
13 Apr 2021, 3:58pm
I my Python
13 Apr 2021, 4:00pm
Okay, Google, Tea Machine upgrades for Fer-De-Lance cockpit.
13 Apr 2021, 4:01pm
It's a great ship too. I've got three of both Krait MKII and Python. And one Krait Phantom. All great ships for exploring and fighting.
13 Apr 2021, 4:20pm
Both Kraits are great for anything, so easy to use.
Python because it's a Python. What's not to love? It's still my top ship.
FDL lets ya live out ya star fighter dreams perfectly.

I couldn't imagine not owing at least one of each.
13 Apr 2021, 5:46pm
I'm thinking of renaming my FDL the DAKKA MACHINE! I have it loaded with all multi-cannon.
13 Apr 2021, 11:51pm
Clover Shaw
Knightwolf 1785That would be fun. What ship would you use from Elite to mess with the borg?

In this case I would be helping the Borg! In a situation dealing with these things that if I remember correctly were very much like the Thargoids. And now I want to watch Voyager.

But to answer your question I would take the Type 10. Yes it's slow, but MORE DAKKA

I found those of Voyager episodes. Title is Scorpion Part 1 and 2
14 Apr 2021, 12:59am
Knightwolf 1785I found those of Voyager episodes. Title is Scorpion Part 1 and 2

Yeah once we had that conversation I went on Netflix and watched them. I haven't watched any Star Trek show in a very long time, so it was nice. Anyway, how cool would it be to go to that olive-green matterspace or whatever it was?
14 Apr 2021, 1:03am
Just as long a 8472 isn't around I'd be good. Fluidic space might be best traveled by Ships like the Anaconda, FDL, Cutter, and Clipper. Lease drag because of the rounded shape of the ships design is what I'm thinking.
14 Apr 2021, 1:04am
Clover Shaw
Knightwolf 1785I found those of Voyager episodes. Title is Scorpion Part 1 and 2

Yeah once we had that conversation I went on Netflix and watched them. I haven't watched any Star Trek show in a very long time, so it was nice. Anyway, how cool would it be to go to that olive-green matterspace or whatever it was?

"Fluidic space".

Not sure if it's actually a fluid; I can only imagine the difficulty moving through it at any appreciable velocity, & the pressure waves from explosions...
14 Apr 2021, 1:05am
Knightwolf 1785Just as long a 8472 isn't around I'd be good. Fluidic space might be best traveled by Ships like the Anaconda, FDL, Cutter, and Clipper. Lease drag because of the rounded shape of the ships design is what I'm thinking.

Don't forget the space whale trio. Hey those fins would come in pretty handy, I think.
14 Apr 2021, 1:15am
Clover Shaw Don't forget the space whale trio. Hey those fins would come in pretty handy, I think.

I did forget for a moment about them, and then there's the ship launch fighters. The Imperial ones seem the best as well for when the other ships are to big.
15 Apr 2021, 12:19am
Google's image search AI never stops surprising me.

I fed it with this:

It found this:

15 Apr 2021, 4:14pm
I sort of miss the days when pirate leaders weren't CEOs and slavery didn't mean social security.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Apr 2021, 10:06am
15 Apr 2021, 4:14pm
SakashiroI sort of miss the days when pirate leaders weren't CEOs and slavery didn't mean social security.


Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Apr 2021, 10:06am
15 Apr 2021, 4:20pm
Who still uses the term pirate? Todays term is Executive Nautical Redistribution Manager

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Apr 2021, 10:05am

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