
23 Apr 2021, 11:55am
Never had a nes, but now you say it 'do a barrel roll' was a meme before there were memes.
23 Apr 2021, 12:04pm
Maybe it... evolved into being a meme. Not a best outcome though, e.g. I don't want to evolve into being a meme, not the best way to go down in the history, but... That's what it is now. As far as I know, again.
23 Apr 2021, 12:16pm
23 Apr 2021, 12:28pm
Yes, tough one.
Being immortalised (or at least known to many as) should be nice, but would I wanna be 'That' meme?


From what I remember of Ainsley Harriott on TV, he'd love being remembered for the Yeah Bwoi meme.
23 Apr 2021, 12:37pm
"Fought wars and died by gynoid malfunction during massage", mwahahahaaa
23 Apr 2021, 1:53pm
Lambast MercyStarfox on the nes anyone? Its graphics were about the same as Elite II.
And there's captain Bucky, captain Bucky O'hare. Who doesn't want to fly with "A cool fresh rabbit that can take care of it"
Personally, I can't wait to croke us some toads now I'm thinking about it.

Wow that's a blast from the past. I used to watch the cartoon.
23 Apr 2021, 2:03pm
I kind of remember Bucky. Didn't watch it, but I did enjoy the theme.

I looked up the theme on YouTube after I typed that. I found that Bucky was apparently a 'funky fresh rabbit' not 'cool fresh rabbit' as I typed.
Flippin 90s
23 Apr 2021, 2:11pm
Reading through this made me hit nostalgia hard. Star Fox, Star Control 2... good times.
23 Apr 2021, 5:00pm
On a sidenote: Who of you have ever heard of "Kennedy Steve"? And wouldn't it be kinda awesome to have him as a traffic controller voice for a spacestation (best one to use would be Jameson Memorial for exposure reasons)?
23 Apr 2021, 6:01pm
Amata LireinOn a sidenote: Who of you have ever heard of "Kennedy Steve"? And wouldn't it be kinda awesome to have him as a traffic controller voice for a spacestation (best one to use would be Jameson Memorial for exposure reasons)?

As cool as that would be (and really I'd be surprised if he hasn't actually done something like this already for something or other) it would probably be used as a Arx purchasable comms officer for FC's. would def buy it though.
23 Apr 2021, 6:06pm
Amata LireinOn a sidenote: Who of you have ever heard of "Kennedy Steve"? And wouldn't it be kinda awesome to have him as a traffic controller voice for a spacestation (best one to use would be Jameson Memorial for exposure reasons)?

As cool as that would be (and really I'd be surprised if he hasn't actually done something like this already for something or other) it would probably be used as a Arx purchasable comms officer for FC's. would def buy it though.

Nah, put him in station... "Bravo-Uniform Four-Seven Tango, stop blocking the mailslot, please. I may have got no tugs at hand right now, but I do have some cannons to get you out of the way of the traffic behind you!"
23 Apr 2021, 7:25pm
Amata Lirein
Nah, put him in station... "Bravo-Uniform Four-Seven Tango, stop blocking the mailslot, please. I may have got no tugs at hand right now, but I do have some cannons to get you out of the way of the traffic behind you!"

I totally read that in his voice
23 Apr 2021, 7:47pm
Amata Lirein
Nah, put him in station... "Bravo-Uniform Four-Seven Tango, stop blocking the mailslot, please. I may have got no tugs at hand right now, but I do have some cannons to get you out of the way of the traffic behind you!"

I totally read that in his voice

I knew you would
24 Apr 2021, 7:04am
I have to weigh in here: "Do a barrel roll" was in the NES Star Fox, yes, but it's the voiced version from the N64 Star Fox that gave rise to the meme.

Amata LireinOn a sidenote: Who of you have ever heard of "Kennedy Steve"? And wouldn't it be kinda awesome to have him as a traffic controller voice for a spacestation (best one to use would be Jameson Memorial for exposure reasons)?

Is there a Kennedy Station anywhere in Elite?
24 Apr 2021, 8:08am
Xeknos Is there a Kennedy Station anywhere in Elite?


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