Igneel PrimeF I actually earned that much I'd be more than willing to give up some of it so it may be used where it's more needed. Be that other people or the infrastructure.
Living conditions of people in South Sudan had not been improving in years. We're talking no access to fresh water in like 90% of the country, forget the education and transport. It's capital is being surrounded bye people living in shaks. To build it's infrastructure, that part of the world needs a flow of raw capital, and in cases like this, it has been prooven to be an effective way to kickstart country's economy, and increase living standards of it's citizens. How much of your wealth did you donate to help ths people, and why?
Igneel PrimeAnd because I already hear it coming "BuT tHoSe PeOpLe EaRnEd ThAt MoNeY". No. Other people should have earned more and didn't.
Who decides who deserves what, and on what basis?
Igneel PrimeThe system needs to be reworked because it's broken and that starts at redistributing wealth as necessary.
Why wealth redistribution is the primary fix to the problems with the current socio-economic system?