
11 Jan 2021, 1:01pm
M. Lehman

I'm not sure if it's classified as a sword or a club, but there is a giant dildo weapon in the game, yes. I think it's also easily missable.

Given your posting history, you come off like you're 12. Ain't nobody believing you have a wife.

dood arent you a full of joy being...With that comment it kinda feels like it is you who is really lonely irl. listen im an asshole as part of my persona in the game. If you ever want to talk to the real me and you have issues of loneliness and stuff,i do consulting, life management weight management, need help i got you. but stop poking your internet finger at me to feed your trolly getting old, act your age since you are so mature. And thinking about it i wish i was 12, that was a blast back then, and being 12 i doubt would have changed my opinion of what is going on with you. Look, i put my weapons down, you win, you are the most mature , the best Elite player, you DEE MAN of the hour. i bow to your now can we go on?

And again... these aren't roleplay channels. This is why people are reacting to you in the way that they are.

Perhaps you should save the in-character rants for the roleplay channels so that people aren't left with the mistaken impression that the real Cephy is an unlettered buffoon.

You should see the PM he sent me. I think he legitimately thinks I'm somebody else.
11 Jan 2021, 1:11pm
The problem I see with the "it's my character. it's not really how I am" kinda thing is that he seems to apply it even when talking about the game as a game. Then he proceeds to say things that don't make sense in Elite because the game doesn't work that way but would be normal in EVE.
11 Jan 2021, 2:42pm
I get the last few posts... here, OOC, WYSIWYG. An old(er) woman with the perspective of age & all that it brings.

In the RP channels, I RP a facet of myself, a very old woman with a younger woman trapped inside, feeling a bit like Rip Van Winkle.

Yeah, separating oneself from the RP character might be difficult for those with a tenuous grasp of the borderline between fantasy & reality.

Excellent points!
11 Jan 2021, 5:02pm
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality...
11 Jan 2021, 5:14pm
Effie TrinketIs this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality...

11 Jan 2021, 5:18pm
Now that you mention Bohemian Rhapsody...

11 Jan 2021, 6:29pm
You guys!
11 Jan 2021, 6:36pm
& gals.
11 Jan 2021, 6:44pm
Synthya Wylder& gals.

Apologies, I have always used that term neutrally. Have done so for over three decades, as has everyone I’ve ever known and long before the idea of gender offence was a thing. It was just the world I worked in. When someone called into a venue, dinner’s ready guys, or get a move on guys, the bus is leaving in five, it was directed at female crew just as much as it was aimed at the blokes amongst us.

It’s funny how it can be offensive these days and it catches me out, I admit.

No offence intended, I promise you
11 Jan 2021, 6:46pm
None taken. No worries.
11 Jan 2021, 6:49pm
Synthya WylderNone taken. No worries.

11 Jan 2021, 10:38pm
just ban me already ffs.. do it...then i get to go silent you never know where i am but i know where you are it works perfect DO IT...ban me, i dare inara to ban me, PLEASE... BAN MEEEEEE


i am the triglaive here in this game, im not your alpha but i am definitely your OMEGA...get fucked
11 Jan 2021, 10:56pm
Apologies for the non-offensive posts removal, folks, but as those lost the context, it was better to just let them go.

Cephyjust ban me already ffs.. do it...then i get to go silent you never know where i am but i know where you are it works perfect DO IT...ban me, i dare inara to ban me, PLEASE... BAN MEEEEEE


i am the triglaive here in this game, im not your alpha but i am definitely your OMEGA...get fucked

... and so it happened. There was no need to ask for it, the perm-ban was inevitable anyway.
11 Jan 2021, 10:57pm
No worries. Again sorry for adding to the count
11 Jan 2021, 10:59pm
ArtieApologies for the non-offensive posts removal, folks, but as those lost the context, it was better to just let them go.

Cephyjust ban me already ffs.. do it...then i get to go silent you never know where i am but i know where you are it works perfect DO IT...ban me, i dare inara to ban me, PLEASE... BAN MEEEEEE


i am the triglaive here in this game, im not your alpha but i am definitely your OMEGA...get fucked

... and so it happened. There was no need to ask for it, the perm-ban was inevitable anyway.

Well, guess that means we don't have to wait for him any longer to post in 'Roleplay: Off station' any longer then...

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