
15 Jan 2021, 8:12pm
True but a lot of Vs problems are forced to be problems by the game.

I was cool with my guest but the game says

I don't want to. I'm quite chill abou. .

Kay game. Calm down. I'll play it your way. God!
15 Jan 2021, 10:57pm
Oh, but that guest is killing you the longer he's with you. So getting rid of him is kinda important.
15 Jan 2021, 11:00pm
Amata LireinOh, but that guest is killing you the longer he's with you. So getting rid of him is kinda important.

Heh. Reminds me of my Ex.
15 Jan 2021, 11:02pm
Synthya Wylder
Amata LireinOh, but that guest is killing you the longer he's with you. So getting rid of him is kinda important.

Heh. Reminds me of my Ex.

Eh, unlike an Ex though this relationship actually IS complicated.
15 Jan 2021, 11:27pm
Amata Lirein

Eh, unlike an Ex though this relationship actually IS complicated.

I’m guessing you have neither been married, nor divorced!  That, or you got off extremely lucky!

15 Jan 2021, 11:30pm
Effie Trinket
Amata Lirein

Eh, unlike an Ex though this relationship actually IS complicated.

I’m guessing you have neither been married, nor divorced!  That, or you got off extremely lucky!

Unfair... I cannot counter that without giving away the entire storyline of Cyberpunk
15 Jan 2021, 11:37pm
Amata Lirein
Effie Trinket
Amata Lirein

Eh, unlike an Ex though this relationship actually IS complicated.

I’m guessing you have neither been married, nor divorced!  That, or you got off extremely lucky!

Unfair... I cannot counter that without giving away the entire storyline of Cyberpunk

16 Jan 2021, 9:21am
Amata LireinV has a lot of emotional baggage as well, but then again what do you expect when you live in a city in which...

...the rich can get a car insurance that pays some ridiculously low "settlement" to the bereaved if you happen to run somebody over in a vehicular manslaughter hit-and-run while commiting DUI and the case gets closed?

Ha, did you find the NCPD thingy where you come across the car from that "incident" getting blown up by some of her underlings? Was really impressed by how interconnected all the background events felt.
16 Jan 2021, 9:38am
Cyberpunk 2077 is supposed to be a dystopian vision of the future, but it's doing a poor job at that. In Night City the sidewalks are crowded, the shops are open, people hang out in restaurants, cafés, bars, wearing colorful and often quite revealing outfits. No dress codes, no face coverings, no lockdowns, no curfews, no riots, no racial segregation.

Life in NC looks pretty damn good...
16 Jan 2021, 9:44am
Even so, ya not allowed to make the best of a bad situation.

If you want to play as someone that's accepted the situation and will do their best to deal with it as calmly as possible, the game doesn't let you develop a good relationship. The level to which ya get on with ya guest is dependent on the current side-quest/story mission ya playing. No stability in how well the two of you are getting on.

I wanted my V to be calm about it and see what could be done alongside our guest. Also, our guest is breath taking. Man or woman, that's one hell of a guy to be stuck with. V was stoked to have him in her space
16 Jan 2021, 9:50am
SakashiroCyberpunk 2077 is supposed to be a dystopian vision of the future, but it's doing a poor job at that. In Night City the sidewalks are crowded, the shops are open, people hang out in restaurants, cafés, bars, wearing colorful and often quite revealing outfits. No dress codes, no face coverings, no lockdowns, no curfews, no riots, no racial segregation.

Life in NC looks pretty damn good...

It was a great place, but I also felt like the only person in it. You can talk to anyone, but they all tell you to F-off in one way or another. Ya can't interact beyond hitting them and like Amata said, if ya like someone's style you can never find the clothes and if ya do they are not in the right colours.
Punk is supposed to be about style over substance ( the material from back in the 90s) The rule of cool always wins, but my Corp V was street trash wearing a workman's overcoat, stupid flat cap, and trashed jeans all in clashing colours coz they had the best stats :/

Last edit: 16 Jan 2021, 11:31am
16 Jan 2021, 11:04am
SakashiroCyberpunk 2077 is supposed to be a dystopian vision of the future, but it's doing a poor job at that. In Night City the sidewalks are crowded, the shops are open, people hang out in restaurants, cafés, bars, wearing colorful and often quite revealing outfits. No dress codes, no face coverings, no lockdowns, no curfews, no riots, no racial segregation.

Life in NC looks pretty damn good...

Agree. It's almost there, but not quite.

Deus Ex did a better job of providing that feeling, I think.
16 Jan 2021, 12:49pm
SakashiroCyberpunk 2077 is supposed to be a dystopian vision of the future, but it's doing a poor job at that. In Night City the sidewalks are crowded, the shops are open, people hang out in restaurants, cafés, bars, wearing colorful and often quite revealing outfits. No dress codes, no face coverings, no lockdowns, no curfews, no riots, no racial segregation.

Life in NC looks pretty damn good...

Good point!
16 Jan 2021, 2:44pm
Amata LireinV has a lot of emotional baggage as well, but then again what do you expect when you live in a city in which...

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...the rich can get a car insurance that pays some ridiculously low "settlement" to the bereaved if you happen to run somebody over in a vehicular manslaughter hit-and-run while commiting DUI and the case gets closed?

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Ha, did you find the NCPD thingy where you come across the car from that "incident" getting blown up by some of her underlings? Was really impressed by how interconnected all the background events felt.

You get a mission where a grieving mother puts out a hit on the Animal fight club leader who "accidentally" beat her son to death. After you kill him, an NCPD assault pops up where you find the Animal hit squad that killed her as she was trying to flee the city.
18 Jan 2021, 2:45pm
Huh... I feel like life in nice city is pretty bad, but they also made sure to nail that down with NPCs complaining about it all the time. I just think it feels a little constructed from time to time. But then again that makes the game a bit less depressing ^^

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