
18 Apr 2021, 9:07am
You draw these? Cool stuff!
18 Apr 2021, 9:52am
Praise the fireman, hate the inspector, huh?
18 Apr 2021, 11:49am
SakashiroYou draw these? Cool stuff!

Pretty much what I spent my weekend doing, as well as Kyla Emmerich's avatar.

Rebecca HailPraise the fireman, hate the inspector, huh?

Praise those who swiftly turn up to remind me that I was a dumbarse for ignoring the inspector.
18 Apr 2021, 1:57pm
inspections are just the cost of doing business. It gets priced in. Nice time to take a break, maybe grab some tree grubs. I like the ones with the mint flavour.
19 Apr 2021, 12:54am
LordPsymonPretty much what I spent my weekend doing, as well as Kyla Emmerich's avatar.

I wish I could draw like that. My writing tends to be light on descriptions because my English isn't good enough. If I had the skills, I would just draw graphic novels instead.
19 Apr 2021, 1:08pm
SakashiroMy writing tends to be light on descriptions because my English isn't good enough.

Khm, I won't call this 'isn't good enough'. Not a native speaker myself too.
And the descriptive side... Do it really needed so much? Leaving something for reader's imagination is a good thing, as I think, bc actually involving your imagination instead of 'looking at pictures' could add a bit of interest. Just... some basic things to start with, so the views of places and ships etc won't be so much vague.
19 Apr 2021, 1:35pm
SakashiroMy writing tends to be light on descriptions because my English isn't good enough.

Khm, I won't call this 'isn't good enough'. Not a native speaker myself too.
And the descriptive side... Do it really needed so much? Leaving something for reader's imagination is a good thing, as I think, bc actually involving your imagination instead of 'looking at pictures' could add a bit of interest. Just... some basic things to start with, so the views of places and ships etc won't be so much vague.

I concur with being purposely light on specific details.

Years ago, I RPd in real-time in a sim as a traveling physician in a medieval setting. I'd tended to be very specific in describing what I used & how until I was advised to leave specific details to the imagination of the other participants.

The thing was, there were always some that would get to nit-picking & start squabbling & arguing over the details, completely ignoring such concepts as 'artistic license' & differences in interpretation.

Just like anywhere else on the interweb, including, sadly, Inara.

If that's a concern, try to let some things be purposely vague & let the reader/participant(s) fill in the details themselves.

It's rather like the difference between reading a book & watching a movie. The book reader will paint the story in their mind & each reader will paint a different picture. The movie, on the other hand, leaves nothing to the imagination - you are seeing someone else's already-painted picture.
19 Apr 2021, 1:42pm
Yeah, something like that. Anyway, sci-fi and all that's close to it already imagination-dependant, heavily. So people that read sci-fi stories, having an interest in this genre, probably could imagine various stuff.

I tend to see it like an aperture setting on a camera. You focus on what's happening, leaving background a bit blurred, it still exists, people can see what's there, but it won't grab much of attention when did that way. So readers can focus on important things too.
19 Apr 2021, 2:43pm
A sample of my RP based on a sci-fi genre called Aeon Trinity.

I tend to be very verbose in my posts. And I'm lucky enough to have a partner that's the same way. A lot of people might see novella posts as nonsense and fillers, but I like to write my posts as if watching a seconds' long cut from a scene from a movie. I want to convey, in words, everything that might be occurring in that scene. Background, actions, and feelings. Especially feelings. With that being said, there's always room for very short posts as far as firing back and forth dialogue between characters. My example might be on the extreme of post length since it's an introductory post, but I will typically write between 4-6 paragraphs per post. It's VERY difficult, IMO, to find writers that can sustain novella over the course of an RP.
19 Apr 2021, 3:03pm
Aleksander MajjamA sample of my RP based on a sci-fi genre called Aeon Trinity.

I tend to be very verbose in my posts. And I'm lucky enough to have a partner that's the same way. A lot of people might see novella posts as nonsense and fillers, but I like to write my posts as if watching a seconds' long cut from a scene from a movie. I want to convey, in words, everything that might be occurring in that scene. Background, actions, and feelings. Especially feelings. With that being said, there's always room for very short posts as far as firing back and forth dialogue between characters. My example might be on the extreme of post length since it's an introductory post, but I will typically write between 4-6 paragraphs per post. It's VERY difficult, IMO, to find writers that can sustain novella over the course of an RP.

"The file you requested has been deleted"
19 Apr 2021, 4:07pm
Aleksander MajjamI like to write my posts as if watching a seconds' long cut from a scene from a movie. I want to convey, in words, everything that might be occurring in that scene. Background, actions, and feelings.

I take the movie scene approach, too, but without the magnifying glass. Usually I finish dialogue first, then add gestures and facial expressions to "decorate" the speech, and finally describe locations, objects, and outfits. Conveying emotion is the most difficult part because the line towards melodrama is so easily crossed.

Another thing I find difficult is sticking to a plot. I prefer the Tetris technique: waiting for interesting ideas to fall from the sky, and then twisting them until they fit.
19 Apr 2021, 4:10pm
Amata Lirein
Aleksander MajjamA sample of my RP based on a sci-fi genre called Aeon Trinity.

I tend to be very verbose in my posts. And I'm lucky enough to have a partner that's the same way. A lot of people might see novella posts as nonsense and fillers, but I like to write my posts as if watching a seconds' long cut from a scene from a movie. I want to convey, in words, everything that might be occurring in that scene. Background, actions, and feelings. Especially feelings. With that being said, there's always room for very short posts as far as firing back and forth dialogue between characters. My example might be on the extreme of post length since it's an introductory post, but I will typically write between 4-6 paragraphs per post. It's VERY difficult, IMO, to find writers that can sustain novella over the course of an RP.

"The file you requested has been deleted"

Aw damn. It's never a bad day for me when I can share some Aeon Trinity. It's such a great story to write in. If anyone wants to give it a try and learn it, I'd be game in giving information about it. It's very easy to get into. Easier than Elite IMO, but maybe it's because I haven't delved as hard as I could into Elite's lore. Instead, here's some Star Wars since I can't access anything else when I'm at work.

The space of the large landing pad that was occupied seemed to become smaller as the worlds of all three finally collided together. V felt the tension as something palpable and stifling that threatened to overrun what little patience the Sith mustered. The situation demanded it of him, however, and he’d have to reach deep down into his resolve to give it its due. This determination to keep calm and collected was fortified by the belief that if Jezebel was once more confronted with a life-or-death choice, that she would choose life. V irrevocably believed this. Back in the Orion facility where she stared down the barrel of his blaster, her survival hinged on the pull of a trigger that his finger rested steadfastly on, until it didn’t. In those moments before faltering to do a duty that was asked of him by the man that he owed his life to, V burned the image to memory of what she looked like the moment she was ready to die. She looked strong. He was still closed off to the Force in those few seconds of time, but if the Sith could have felt the ebb and flow of her signature as she stared down death, he quickly surmised that it would’ve felt exactly like the tumultuous energy that was presently building up within her. A current of defiance as sure and fervent as the words following it.

V stood his ground against a tide that was poised to envelop him and shake him to his core. Behind a gamut of her emotions lay the foundations of ethereal strength born of the Force. It intensified with each word and each step she took towards inevitability. He had felt it once before, but missing was the buildup to that unmistakable explosive release of Force energy that had her signature on it. He remembered the rippled throes of it crashing against his barrier with a vigor that certainly deserved more than just being of note. Now the source was right in front of him, and it absolutely had to be respected. A weapon in untrained hands is still a weapon, and a Force sensitive that could summon the Force as she did was a danger to herself as well as others by virtue of unpredictability.

Concern led to a tightened grip around the thin stock of his lightsaber. For the first time since his arrival, V regarded Cal with a quick and careful stare. The Jedi’s presence was a burden, and his threat aptly considered. At the same time, he stayed attentive to what Jezebel was saying to him. Things that that he didn’t expect her to say, or ask. Then she revealed that she had the saber that he previously thought was lost. It cut him something fierce to realize that the only reason why he knew it wasn’t with him earlier was because of the empty space felt on his person. The Force of the crystal within it hadn’t connected to him since his fall from Jedi grace, and probably wouldn’t ever again. That didn’t mean it couldn’t be wielded, however.

The wayward Sith again raised a hand that had fallen earlier at the first sign of her contempt. This time in a bid to catch the saber he’d call from her grasp. Her accusations and exclamations gave him pause though. She shouted them at him, and V couldn’t help but feel his anger push against the wall of his restraint. Perhaps Cal felt this and prepared his own guard. He heard Cal's saber ignite, but the Jedi remained still as Jezebel moved between them. She had become emboldened. Enough to mention and defy Vos in the same breath. He began to inhale and exhale sharply, with his head canted ever so slightly like a predator taking measure, but his saber arm didn’t move an inch.

As the scene moved to spill over into something dangerous, Jezebel finally stepped into the precarious breadth of his space. She had to push his mechanical limb out of the way to do it, but it slowed her down none. When the first shove came, the more V cracked. She could never really see the bitterness that had twisted the features of his countenance, as she ended up being close. Close enough to yell into his face, and close enough for Qi’ra to begin to hear all via the comms tied his mask. By that time, the Sith had forgotten Qi’ra was even discernibly there. He was confused as to why she was goading him, but his rage prevented him from quickly sorting it out. Then the second shove happened, and the Sith snapped.

V regained his footing the moment she had spoken that last of her piece. He pushed forward in a lunge with his metal hand grabbing her one hand that held the saber and pressed it firmly, not painfully, against his chest. V’s saber hand curled over and up – and not straight up to cleave her arm off – to press his forearm against the line of her collarbone. She was smaller, and he was plenty pissed off, so swinging her in a half-circle that ended up with her back slamming against the hull of her own ship would be the outcome of their second’s long dance. Cal immediately moved to close the distance but stopped mid-stride when V repositioned the glowing red blade right near Jezebel’s neck. She could feel the erratic rise and fall of his chest, as well as the strong thump of a heartbeat that threatened to push through where he held her. The saber gave off no heat whatsoever, but its perfect brightness highlighted everything near it.

In that moment, V leaned in closer knowing full and well the wrong end of the lightsaber she held pointed upwards where is chin was. He let that hand of hers go, however, leaving Denali's saber in her grip still. The action was a silent statement in itself. Hand free, he raised it to grab his goggles and pull them off his face. His eyes were aglow as red as the humming blade. They were not reddish-yellow in a traditional Sith sense, but there was malevolence in them. The darkness around his eyes like shadowy tendrils were absolutely a product of his fall to the Dark side of the Force. When he finally spoke, he was as still as a branch unbothered by the wind, but his Force signature was saturated with chaos.

“I want vengeance, Jezebel.” The words seethed from his mouth, through the amplifier of his mask, and into her ears. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and when you hold onto the hate that I’ve held on for long, you take less and less notice of the lives that you cut down as easy as this blade through flesh and metal. The information on that drive is worth everything to me if it’s worth everything to Dryden Vos. To be a pet to Vos is a means to an end that you could never, ever comprehend. A means that becomes all the more complicated for as long as you breathe, and depriving you of that breath has become the single most difficult thing I’ve had to face in a very long time. Why?” He squinted lightly. “Because you don’t fear death, and it’s not because of bravery, but because I believe you think you have very little to live for. Maybe you don’t, but that drive you’re now carrying says otherwise. You’re right about Vos, though, but you’re no better than him in that you hide from your demons. If you didn’t, maybe you could’ve prevented all the things Orion enabled the Empire to do to make others suffer. You might’ve even failed, but at least you could’ve tried. That’s your burden to bear, however. And more when Vos realizes what was lost to him today.” V stood a few inches taller and finally shut off the lightsaber in his grip. He said a lot, but there were a lot of truths unspoken still. The reasoning for his abrupt change of heart regarding Vos was one of them. “You’re the means to an end now.” He paused, then glared. His next spoken words were as cryptic as ever. “Until you’re truly not. I’m all for seeing how this plays out. So what are you going to do, Jezebel Syko?”

Not a second after speaking, a TIE screamed overhead. Loud and powerful, before quickly being dispatched by the ship behind it. Qi’ra’s ship. The flaming wreckage would slam into an abandoned building near their pad. V turned away for a moment to watch her ship bank sharply over them, all the while quickly realizing that she was privy to the entirety of what was happening below her. With V momentarily distracted, Cal started a run towards Jezebel.

“Qi’ra…” V started, but she cut him off abruptly. He literally felt the implication of that.

“Time’s up, Lyn. Get out of there now. I’ll cover you as best as I can.”

He would glance over his shoulder to Jezebel and the Jedi, and she was already in motion to execute a very hasty retreat. There was so much that he wanted to explain to Qi’ra, but time was of the essence. He moved to bring up the rear and Cal cut him an incredulous glance. Sensing an immediate growth of unease from the man, V cut words towards the Jedi for the first time.

“Either you wait to deal with me later or we can settle up now. Your choice.”
19 Apr 2021, 5:16pm
Speaking of sci-fi RP. Any Expanse fans here?
19 Apr 2021, 5:21pm
Liked it. Maybe even a lot. But hardly can call myself a 'fan'.
19 Apr 2021, 5:34pm
Aleksander MajjamSpeaking of sci-fi RP. Any Expanse fans here?

Oh, yes. Book 9 out in October. Last one. Great series.

Things are hotting up, seriously.

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