Would I recommend the game at this point? I haven't found any game-breaking bugs yet, but there are occasional glitches. For example yesterday, after fixing the keymap issue and starting my first "serious" playthrough, I entered my apartment in Night City for the first time. This was after several busy tutorial missions, so I slowed down a bit and made myself familiar with the inventory screen. My character was wearing a pair of sneakers which were described as "smelly" after day-long use, so I took them off.

I love character editors in games, so of course I spent a while to carefully design my version of "V". Unfortunately most character editors do a poor job recreating Asian features, and Cyberpunk 2077 is no exception. This one doesn't use any sliders at all, so all you can do is combine a number of presets for eyes, nose, mouth, jaw etc. There is exactly one nose preset with a low bridge, one pair of monolid eyes, and two additional eye presets with epicanthic folds. The results with these look somewhat OK in the editor, but when you see the character in the game world later, it's rather disappointing. If you see Asian faces in RL on a daily basis, you'll find that the game, like so may others, fails to nail the look. I was hoping to create a sneaky netrunner looking like Soo-Joo Park or Fernanda Ly, but the game wouldn't let me.

The map of Cyberpunk 2077 is incredibly detailed, and there are indeed no visible loading screens. Although I don't have the game on a SSD, I noticed no stuttering or pop-up effects at all. I have a 1070 graphics card, so there's no raytracing for me, but I don't feel that I'm missing anything. The game looks and feels closer to a movie than anything else I've played so far.