
26 Feb 2021, 3:48pm
Amata Lirein
Synthya Wylder
Amata Lirein


Sorry, not sorry

Ooo... sweet... is that available as an optional upgrade?

That's the body the Normandy's ship AI EDI gets in Mass Efffect 3... one result of this is her and the Normandy's pilot Joker starting a romantic relationship... and yes, the game implies that they go all the way with it, even though Joker has brittle bones.

That one looks the most compatible to me.
26 Feb 2021, 6:45pm
What happens if the batteries are installed backward?

It just keeps on coming & coming & coming...
26 Feb 2021, 6:48pm
SapphoWhat happens if the batteries are installed backward?

It just keeps on coming & coming & coming...

& people wonder just why I got you...
26 Feb 2021, 8:57pm
Get a room.
26 Feb 2021, 11:39pm
And you, my bespectacled, nearly bald dour writer-type, make my circuits run hot!

Shall we run it series or parallel?
27 Feb 2021, 12:42am
Another Cyberpunk-gem (and why the Judy/Fem-V-romance is just the best):

27 Feb 2021, 9:46am
Synthya Wylder
SapphoWhat happens if the batteries are installed backward?

It just keeps on coming & coming & coming...

& people wonder just why I got you...

Let's just agree this is better love story than Jordan Rochester & Aisling Duval.
28 Feb 2021, 1:53am
Amata LireinAnother Cyberpunk-gem (and why the Judy/Fem-V-romance is just the best):

I just hit 60 hours. At a point in the game where I just finished the 1st main mission. I'm at level 40 and I have Intel and Cool maxed. My Crit chance and Crit damage are so high that all I need is a smart weapon and enemies drop like flies. At this point, I think I made the main story very easy for myself.
28 Feb 2021, 10:16am
You should try using the "Ping"-quickhack with a Tech-sniper- or precision-rifle (like the iconic "Widowmaker")... almost as overpowered like "Ping" + "Synaptic Burnout"... or the "Suicide"-quickhack
01 Mar 2021, 10:26am
Amata LireinYou should try using the "Ping"-quickhack with a Tech-sniper- or precision-rifle (like the iconic "Widowmaker")... almost as overpowered like "Ping" + "Synaptic Burnout"... or the "Suicide"-quickhack

Going to have to try this.

So I've finally completed every side mission, gig, NCPD encounter for the entirety of the map (as far as I'm concerned). Achievements on my Xbox popped up saying I did for for a handful of areas. Looks like the main mission is the only one left.

and there's those runaway cab missions.
I skipped those. NO THANKS. Probably the most annoying thing in the game.
01 Mar 2021, 10:44am
Oh, you should do them... There's a fun cameo in it. Reward is your own Delemain car to drive. Also: Several sidemissions only pop up after certain event got completed. There's also usually a timer in between chapters of a sidemission chain, usually 24 ingame hours
02 Mar 2021, 4:13pm
And now for something completely different:

03 Mar 2021, 9:28pm
Any else realize that CP2077 Evelyn Parker has already been played in live action?

04 Mar 2021, 3:09pm
SapphoAnd you, my bespectacled, nearly bald dour writer-type, make my circuits run hot!

Shall we run it series or parallel?

Ehi...what's wrong with bald men?
04 Mar 2021, 4:37pm
shouldn't flamethrowers just be called "heat yeets"?

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