
15 Jan 2021, 10:17am
Lambast MercyI'm also taking my time, I'm cleaning up every other storyline I can find before the point of no return and I don't have much time to play. I also have the ability to read and say to my self "Oo that's going into areas I don't want to know about so I'll stop reading"

Everyone is being quite respectful of people like you and me that haven't seen everything, but asking them to hide every comment incase it spoils a few slow plays game is a bit much. People wanna talk (carefully I add, thank you) about their experiences. I'd have to have a very high opinion of myself to expect them to whisper so I don't read something I don't wanna know.

I didn't have to ask them. They already made the effort without having to be asked.

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but what's the point of having the ability to tag if you're just going to ignore it? You want me to read the first sentence of your spoiler and then stop myself? It literally takes a few seconds of your time, and if you're too lazy to click a few buttons, just write "spoiler alert" at the very beginning of your post. I don't know how doing any of this is spoiling anyone's fun other than people that didn't make it as far into the game as you. I mean, I can't believe I even have to explain why it might be prudent to to use a button on a forum menu that's obviously there for a reason.

Oh, and I'm into Punk. I've already explained pages back while I'm a late bloomer, and really don't feel like reiterating.

I don't feel like arguing. To those that are using it, I do appreciate it.
15 Jan 2021, 10:41am
What have I spoiled for you?
15 Jan 2021, 11:02am
There are a lot of people that are waiting until the majority of bugs have been fixed before they want to buy the game, especially on consoles.
15 Jan 2021, 11:10am
Aleksander Majjam
Ugh. Does Inara really not have an ignore function?

You can set your ignore list here or unsubscribe from the thread, depends what your intention is.
15 Jan 2021, 11:35am
Perfect Arti!

I was gonna wait for a response from Aleksander to find out what I spoiled for him because I strongly suspect it was nothing. Everything I talked about was early game and vague.
Use spoiler tags coz I say so?

Umm.. . No. Not unless I'm gonna spoil a really important plot development.

I was very late to punk so when I saw this page was clearly punk heavy, I stopped reading until I felt I had caught up in-game. I took responsibility for my enjoyment of punk instead of expecting everyone else to hide their chat for me.

Its been over a month, if ya worried about spoilers at this stage its ya own responsibility to avoid them. I had that same problem with the last season of the Madalorian and I'm having that problem avoiding learning any more about Odyssey.
Up to me to avoid learning more, not the rest of the world.

Last edit: 15 Jan 2021, 11:41am
15 Jan 2021, 1:13pm
Lambast MercyPerfect Arti!

I was gonna wait for a response from Aleksander to find out what I spoiled for him because I strongly suspect it was nothing. Everything I talked about was early game and vague.
Use spoiler tags coz I say so?

Umm.. . No. Not unless I'm gonna spoil a really important plot development.

I was very late to punk so when I saw this page was clearly punk heavy, I stopped reading until I felt I had caught up in-game. I took responsibility for my enjoyment of punk instead of expecting everyone else to hide their chat for me.

Its been over a month, if ya worried about spoilers at this stage its ya own responsibility to avoid them. I had that same problem with the last season of the Madalorian and I'm having that problem avoiding learning any more about Odyssey.
Up to me to avoid learning more, not the rest of the world.

I haven't tried CyberPunk myself yet and was easily able to see what this thread was about and so choose not to read it. It wasn't difficult.
15 Jan 2021, 1:21pm
Yeah, it certainly would be good to avoid as much spoilers as possible, even the small ones. That's why the spoiler tag is here. The CP2077 is still a fresh game and there may be many players that simply haven't played it yet and even minor spoilers may make their experience less pleasant.
15 Jan 2021, 2:51pm
I've watched a few YouTube videos re: CyberPunk, & so far, don't intend on getting it.

Too much angst for this tired old soul...
15 Jan 2021, 3:12pm
Considering the ending I got and my chosen name, finding these words at that location. Made the narrative shift meaning for me.

15 Jan 2021, 6:41pm
Synthya WylderI've watched a few YouTube videos re: CyberPunk, & so far, don't intend on getting it.

Too much angst for this tired old soul...

Angst? Sod that for a laugh. I’m out. The one benefit to getting old, is not having to do angst. I have become too firmly entrenched in not giving a darn, to go back now.
15 Jan 2021, 6:53pm
Yee, Night City is full of rubbish bags.

It's not trash, it's the emotional baggage ya love interest NPCs carry around with them.
Bunch of mal-adjusted angst-generators.

Last edit: 15 Jan 2021, 7:01pm
15 Jan 2021, 7:05pm
Effie Trinket
Synthya WylderI've watched a few YouTube videos re: CyberPunk, & so far, don't intend on getting it.

Too much angst for this tired old soul...

Angst? Sod that for a laugh. I’m out. The one benefit to getting old, is not having to do angst. I have become too firmly entrenched in not giving a darn, to go back now.

Double-down on that. I figure, I've got ~10 years left & I'm fresh outta fucks, so I have none left to give.

Kinda gives one a different perspective on things!
15 Jan 2021, 7:44pm
Aleksander Majjam
Ugh. Does Inara really not have an ignore function?

You can set your ignore list here or unsubscribe from the thread, depends what your intention is.

Massive thanks, Artie. I knew I saw it before a loooooong time ago, and now I'm kind of surprised it was there all along. Thank you very much.

ArtieYeah, it certainly would be good to avoid as much spoilers as possible, even the small ones. That's why the spoiler tag is here. The CP2077 is still a fresh game and there may be many players that simply haven't played it yet and even minor spoilers may make their experience less pleasant.

And thanks a second time.
15 Jan 2021, 7:47pm
Synthya Wylder
Effie Trinket
Synthya WylderI've watched a few YouTube videos re: CyberPunk, & so far, don't intend on getting it.

Too much angst for this tired old soul...

Angst? Sod that for a laugh. I’m out. The one benefit to getting old, is not having to do angst. I have become too firmly entrenched in not giving a darn, to go back now.

Double-down on that. I figure, I've got ~10 years left & I'm fresh outta fucks, so I have none left to give.

Kinda gives one a different perspective on things!

Oh, I believe you have much longer than that, Syn.

Did you ever get a chance to start watching Firefly?
15 Jan 2021, 7:49pm
Lambast MercyYee, Night City is full of rubbish bags.

It's not trash, it's the emotional baggage ya love interest NPCs carry around with them.
Bunch of mal-adjusted angst-generators.

V has a lot of emotional baggage as well, but then again what do you expect when you live in a city in which...

...the rich can get a car insurance that pays some ridiculously low "settlement" to the bereaved if you happen to run somebody over in a vehicular manslaughter hit-and-run while commiting DUI and the case gets closed?

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