
02 Jun 2021, 11:59pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander MajjamWimps. Lived in Yuma, Arizona for 5 years. Peak temps were 48C-ish. I think 51C is the record.

WIMPS, I say. I thought they built you Euros tough.

It's one thing to be acclimated to that and another if it's just four weeks in summer and you have no AC

I really love the heat. That place in AZ was my most favorite to live. I am not a cold person whatsoever. Places like that with temperatures that rival the sun, AC is a must. However, in milder places, I've gotten used to getting through warm summers without ever needing to turn the AC on. I take it that you're getting a good dose of humidity as well?

There are days where it's very humid and days it's less humid, but well, it really does suck if it's humid af. Especially after a short summer rain. I much prefer spring where it's just like 15° and sunshine ._.
03 Jun 2021, 12:04am
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

It's one thing to be acclimated to that and another if it's just four weeks in summer and you have no AC

I really love the heat. That place in AZ was my most favorite to live. I am not a cold person whatsoever. Places like that with temperatures that rival the sun, AC is a must. However, in milder places, I've gotten used to getting through warm summers without ever needing to turn the AC on. I take it that you're getting a good dose of humidity as well?

There are days where it's very humid and days it's less humid, but well, it really does suck if it's humid af. Especially after a short summer rain. I much prefer spring where it's just like 15° and sunshine ._.

I still like to be in warm clothing at 15c.
03 Jun 2021, 12:08am
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam

I really love the heat. That place in AZ was my most favorite to live. I am not a cold person whatsoever. Places like that with temperatures that rival the sun, AC is a must. However, in milder places, I've gotten used to getting through warm summers without ever needing to turn the AC on. I take it that you're getting a good dose of humidity as well?

There are days where it's very humid and days it's less humid, but well, it really does suck if it's humid af. Especially after a short summer rain. I much prefer spring where it's just like 15° and sunshine ._.

I still like to be in warm clothing at 15c.

15° is t-shirt time
03 Jun 2021, 12:19am
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

There are days where it's very humid and days it's less humid, but well, it really does suck if it's humid af. Especially after a short summer rain. I much prefer spring where it's just like 15° and sunshine ._.

I still like to be in warm clothing at 15c.

15° is t-shirt time

03 Jun 2021, 12:54am
Look at all these bloody northies and their summer time.
03 Jun 2021, 12:55am
LordPsymonLook at all these bloody northies and their summer time.

At least I don't have to check whether I can find my country on a map or not.
03 Jun 2021, 1:09am
My country doesn't exist. We already know this
03 Jun 2021, 4:48am
Late to the topic. But NMS is just doesn't have ANY flight model. I put 65 hours into the game and at one point, I said to myself, is this it?

Exploration in ED is way better than NMS for the realistic aspect. I can jump into a star system and think to myself: "Wow, this could exist somewhere in our universe."

NMS is just so cartoony for me, I cannot immersive myself in it. If you like arcade-y style games, then I could see NMS being your thing. It's an arcade sc-fi exploration/crafting game.

ED on the other hand is a realistic space simulator with a superb flight model!
03 Jun 2021, 5:11am
ED is a space flight game. Expect emphasis on the flight model. NMS is exploration and survival. The two are going for something entirely different. Going to disagree on ED being better in exploration. Even the little bit I played of NMS when it first came out, it was interesting to see what kind of life a planet held, and then constructing a settlement on a beautiful world. ED's exploration is basically a big planet rock with plant lifeforms that you shoot to give you mats. Not sure about Odyssey but I think there's more variations of plants now?
03 Jun 2021, 5:39am
No Man's Sky is an entirely different game, difficult to compare with Elite. For me it's a game I go to when I want to just chill out for a while and stuff.
03 Jun 2021, 6:14am
Aleksander MajjamED is a space flight game. Expect emphasis on the flight model. NMS is exploration and survival. The two are going for something entirely different. Going to disagree on ED being better in exploration. Even the little bit I played of NMS when it first came out, it was interesting to see what kind of life a planet held, and then constructing a settlement on a beautiful world. ED's exploration is basically a big planet rock with plant lifeforms that you shoot to give you mats. Not sure about Odyssey but I think there's more variations of plants now?

I land on a world in NMS and I can't help but think to myself how unrealistic they look/are. I agree, NMS is a great exploration game, but it is definitely an unrealistic space game.

The atmospheric planets in Odyssey are AMAZING and leave me filled with wonder sometimes. Who knows what else we may get down the line? They are 2 different games, I will agree with you. NMS just doesn't fill that itch for me when it comes to space!
03 Jun 2021, 7:41am
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander MajjamWimps. Lived in Yuma, Arizona for 5 years. Peak temps were 48C-ish. I think 51C is the record.

WIMPS, I say. I thought they built you Euros tough.

It's one thing to be acclimated to that and another if it's just four weeks in summer and you have no AC

I really love the heat. That place in AZ was my most favorite to live. I am not a cold person whatsoever. Places like that with temperatures that rival the sun, AC is a must. However, in milder places, I've gotten used to getting through warm summers without ever needing to turn the AC on. I take it that you're getting a good dose of humidity as well?

Let me complete my earlier line then...

11pm local time, 22°C/72°F, 52% humidity...
03 Jun 2021, 7:46am
Aleksander MajjamWhat is kicking ass in ED anyway? Successful ganking? Beating a CZ? Murdering an entire settlement?

Ah, goddammit. Sorry, I missed that perhaps.

In ED I can play a 'combat pilot who occasionally do something else', depends on what I want to do right now at the moment. Like, mostly I want to go to the CZ and kick arse. But sometimes I need something different. And NMS, as far as I know, is more an 'exploration type' game. I don't mind going out to see things and float amidst them alone from time to time, but these (relatively) massive fights (and their impact on faction standings) and ability to change my activity without changing the game are things that attracts me to ED now.

Something can change. People change. It's natural. But that's how I see it now.

p.s. And yeah, that uncustomizable character is effectively keeping me off playing NMS.

Last edit: 03 Jun 2021, 7:55am
03 Jun 2021, 8:30am
I think NMS has better terrain generation than ED. Unlike Odyssey's new planetary tech it's entirely math-based and non-repetitive, and it creates things like overhangs and caves, which are impossible with height maps. And you can even modify the terrain because it has a voxel layer.

Imagine FDev's art direction combined with the coding skills of Hello Games...
03 Jun 2021, 9:57am
You can customize your suit in No Man's Sky...

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