
16 Apr 2021, 4:49pm
...and with these words let's end this topic. You know, politics and yadda yadda...
16 Apr 2021, 4:51pm
I'd argue there are better critics to choose from than a man who was totally fine with purging them, Becci.
16 Apr 2021, 5:04pm
So how about a more fun topic? Like if you could any ship from Elite loaded out like you want, and where would you go with it?
16 Apr 2021, 5:14pm
Knightwolf 1785So how about a more fun topic? Like if you could any ship from Elite loaded out like you want, and where would you go with it?

In real life?
16 Apr 2021, 5:26pm
My current loadout. My current activities.
16 Apr 2021, 5:45pm
Knightwolf 1785So how about a more fun topic? Like if you could any ship from Elite loaded out like you want, and where would you go with it?

In real life?

Mars, & imagine the shock of mission control of the Perseverance upon seeing my adorable smiling face.
16 Apr 2021, 5:54pm
Knightwolf 1785So how about a more fun topic? Like if you could any ship from Elite loaded out like you want, and where would you go with it?

In real life?

Or any where else you want. ^^

I think I'd buzz the Enterprise in my Anaconda for giggles.
16 Apr 2021, 5:55pm
I'd pop up to the space station and take the astronaut's loved ones up for a visit along with a load of take out.
S'not a lot given the abilities of that technology but I think it would be worth it.
16 Apr 2021, 5:55pm


The ultimate photobomb.....
16 Apr 2021, 6:05pm
Flying upside down in a Mamba on Mars, and firing off confetti.
16 Apr 2021, 7:26pm
Well Well good friday evening everyone

Everybody's fine here?
16 Apr 2021, 8:29pm
Hiding from the cold rain here. -.-
16 Apr 2021, 9:05pm
Fine and kicking some arse. So it's double fine.
17 Apr 2021, 6:22am
MeowersFine and kicking some arse. So it's double fine.

Wow my dear. U seems in a very bad mood. I missed something?
17 Apr 2021, 10:30am
MeowersFine and kicking some arse. So it's double fine.

Wow my dear. U seems in a very bad mood. I missed something?

Umm... It's a good mood, actually.

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...