
26 Jan 2021, 4:27am
Xeknos I'm not sure if I'd categorize "copying elements of Star Trek literally wholesale because multiverse" is really a mistake, though. Seems like you have to go into that with some intention.

But hey, backstories don't really matter, right?

The way I'd written it the 1st time, including elements of Star Trek was a faux pas...& I had some creative advice to do otherwise, so I found a way to include those elements in her Bio, without a blatant injection of a whole other series & universe into that of E:D.

You've plainly read her Bio... I think it plausible that in her generational ship, there'd be such recorded entertainment from the world the crew & passengers left, to enjoy during lifetimes of the journey& the generation ships did all come from Earth.

Star Trek has been & is 1 of the most famous & long-lived SciFi series, & arguably, if it didn't initiate the series genre, it very likely was 1 of the key influences. Besides, I'm a huge ST fan from Day One.

So, as you read, Synthya was frozen solid for ~1K years, effectively dead, & would have been nothing but a meatsicle in the near absolute zero of deep space except for a fluke, a twist of fate, that between her genetic modification/manipulation/mutation combined with the engineered injections somehow kept her revivable.

Not without cost though, with her memories jumbled (all this, if it isn't written already, will come out in the RP story) & finding that data crystal & seeing what she saw (all this has yet to come out in the RP story) would do nothing to help her confusion after being revived & returning to functionality with rehabilitation.

I agree with you on the point of my including that ST element, 1 of the most notable episodes from ST:TOS, was intentional, but I also wanted to respect what little of what E:D Lore there is. I simply added a bit of "artistic license" & creativity & wrote it in such a way that it would work.

I can't tell you how many hours it took/takes me to write things, because plausibility is such a huge thing for me. I research everything, & often quite technical. Like so many pages & articles & white papers on the Bussard Drive for instance. Another example is that "ConLang" I use for that paragraph, based on 'Trigedasleng' from "The 100" series, which seemed entirely plausible, but there isn't any translator for that & I spent days, weeks, working through dozens of sites of conversion dictionaries, & even engaged a group of fans who have made it a hobby to be able to communicate using it, for advice. To an aficionado, it's flawed, & likely they can (& maybe did, I'll have to check) do better; in future writings, I'll use only a word or 2... HUGE PITA to write in it for me. But, I thought it added another level of plausibility.

Call me a nerd, a geek, & that I'm OCD. Heh. Weird, certainly! I'm just SO not a fantasy fan.

Last edit: 26 Jan 2021, 4:40am
26 Jan 2021, 4:36am
As to being unique, special, so far I haven't heard or read about any other Bio or backstory like Synthya's, or even in E:D Lore. Maybe for good reason, who knows?

I do know that I didn't want to make it like a loose copy of others & neither did I want it to read like a resume.
26 Jan 2021, 8:54am
XeknosElite doesn't have this problem. Our characters are nobodies. It is okay not to be special. And some of the best characters I've seen on this website are the people who find a way to make being a nobody interesting.

26 Jan 2021, 11:25am
I think that those points also apply to taking & posting screenshots.
26 Jan 2021, 8:09pm
Hi Commanders, how are you? I missed for a while, i hope you 2021 is started in a good way
27 Jan 2021, 11:21am
Synthya WylderPlease join me in honoring the actress Mira Furlan, Delenn from Babylon 5, as today, she passed beyond the vale. She awaits us beyond the rim. We live for the one, we die for the one.

27 Jan 2021, 12:46pm
HCS has a voice pack that Mira Furlan performed for them.
Now seems like a good time to get it.

28 Jan 2021, 7:44am
28 Jan 2021, 7:49am

28 Jan 2021, 12:18pm
Rebecca Hail


Aleks, perhaps you should entertain us with more photoshhop stuff after your project for Amata is over.
28 Jan 2021, 12:20pm
28 Jan 2021, 12:25pm
Have anyone watched Raised by wolves

The most weird Sci-fi series I've watched so far.
28 Jan 2021, 5:00pm
EpisparhHave anyone watched Raised by wolves

The most weird Sci-fi series I've watched so far.

I did and was confused by it all. Considering their tech yet still obsessed with "god"...

all weird
28 Jan 2021, 7:50pm
Sir Sprockett
I did and was confused by it all. Considering their tech yet still obsessed with "god"...

all weird

Believing in a "god" is very common in sci-fi. This is the least weird stuff out in this.
28 Jan 2021, 8:18pm
Sir Sprockett
I did and was confused by it all. Considering their tech yet still obsessed with "god"...

all weird

Believing in a "god" is very common in sci-fi. This is the least weird stuff out in this.

i also felt unfinished at the end of it. Is based on a book or was it written direct for TV?

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