
06 Apr 2021, 12:19pm
LordPsymonWelp, I hope someone brought milk because it looks like shit's about to get spicy again.

As someone who was a certified trainer in O/C and C/S gas, you should know that milk won't help you in the slightest. Decontamination for C/S is fresh air. Decontamination for O/C (pepper spray) is a through flush with cold water, then fresh air for at least two hours. Whatever you do, do not ever rewet the sprayed area for those two hours, because any liquid will only reactive the O/C that is still on your skin and you will start the burning all over again.
06 Apr 2021, 1:09pm
But that 30 seconds or so of sweet relief the milk gives you can be make or break for a spicy buffalo wing eating challenge
06 Apr 2021, 1:11pm
Silver Taffer
Synthya Wylder

1918 influenza (H1N1): 50 million; CFR 2%-3%.

TL;DR: While the China Virus is real, the panic surrounding it & the resultant economic damage is manufactured.

The similarity of our modern day situation with the 1918 pandemic is possibly the most striking. The one major difference being the age group most at risk.
So, considering that the Spanish Flu virus killed a conservative 50 million people, more than died in all theatres of the first WW, and that widespread travel was a significant factor, are the modern day attempts to contain the spread a panic measure or a vital part of keeping the death toll far below the catastrophic level of 1918/1919?
And if your population is much reduced and weakened by disease, wouldn’t that result in economic damage anyway?

Considering the differences between the Spanish Flu & the current pandemic, including the mortality rates, I think it notable that the two different age groups to which those two pandemics proved/are proving to be most lethal are at either end of the age spectrum - the Spanish Flu was most lethal to the young(er) age group - usually those with the most robust immune systems & with relatively few co-morbidity factors - while the current virus is the most lethal to those in the oldest age group - those who tend to have age-related compromised health & with already weakened immune systems, along with the usual other co-morbidity factors. Plus, people are tending to live longer now, a hundred years later.

This brings up another of my points previously mentioned, the methodology of the classification as to the various causes of death.

While I can't speak for areas outside of the USA yet - the question over just who is destined to rule the galaxy, either myself or Cephalos, remains in doubt - here in the USA, hospitals receive extra funding if a death can be attributed to the China virus, so... if a person otherwise asymptomatic but testing positive were to die from an unrelated cause, for instance, getting run over by a bus, or falling while climbing a mountain, such a death is recorded as being attributed to the virus as the cause, thus inflating & distorting the numbers.

I'll say that although I'm in that upper high-risk age group, I have a very robust immune system & don't wear any mask (I have a medical mask waiver on file) & haven't missed a single day of work in over three years. I even smoke. My diet isn't the healthiest either. Yet here I remain, maybe destined to rule the galaxy one day. Mwuhahaha!

Sadly, those in the upper end of the age group are going to pass on in a relatively short time anyway, even if for nothing other than natural causes or various misadventures. Ultimately, none of us gets out alive.

One might even look upon the current pandemic as actually strengthening the population by culling the already aged & weak (a drain on the economic & medical resources anyway) & even reducing the population, moderating the impact of population-related global climate change.

Perhaps it might be more beneficial for the China virus to be spread as far & wide as possible? An objective point of view, to be sure.

Regardless, the mortality rate is sure to drop, for one reason or another, no matter what anyone does.
06 Apr 2021, 1:16pm
Synthya Wylderthe question over just who is destined to rule the galaxy, either myself or Cephalos, remains in doubt

I prefer not to intervene into virus topic, but this statement is interesting. Maybe you should start a dynasty? It'll be no doubt the most wicked plot.
06 Apr 2021, 1:38pm
Synthya Wylderthe question over just who is destined to rule the galaxy, either myself or Cephalos, remains in doubt

I prefer not to intervene into virus topic, but this statement is interesting. Maybe you should start a dynasty? It'll be no doubt the most wicked plot.

Alas, I'm childless & no, not because I cooked & ate them.

I can always adopt though... Interested?
06 Apr 2021, 1:48pm
Daiyousei7Chaos is never a solution. When a species falls from the top, it's easy for it to drag everything else down. We need to manage our descent through degrowth, but everyone is stuck thinking in the short term. No one cares about anyone outside of their bubble, humans aren't evolved enough as a whole and there aren't enough of us that are to force change to occur. A problem without any realistic solution.

All true, except we're not falling. Well, maybe the West is, but the species certainly isn't. Ask the average Chinese if they're optimistic or pessimistic about the future. Ask anyone in the former Soviet bloc if their lives have improved or not. Besides, we can't talk about overpopulation without mentioning the only continent where population is still growing exponentially. China is running massive infrastructure projects in Africa, while the aging societies of the West are scared shitless about humanity's future and paralyzed by a virus that kills few and almost exclusively old and sick people. The flu did that for decades, but no one ever imposed a lockdown to fight it. COVID-19 has killed 2.9 million people worldwide. Smoking kills more than 8 million people every year, including 1.2 million non-smokers.

Our never-ending lockdowns are a manifestation of insanity. We have collectively lost the plot.
06 Apr 2021, 2:02pm
06 Apr 2021, 3:30pm
Sakashiro Two hundred years ago, COVID-19 wouldn't even have registered as a disease, because it kills almost no one below the age of 60, and the average global life expectancy back then was below 40 years.

If you believe our problem is overpopulation, why are you worried about pandemics? Shouldn't you embrace them as possible solutions?

I'm not 'worried' about pandemics any more than I'm worried about dying in a plane crash. That is to say I don't dwell on this issue unless society insists on making unsafe planes to fly in (or I'm actually in a plane ). I am worried about misinformation because... information, education, and a knowledgable public are actual solutions to both Climate Change and Overpopulation (and not the ridiculous insinuation that I support euthanasia). Why? There is a strong correlation between level of education and quality of life, amount and efficacy of recycling, reduction in resource consumption (food, energy, fuel, etc...), and reduced number of offspring, as well as resistance to disinformation.

That is to say the best thing you can do to help the planet and yourself is simply to smarten up. Literally.
06 Apr 2021, 4:19pm
BurstarGTFO of here with your this carefully worded opinion fed to you by Fox News, racist, politically motivated bollocks 'murican..

Wow... Didn't take long for the Covid discussion to get nasty.
06 Apr 2021, 4:33pm
BurstarI'm not 'worried' about pandemics any more than I'm worried about dying in a plane crash.

You don't travel by plane, do you?
06 Apr 2021, 4:58pm
06 Apr 2021, 5:06pm
Note: I will be removing all posts that are clearly offensive. As usually - feel free to discuss even the difficult topics, but if anybody isn't able to do so without insulting others, directly and indirectly, there is recommended to not participate in such discussion at all.
06 Apr 2021, 5:09pm
Synthya Wylder
Synthya Wylderthe question over just who is destined to rule the galaxy, either myself or Cephalos, remains in doubt

I prefer not to intervene into virus topic, but this statement is interesting. Maybe you should start a dynasty? It'll be no doubt the most wicked plot.

Alas, I'm childless & no, not because I cooked & ate them.

I can always adopt though... Interested?

Yours and Cephalos dynasty. To eventually rule over all the galaxy!
06 Apr 2021, 6:39pm
Oh, yeah, right. A match surely made in Hell!
06 Apr 2021, 9:42pm
Hospitals get more funding if they prove a death is COVID related... hahahahahahahahaha. Do you have actual proof of that? Not you heard it from a friend of a friend. Actual physical proof that they get paid more for it.

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