
07 Feb 2021, 3:03am
Man, Cyberpaunk is so good.
07 Feb 2021, 8:30am
I found Type-8 in Space Sweepers movie.
07 Feb 2021, 10:05am
EpisparhI found Type-8 in Space Sweepers movie.
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Ah, how was the movie? It popped up last night on Netflix, but I wasn’t sure if it was worth watching...
07 Feb 2021, 11:54am
Do not know. I haven't finished it yet.  I was impressed how the ship turned from standard type-7 form to wider and sleaker type-8.
07 Feb 2021, 4:14pm
Claude_GlystraAh, how was the movie? It popped up last night on Netflix, but I wasn’t sure if it was worth watching...

Typical South-Korean popcorn flick. The visuals were state of the art, the story was fast-paced and... family-friendly, I guess. Nothing dark or edgy in there. Not bad, but not a milestone of sci-fi either.
07 Feb 2021, 6:14pm
Claude_GlystraAh, how was the movie? It popped up last night on Netflix, but I wasn’t sure if it was worth watching...

Typical South-Korean popcorn flick. The visuals were state of the art, the story was fast-paced and... family-friendly, I guess. Nothing dark or edgy in there. Not bad, but not a milestone of sci-fi either.

Yeah, my first thought was family friendly, hence my question In my book sci-if should be a gritty, dark, dystopian hellscape filled with vaulting dreams, lost hopes and apocalyptic orgies. And space dust. Definitely space dust. Just not near the orgies.
08 Feb 2021, 6:05pm
Good effects, serious overacting and love, good for a bag of popcorn during this lockdown.
10 Feb 2021, 4:09pm
Neither racism nor slavery are exclusively right-wing. Plenty of forced labour in the Soviet Union, plenty of racism in communist China. In fact the whole left-wing concept of racial equity is inherently racist (a.k.a. "bigotry of low expectations", a.k.a. "math is racist").

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:26am
10 Feb 2021, 4:55pm
SakashiroNeither racism nor slavery are exclusively right-wing. Plenty of forced labour in the Soviet Union, plenty of racism in communist China. In fact the whole left-wing concept of racial equity is inherently racist (a.k.a. "bigotry of low expectations", a.k.a. "math is racist").

Well said.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:26am
10 Feb 2021, 5:45pm
sakashiroIn fact the whole left-wing concept of racial equity is inherently racist (a.k.a. "bigotry of low expectations", a.k.a. "math is racist").

While I agree completely with your initial statement, and aside from being a diversion from the issue, this quote alarms me. I do not think that the concept of racial equality is inherently racist. In fact parity and equality are the only means to remove bigotry. Bringing the American SBLE debate into the argument, if anything re-enforces the right-wing attitudes that are constantly employed throughout the US to maintain the status quo.

This excerpt comes from a paper released by the US Racial Equality Institute (who I don't think are inherent racists), in August 2019:
"Beyond its fundamental role in the articulation of NCLB, the term “soft bigotry of low expectations” and its ideology continue to be at the heart of discourse about education in the US ... this ideology is used by the American political far right and ... SBLE ideology is ultimately used to defend or maintain white supremacy in mathematics education."
-from The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations and Its Role in Maintaining White Supremacy Through Mathematics Education by Laurie Rubel (City University of New York / University of Haifa) and Andrea V. McCloskey (Pennsylvania State University).

Okay, so let's leave the political left-vs-right alone as that is looking like a distraction and, as Synthya says, it probably belongs elsewhere.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:26am
10 Feb 2021, 6:15pm
Yes, we should leave modern politics away, both from INARA and Elite: Dangerous - especially taking into account society itself is severely polarized due to a lot of factors. We should rather focus on why being Imperial, Federal, Alliance or Independent is the worst thing in the Milky Way.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:26am
10 Feb 2021, 7:32pm
QuillmonkeyI do not think that the concept of racial equality is inherently racist.

Racial equality and racial equity are different things. In fact they contradict each other.

Racial equality refers to equal opportunity regardless of skin color.

Racial equity refers to racial discrimination to achieve equal outcomes between groups of different skin colors. Here's an example:

Observation: Ethnic group A scores higher in math than ethnic group B on average.
Conclusion: Math is systemically racist against group B.
Solution: Math score requirements for members of group B must be lowered to ensure equal representation in colleges, jobs, etc.
Result: Racial discrimination against group A.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:26am
10 Feb 2021, 7:45pm

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:26am
11 Feb 2021, 1:21am
QuillmonkeyI do not think that the concept of racial equality is inherently racist.

Racial equality and racial equity are different things. In fact they contradict each other.

Racial equality refers to equal opportunity regardless of skin color.

Racial equity refers to racial discrimination to achieve equal outcomes between groups of different skin colors. Here's an example:

No, don't even start on that. I am not going to follow you down your embafflement with racial equity. This is not a conversation I am comfortable having on a gaming board. It is actually quite shocking.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:27am
11 Feb 2021, 5:39am
QuillmonkeyI do not think that the concept of racial equality is inherently racist.

Racial equality and racial equity are different things. In fact they contradict each other.

Racial equality refers to equal opportunity regardless of skin color.

Racial equity refers to racial discrimination to achieve equal outcomes between groups of different skin colors. Here's an example:

No, don't even start on that. I am not going to follow you down your embafflement with racial equity. This is not a conversation I am comfortable having on a gaming board. It is actually quite shocking.

Honestly it’s disappointing to read.  The imagery of equity is often depicted of two individuals standing in front of a fence, with equity portrayed as the short individual being given a box to stand on so that they can see on the other side of the fence just as easily as the taller unassisted individual can.

Based on what I am reading, it seems some would be more concerned that the taller individual did not also receive a box, and thus some form of injustice were committed against the taller individual even when they don’t need it.  Either both get a box, or neither in the spirit of equality.  If the shorter person can’t see over the fence without the box, well, that’s just life I guess and they should just do without, even though there is a box there that one of them could be given.  No no, can’t have preferential treatment here!

It’s such a cynical style of thinking that automatically assigns victimhood to the party that didn’t also get something, framed in a vacuum without taking any circumstances into consideration.  I can’t relate to it.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Feb 2021, 10:27am

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