep 2021, 3:47pm

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Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...