
16 Feb 2021, 9:52pm

& we shall return with untold millions & billions of Carto & exploration data to turn in, laughing all the way to the bank & slip by under your very nose, no matter the bluster & posturing & boasting & threats.

Immune to any & every attempt to attack, our magic cloak engaged!

Party On! <waves from so very very far away> [/quote] stay out there buddy...come see me when you want some honey in exchange ill take your salt[/quote]

there are only two ways to avoid death by the triglaive while you are one of us...two: stay hidden like a parasite. Then we might as well ignore you since you are non-consequential to the cause, however, if your contacts show a triglaive baby, runnnn!!!
16 Feb 2021, 9:54pm
Well, I think we've seen enough. Third time's a charm... eh?
16 Feb 2021, 10:09pm
I don't even know what just happened.
16 Feb 2021, 10:10pm
Nothing worth talking about too much
16 Feb 2021, 10:14pm
Aleksander MajjamI don't even know what just happened.

Artie just swung the banhammer against Ceph the 3rd time.
17 Feb 2021, 4:35am
It's always weird when people try to shoe-horn lore/factions from other sci-fi games into Elite.
17 Feb 2021, 7:16am
To be fair the Triglavians at least make some sense. He could've tried saying he's Sauron or something.
17 Feb 2021, 10:54am
LordPsymonIt's always weird when people try to shoe-horn lore/factions from other sci-fi games into Elite.

Well, this is the Offtopic channel... Assuming that you were referring to me, my use of the term was a euphemism for PG or Solo.

Within the context of 'he-who-shall-remain-unnamed' post, for all intents & purposes, PG or Solo would be as effective as said 'magic cloak', yes?

Last edit: 17 Feb 2021, 11:06am
17 Feb 2021, 11:06am
I was actually referring to the oddball person who keeps creating accounts and raving on about the Triglavians.
17 Feb 2021, 11:08am
Igneel PrimeTo be fair the Triglavians at least make some sense. He could've tried saying he's Sauron or something.

Yeah, no threat whatsoever, with a squadron totaling a whole one member.

LordPsymonI was actually referring to the oddball person who keeps creating accounts and raving on about the Triglavians.

Oh, OK. I'd never heard of the term until it was mentioned here.
17 Feb 2021, 11:20am
They're a faction from Eve Online.
17 Feb 2021, 11:32am
LordPsymonThey're a faction from Eve Online.

Ah, that explains it. I did a search to confirm what I'd already found & a faction by the name, or even a couple of variations, mentioned previously never even turned up.

So, of so little importance or influence as to never even be listed. The proverbial fart in a hurricane.

Coming from or referencing Eve, also explains a lot. I reviewed a number of games prior to purchasing E:D.

I was particularly unimpressed with a faction's motto, "We're not here to ruin the game; we're here to ruin your game!"

No idea why anyone would voluntarily pay to be subjected to that kind of angst & is beyond me.

Obviously, I made the best choice!

Last edit: 17 Feb 2021, 11:38am
17 Feb 2021, 11:55am
The Triglavians aren't a player faction. They're basically EVE's version of thargoids. Not as organic and more of a borg vibe but you get the idea. The story in EVE is far less important than in elite as the real story is what the players make. We talk about Feds and Empire potentially going to war and Rochester betraying the Federation while in EVE nobody gives a damn and just shoots at other people and the big story of the day is shit posting the other group's move on reddit. The here to ruin your game thing was from players and while it does sound evil, the way you put it makes it sound far worse than it is for any sane being. Since we'vehad this discussion before I won't make it another thousand words about it just being internet space ships.
17 Feb 2021, 1:10pm
Synthya Wylder

Yeah, no threat whatsoever, with a squadron totaling a whole one member.

I had a look at his squadron and noticed that too. Even his Alts don't want to hang around with him.

My favourite of his catchphrases is "I'm not stuck here with you, you're all stuck here with me!"

... right before he gets hit with the ban hammer.
17 Feb 2021, 1:11pm
Igneel PrimeThe Triglavians aren't a player faction. They're basically EVE's version of thargoids. Not as organic and more of a borg vibe but you get the idea. The story in EVE is far less important than in elite as the real story is what the players make. We talk about Feds and Empire potentially going to war and Rochester betraying the Federation while in EVE nobody gives a damn and just shoots at other people and the big story of the day is shit posting the other group's move on reddit. The here to ruin your game thing was from players and while it does sound evil, the way you put it makes it sound far worse than it is for any sane being. Since we'vehad this discussion before I won't make it another thousand words about it just being internet space ships.

As someone who roleplayed in EvE I need to disagree on one thing: The Amarr-vs-Minmatar and Gallente-vs-Caldari storylines were taken very seriously back in my days... but back then it was the "Empyrean Age"...

I even have that novel here. It's a very good read, highly recommended.

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