
16 Mar 2021, 9:59pm
Synthya Wylder
Amata Lirein*hands out helmets before Rebecca finds this*

wuut... I'm bein' good, really I am! Just talkin' about bananas.

Sure you are...

*would post some pics of some "bananas" found via Google's image search, but is pretty sure those would cause Artie to swing his banhammer as well as Rebecca swinging her baseball bat*
16 Mar 2021, 10:01pm
<---heavy-duty high-impact halo with extended warranty
16 Mar 2021, 10:42pm
Sir SprockettI start to use the LOCAL spoken language and that is with accent. This helped me be accepted by the community.

I guess it's the most common issue with a language that's so widespread and having much more people who learned it as a foreign-international-universal, than native speakers (with their local accents). Once I've tried to do something with my accent too, then just gave this problem a blind eye - first, I'm texting thousands times more than speaking, and practice matters, and it's no reason for me to practice extensively because people, mostly, already can understand me. Second - I'll better spend my time on vocabulary improvements and (mostly) getting myself used to various phrases that one can't translate directly, word-for-word, some kind of slang, sayings, etc. So let it be the most predatory RRRR sound and some [th] issues (yup, I'm really bad at pronouncing), but with freedom of expressing thoughts with all their shades and tones.
16 Mar 2021, 10:48pm
Synthya Wylder <---heavy-duty high-impact halo with extended warranty

...say what now?
16 Mar 2021, 11:12pm
I honestly try to be very understanding of non-native English speakers with pronunciation because I know how poor my French sounds compared to native speakers.

Fun story, I was once working a summer job at a hardware store when I was young, and a French Canadian family came in. I had been studying French for several years, and felt I had a great handle on the language. That is until the parents started speaking to me, and I could barely keep up. Then, their 3 to 4 year old daughter started speaking, and I understood her perfectly. She sounded exactly like I did while speaking the language. Then the realization that I speak on the same level as a 3 to 4 year old native speaker made me feel like I never wanted to attempt speaking the language again. That feeling is why I try my best to go slow and be understanding of non-native speakers.

Even with native speakers, I'm generally understanding of different regions and accents. It's just this one, single word that drives me insane. Vague pronounced as "Vag" instead of "Vayge". *eye twitch*
16 Mar 2021, 11:20pm
ZakMan2409I know how poor my French sounds compared to native speakers.

Have seen various occasions of non-natives speaking and texting in English better than mediocrily educated natives. :p
17 Mar 2021, 12:40am
Amata Lirein
Synthya Wylder <---heavy-duty high-impact halo with extended warranty

...say what now?

(Hoping to spare myself from the set of head-lumps via Becca's naughty-bat)
17 Mar 2021, 2:25am
Synthya, I think the bat would get stuck on one of the horns holding up that “halo”...????
17 Mar 2021, 7:36am
Synthya Wylder
Amata Lirein
Synthya Wylder <---heavy-duty high-impact halo with extended warranty

...say what now?

(Hoping to spare myself from the set of head-lumps via Becca's naughty-bat)

Ah, now I get it
17 Mar 2021, 8:22am
Look. You guys know me. Straight arrow, pure of heart and mind.

Last edit: 17 Mar 2021, 5:04pm
17 Mar 2021, 1:53pm
how do i do proofs in geometry i need help
17 Mar 2021, 8:37pm
Aleksander MajjamLook. You guys know me. Straight arrow, pure of heart and mind.

pure =/= vacant

18 Mar 2021, 4:04am
18 Mar 2021, 7:31am
And tonight, I finally finished CP2077. What a ride. Sad that's it's over, but at least I'll get my RL back.

18 Mar 2021, 7:53am
Aleksander MajjamAnd tonight, I finally finished CP2077. What a ride. Sad that's it's over, but at least I'll get my RL back.


So, will you finally tell me which romance and ending you picked?

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