
21 Feb 2021, 2:01pm
Rebecca Hail
Igneel PrimeTo clarify. All the numbers mentioned are before taxes.

And to you taking my PC I can only reply with what Rebecca said. That's impacting my life. More because I also need it to work and for school rather than playing video games. Jeff Bezos won't have issues getting by if you take even 90% of his wealth. PROPORTIONALITY once again. Plus you show me how you build a proper well with the couple hundred that my PC is worth. Good luck

So, how much would you earn if the taxation was lifted?

You're missing the point.

Fella here says that loss of his computer would impact his life standards significantly, and I, for example, take an issue with that, knowing that there are hundrets of thousands of people living without one. You're certanly not going to die becuae of lack of internet access, and there are people who, without those mere hundet of dolars of it's worth, are certanly going to die within days. That sounds like a poor excuse for me.

That's the issue right there, who sets the standards, and where to they end, and why. Because, literally, if we seach far enough we can find somebody whose in far worse situation than you do. Are we going to let Sudanian children die of dehydration because some Austrian might loose it's current job without accest to PC? Also, where our responsibility to save the world ends? Am i responsible fot the fate of every poor person that exists on a planet? Am I an evil person for not forking over my savings to him?

Also, Besos owns a corporation, so it's not like he got all that money out of nothing, people paid him for his product or service in the first place, willingly.
21 Feb 2021, 2:02pm
So who's gonna tax Jeff Bezos? The Biden admin?

Some folks don't seem to realize it, but the corporate world loves Marxism. Corporations love China because it's a country run like a corporation, with a CEO at the top. They want that in the west, too. That's why they're telling you (through their mouthpiece, the WEF): "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."
21 Feb 2021, 2:04pm
Rebecca Hail

So, how much would you earn if the taxation was lifted?

You're missing the point.

Fella here says that loss of his computer would impact his life standards significantly, and I, for example, take an issue with that, knowing that there are hundrets of thousands of people living without one. You're certanly not going to die becuae of lack of internet access, and there are people who, without those mere hundet of dolars of it's worth, are certanly going to die within days. That sounds like a poor excuse for me.

That's the issue right there, who sets the standards, and where to they end, and why. Because, literally, if we seach far enough we can find somebody whose in far worse situation than you do. Are we going to let Sudanian children die of dehydration because some Austrian might loose it's current job without accest to PC? Also, where our responsibility to save the world ends? Am i responsible fot the fate of every poor person that exists on a planet? Am I an evil person for not forking over my savings to him?

Also, Besos owns a corporation, so it's not like he got all that money out of nothing, people paid him for his product or service in the first place, willingly.

You're still missing the point. Pushing some people further into poverty to help the poor won't solve shit. And that is where my conversation with you ends.
21 Feb 2021, 2:07pm
Rebecca Hail

So, how much would you earn if the taxation was lifted?

You're missing the point.

Fella here says that loss of his computer would impact his life standards significantly, and I, for example, take an issue with that, knowing that there are hundrets of thousands of people living without one. You're certanly not going to die becuae of lack of internet access, and there are people who, without those mere hundet of dolars of it's worth, are certanly going to die within days. That sounds like a poor excuse for me.

Taking his computer away would impact his living standard. How can you not understand that? He's talking about HIS living standard, not about the living standard of a starving child in a third world country. So yes, he could survive without one, but it would lower HIS living standard.

I have no idea what kind of argument you're trying to make here or why you're pulling out a strawman about people living with lower standards. It has literally nothing to do with any of the points made here.

That's the issue right there, who sets the standards, and where to they end, and why. Because, literally, if we seach far enough we can find somebody whose in far worse situation than you do. Are we going to let Sudanian children die of dehydration because some Austrian might loose it's current job without accest to PC? Also, where our responsibility to save the world ends? Am i responsible fot the fate of every poor person that exists on a planet? Am I an evil person for not forking over my savings to him?

Standards are different from country to country. In Zimbabwe I'd live like a queen, but here I can't. What a shocker.

Again, what has a Sudanian child to do with any of this? "We shouldn't tax rich people because childs in Sudan die of dehydration." It's just not an argument that makes sense.

Also, Besos owns a corporation, so it's not like he got all that money out of nothing, people paid him for his product or service in the first place, willingly.

Yeah, and? That means he should be exempted from taxes? What benefit for society is there to not tax rich people?
21 Feb 2021, 2:08pm
SakashiroSo who's gonna tax Jeff Bezos? The Biden admin?

Some folks don't seem to realize it, but the corporate world loves Marxism. Corporations love China because it's a country run like a corporation, with a CEO at the top. They want that in the west, too. That's why they're telling you (through their mouthpiece, the WEF): "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."

Igneel will  :D

Marxism and corporations have one thing in common with regards to economics:

Total monopoly They want it. They need it. They love it.
21 Feb 2021, 2:09pm
WulthusAlso, Besos owns a corporation, so it's not like he got all that money out of nothing, people paid him for his product or service in the first place, willingly.

That is exactly the problem. People hate Bezos but order stuff through Amazon. They hate Microsoft but buy Xboxes and use Windows instead of Linux. They hate Apple but buy the iPhone, etc.
21 Feb 2021, 2:11pm
SakashiroSo who's gonna tax Jeff Bezos? The Biden admin?

Some folks don't seem to realize it, but the corporate world loves Marxism. Corporations love China because it's a country run like a corporation, with a CEO at the top. They want that in the west, too. That's why they're telling you (through their mouthpiece, the WEF): "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."

I mean, Bezos personally would need to be taxed the the United States, obviously. He's living there afaik.

But his corporation should be taxed in all countries where they generate a revenue, for the revenue they generate in that particular country. That's sadly not so easily possible thanks to the Internet.
21 Feb 2021, 2:17pm
WulthusAlso, Besos owns a corporation, so it's not like he got all that money out of nothing, people paid him for his product or service in the first place, willingly.

That is exactly the problem. People hate Bezos but order stuff through Amazon. They hate Microsoft but buy Xboxes and use Windows instead of Linux. They hate Apple but buy the iPhone, etc.

Aye. They hate the rich, but still give them money happily. All those ammased millions are for the most part their money, which they happily gave away for their Starbucks coffie or whatever, insted of giving it to the people in need.

And, ofc, this money was spend on products and services that would make their lifes better. Those selfish arseholes  

Last edit: 21 Feb 2021, 2:23pm
21 Feb 2021, 2:18pm
Rebecca Hail
SakashiroSo who's gonna tax Jeff Bezos? The Biden admin?

Some folks don't seem to realize it, but the corporate world loves Marxism. Corporations love China because it's a country run like a corporation, with a CEO at the top. They want that in the west, too. That's why they're telling you (through their mouthpiece, the WEF): "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."

I mean, Bezos personally would need to be taxed the the United States, obviously. He's living there afaik.

But his corporation should be taxed in all countries where they generate a revenue, for the revenue they generate in that particular country. That's sadly not so easily possible thanks to the Internet.

Aye, agree. No one should be above the law. Sadly, that is not the case.
21 Feb 2021, 2:49pm
WulthusAlso, Besos owns a corporation, so it's not like he got all that money out of nothing, people paid him for his product or service in the first place, willingly.

That is exactly the problem. People hate Bezos but order stuff through Amazon. They hate Microsoft but buy Xboxes and use Windows instead of Linux. They hate Apple but buy the iPhone, etc.

Aye. They hate the rich, but still give them money happily. All those ammased millions are for the most part their money, which they happily gave away for their Starbucks coffie or whatever, insted of giving it to the people in need.

And, ofc, this money was spend on products and services that would make their lifes better. Those selfish arseholes  

And what has this to do with taxation?

Ofc they can spend their money how they want, the issue is how much of it should go to taxes if they earn significantly more than the average population.

Rebecca Hail
SakashiroSo who's gonna tax Jeff Bezos? The Biden admin?

Some folks don't seem to realize it, but the corporate world loves Marxism. Corporations love China because it's a country run like a corporation, with a CEO at the top. They want that in the west, too. That's why they're telling you (through their mouthpiece, the WEF): "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."

I mean, Bezos personally would need to be taxed the the United States, obviously. He's living there afaik.

But his corporation should be taxed in all countries where they generate a revenue, for the revenue they generate in that particular country. That's sadly not so easily possible thanks to the Internet.

Aye, agree. No one should be above the law. Sadly, that is not the case.

I mean, the EU is pushing to taxing the big US tech firms properly in the EU. Whether Bezos is properly taxed or not is business of the US.
21 Feb 2021, 4:15pm
I'm never gonna retire and I make six figures during a good year.  Society won't even be here by then and even if it was, my health was failing before the pandemic.  The nice thing is I don't have to worry about playing in the casino (the stock market) to make sure my savings aren't inflated to the point of being worthless.  The bad thing is, well, everything else.  Hope I'm wrong.

To add to the topic, we should always pay to modernize infrastructure. The whole point of society is to plant trees whose shade we will never sit in. Otherwise, why pay taxes or have a society at all?
21 Feb 2021, 4:32pm
WulthusFella here says that loss of his computer would impact his life standards significantly, and I, for example, take an issue with that, knowing that there are hundrets of thousands of people living without one. You're certanly not going to die becuae of lack of internet access (...)

I'd like to point out lack of smartphone or any device that connects to the internet is not just a living standard, but basic necessity to survive in the world that surrounds us. Without such a device it's not survival, but mere existence in disconnection from a world in which you cannot find a job, fill taxes or even pay for your meal - because you are required to have a working phone number and internet connection.

Comparing the USA to Zimbabwe Sudan also doesn't make sense as both situations apply to different context, let alone being just extreme cases. It is like comparing a depressed teenager because his pet died - to a teenager who just lost his parents in the war zone. None of us is in a position to try any comparison, or even worse, point out which one puts a bigger suffering. If there is only one thing that universally connects these two situations is grief that cannot be measured.

Same applies to living standards that depend on the overall context.

What if I told you that you can live in a warm house, have internet, a decent but low-spec PC, being educated to the limits... but you still would be basically in stagnation on borderline of "mere existence"? All that, because you were not able to find a stable full-time job, partially rely on now-defunct employment office due to pandemic, and even without the pandemic, you had been jobless for over two years while sending your resume daily. Lack of progress despite your best efforts isn't keeping a living standard but being trapped with no way to escape the vicious cycle. I mean, there are few but they are either illegal or let's say... definitive.

Last edit: 21 Feb 2021, 5:09pm
21 Feb 2021, 6:12pm

21 Feb 2021, 7:15pm
... and with these words, I consider this topic as closed.
21 Feb 2021, 8:40pm

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