
12 Feb 2021, 6:28pm
Choices, choices, I'll choose both!
12 Feb 2021, 10:29pm
Imagine still carrying on about politics on an E:D board. Go post that crap on FB and Twitter.

ArtieAlright, let's consider this topic as exhausted and let's move on to another hot topic like which salt is better or pineapple on pizzas.

Pineapple should never be anywhere near a pizza.
12 Feb 2021, 10:45pm
13 Feb 2021, 3:52am
Pineapple is gross
13 Feb 2021, 9:36am
To each their own Artie. While I personally love some pizza with pineapple, pineapple isn't something that goes on all pizzas. There's a place near where I live that has a blue cheese sauce, spicy chicken, and jalapenos (the pickled kind of course) and it's delicious. However, I'd be very hesitant to put pineapple anywhere near that thing. Regardless of my opinions though, I don't condemn people for their unusual tastes... because, to be honest, I kind of want to try a pizza with pickles (of all things!) on it.
13 Feb 2021, 10:59am
Pineapple goes in Piña Colada.
13 Feb 2021, 1:39pm
I will not judge people for putting pineapple on THEIR pizza but keep that shit away from mine
13 Feb 2021, 3:11pm
Igneel PrimeI will not judge people for putting pineapple on THEIR pizza but keep that shit away from mine

I'll do the judging, too.
13 Feb 2021, 3:17pm
Rebecca Hail
Igneel PrimeI will not judge people for putting pineapple on THEIR pizza but keep that shit away from mine

I'll do the judging, too.

Why is it I get a mental picture of you interdicting Pizza Hut delivery bikes and launching hatch-breakers?
13 Feb 2021, 3:31pm
Now there's an interesting thought... what would you pirate solely for your own use/and or enjoyment? I get the feeling liquor and beer are going to be high on this list lol
13 Feb 2021, 3:53pm
Madi-TenurrNow there's an interesting thought... what would you pirate solely for your own use/and or enjoyment? I get the feeling liquor and beer are going to be high on this list lol

Don't forget the Hawaiian Pizza!
13 Feb 2021, 4:00pm
Silver Taffer
Rebecca Hail
Igneel PrimeI will not judge people for putting pineapple on THEIR pizza but keep that shit away from mine

I'll do the judging, too.

Why is it I get a mental picture of you interdicting Pizza Hut delivery bikes and launching hatch-breakers?

If I find Pizza Hawaii in your hold taking prisoners ceases to be an option.
13 Feb 2021, 4:16pm
Becca on Fuel Rat duty: "You called & out of fuel?"

Hapless Cmdr: "Why, yes, yes we did!"

Becca: "Hmmm... I see you've got Hawaiian pizza in your hold."

Hapless Cmdr: "Yes we do & it's delicious!"

Becca: "Enjoy your pizza." <jumps out of system>

<Becca changes her motto to "We've got fuel & you don't. Carrying Hawaiia pizza? You still don't have fuel. Any questions?">
13 Feb 2021, 10:39pm
Don't know if pineapple belongs on pizza, but it sure does belong into these:

13 Feb 2021, 11:01pm
Rebecca Hail
Igneel PrimeI will not judge people for putting pineapple on THEIR pizza but keep that shit away from mine

I'll do the judging, too.

Judge me, Becca.

Judge. Me.

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