
12 Apr 2021, 6:13pm
SakashiroI just realized I've been playing ED for more than a year.

Let's shut down everything and stay at home for a few weeks to flatten the curve, they said. My husband and I got bored, so we bought a few video games to pass the time. ED happened to be on sale and looked interesting. We expected to postpone our annual trip to Taiwan until autumn. We entertained ourselves while waiting for the lockdown to end. I found Inara and started writing.

One year later we're still struggling to flatten the curve. Recent developments suggest that vaccines won't stop viral transmission, and mutations have already made some of them partially ineffective. Governments seem willing to impose lockdowns forever and enforce them by increasingly authoritarian means.

I guess that's it, folks. The new normal. The end of the world as we know it.

Happy anniversary and thank you for your help through my 6 months of gaming on ED

If it was not for the pandemic- I would not be playing and I would not gone as far as I have without commanders like you and Inara!

13 Apr 2021, 3:08am
Just to see what people think: What is your idea for an Elite/Star Trek crossover and where would you go?

Just for the fun of it is why I'm asking. For my I'd take my Cobra MKIII along for some wild trouble making with Discovery.

Let me get this one out of the way for every engineer and science officer of star fleet: They have faster then light travel, but no gravity systems?! How can that be?
13 Apr 2021, 3:51am
Knightwolf 1785Just to see what people think: What is your idea for an Elite/Star Trek crossover and where would you go?

Just for the fun of it is why I'm asking. For my I'd take my Cobra MKIII along for some wild trouble making with Discovery.

Let me get this one out of the way for every engineer and science officer of star fleet: They have faster then light travel, but no gravity systems?! How can that be?

I think it would be cool to go to that weird biocosmos from the Star Trek Voyager episodes when they first met Seven of Nine.
13 Apr 2021, 4:05am
That would be fun. What ship would you use from Elite to mess with the borg?

Last edit: 13 Apr 2021, 5:01am
13 Apr 2021, 5:36am
Knightwolf 1785That would be fun. What ship would you use from Elite to mess with the borg?

In this case I would be helping the Borg! In a situation dealing with these things that if I remember correctly were very much like the Thargoids. And now I want to watch Voyager.

But to answer your question I would take the Type 10. Yes it's slow, but MORE DAKKA
13 Apr 2021, 5:43am

I also know those guys but I'd be careful since the Borg did try to pull a double cross. The good thing was getting Seven of Nine on Voyager.
13 Apr 2021, 7:49am
Clover ShawYes it's slow, but MORE DAKKA

You can always paint it red if you think it's too slow, like I did.
13 Apr 2021, 9:57am
Clover ShawYes it's slow, but MORE DAKKA

You can always paint it red if you think it's too slow, like I did.

Don't forget The Spoiler! It's there to, you know, improve its road-hugging capabilities during tight high-speed maneuvers.

Cuz it's speedy & agile & all that... right?
13 Apr 2021, 9:57am
I dunno man. Give me all the lasers for disco death mode and LRM20s because fuck you at range.

I've been watching Tex Talks Battletech again.
13 Apr 2021, 10:07am
I'd take Gutamaya and not get involved in their peasant dispute.

Oh second thoughts, I would want to steal whatever gives them perfect gravity on their ships. The amount of moose and hair spray one has to use to avoid the mad scientist look with no gravity is shocking.
13 Apr 2021, 10:18am
Don't forget the coffeemaker on 1 of the E:D ships... there must be a warning label there somewhere, warning against using it if not on a station, planetary or moon body, or during certain maneuvers generating a simulated gravity effect.
13 Apr 2021, 10:20am
Don't be silly, they simply use magnetic coffee
13 Apr 2021, 10:23am
13 Apr 2021, 10:24am
Synthya WylderDon't forget the coffeemaker on 1 of the E:D ships... there must be a warning label there somewhere, warning against using it if not on a station, planetary or moon body, or during certain maneuvers generating a simulated gravity effect.

That's the Krait Mk II btw
13 Apr 2021, 3:55pm
One of the only two "Falcon" ships we can all love. Just don't be between James Holden and his coffee machine.

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