
16 May 2021, 8:18pm
Amata LireinMe is bored, which means: It's random stuff time...

I can't show it without a link or something but I have marked odyssey on my material calender. It's a stick figure in a helmet with someyjing resembling an imperial cutter flying above might share it to the gallery.
16 May 2021, 8:22pm

I am soooo funny
16 May 2021, 8:30pm
Aleksander Majjam
Amata LireinMe is bored, which means: It's random stuff time...

16 May 2021, 9:03pm
Lambast MercySaud Kruger became the only ship that could fit Luxury Cabins, and it makes sense in-universe that a ship designed purely for passengers should be the only ships capable of having the best cabins.

While I have no disagreement with this, what does bother me is that Saud Kruger ships, despite being purely for passengers, do not haul the most passengers. They also need a ship that fits medium pads. Doing passenger missions in a Python or Anaconda just seems off to me.
16 May 2021, 9:06pm
Light-Hawk While I have no disagreement with this, what does bother me is that Saud Kruger ships, despite being purely for passengers, do not haul the most passengers.

They're designed to maintain a certain level of luxury, so no wonders that some Anaconda or T-7 fitted with economy-class cabins can carry more people, but in spartan conditions.
16 May 2021, 9:45pm
MeowersThey're designed to maintain a certain level of luxury, so no wonders that some Anaconda or T-7 fitted with economy-class cabins can carry more people, but in spartan conditions.

Yeah. Not that I don't understand this argument, but even taking luxuries into consideration, the big 3 can all haul more first class passengers than the Beluga, by quite a lot actually (not counting luxury cabins as only Saud Kruger can have those). The Corvette comes in at number 1 with up to 90 first class passengers, while the Beluga tops out at 63. So while there is that argument of extreme luxury, it just seems rather lack luster IMO all things considered.
16 May 2021, 10:04pm
Amata LireinMe is bored, which means: It's random stuff time...

God I think I was a kid when I saw it one time and 30 years later all I needed was to see the name and I started humming it. Man, that was such a good show
16 May 2021, 10:09pm
Amata LireinMe is bored, which means: It's random stuff time...

God I think I was a kid when I saw it one time and 30 years later all I needed was to see the name and I started humming it. gods that was such a good show

ikr? All the later iterations of the Muppets Show just didn't work as well as the original did, and I never really knew why exactly... sure, some of the newer characters they introduced didn't work so well, but that shouldn't have caused them to lose all the magic they originally had. So I really wonder what went wrong there.

I mean: Just look at that individual new-ish sketch with the Swedish Chef I posted above... it still works. So why do they fail whenever they try a new Muppets Show?
16 May 2021, 10:40pm
Amata Lirein
Amata LireinMe is bored, which means: It's random stuff time...

God I think I was a kid when I saw it one time and 30 years later all I needed was to see the name and I started humming it. gods that was such a good show

ikr? All the later iterations of the Muppets Show just didn't work as well as the original did, and I never really knew why exactly... sure, some of the newer characters they introduced didn't work so well, but that shouldn't have caused them to lose all the magic they originally had. So I really wonder what went wrong there.

I mean: Just look at that individual new-ish sketch with the Swedish Chef I posted above... it still works. So why do they fail whenever they try a new Muppets Show?

I couldn't tell you why the newer shows don't seem to do as well. I will say something seems off with the Statler and Waldorf bit that follows that video. My only guess is that modern management loses the priorities that the Jim Henson had in the beginning.

On the other hand...
20 May 2021, 7:44pm
o7 Cmndrs this is my 1st time posting so i might not be in the right thread but im really trying to find a location to buy Push can anyone help me with coordinates it would be much appreciated
21 May 2021, 9:39am
has anyone noticed ?

is anyone there, would check
21 May 2021, 10:20am
Rapishas anyone noticed ?

is anyone there, would check

FDev is working on a hotfix.
21 May 2021, 11:13am
Rapishas anyone noticed ?

is anyone there, would check

FDev is working on a hotfix.

im seriously worried for this. Probably we'll need an hotfix for the hotfix
21 May 2021, 11:16am
my school wifi isn't particularly smart.
these websites work:
these dont:

so elites and frontiers main websites don't but the side websites and inara works so does eddb and obsidian orbital also google sites is blocked.
21 May 2021, 7:24pm
Offtopic updates aren't coming fast enough since I'm still not able to log in to console Horizons. Need entertainment.

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