
19 Apr 2021, 6:23pm
MeowersLiked it. Maybe even a lot. But hardly can call myself a 'fan'.

Oh come on, Meowers. Submit.

Aleksander MajjamSpeaking of sci-fi RP. Any Expanse fans here?

Oh, yes. Book 9 out in October. Last one. Great series.

Things are hotting up, seriously.

I have not read the books yet, but my friend says they're great. 9 books is a lot. How close to the show are they?
19 Apr 2021, 7:13pm
Books are always gonna be better, as it your imagination, against someone elses. However, what I have watched of the series and the changes they have made, so far, have not mortally offended me.

I have enjoyed both.

I do still have more to watch though.

I have just started rereading them in preparation for book 9, so will wait 'til then to watch the rest.
19 Apr 2021, 7:17pm
Aleksander Majjam
MeowersLiked it. Maybe even a lot. But hardly can call myself a 'fan'.

Oh come on, Meowers. Submit.

I can't be a fan just by watching a series, it takes much more to win a place in my heart
(I guess... Can't call myself a 'fan' of anything)
19 Apr 2021, 7:50pm
The Expanse is a good show and the books are better. It's hard to say which is the best to enjoy really.

Speaking of written stories would anyone like to help me with a small hang up I'm having in a fanfic I'm working on? It's a Star Trek Discovery/Elite crossover. I'm asking now and being clear about it before the 'lore police' try crushing me again for just wanting some helpful feed back. -.-
19 Apr 2021, 10:28pm
ShabbyjBooks are always gonna be better, as it your imagination, against someone elses. However, what I have watched of the series and the changes they have made, so far, have not mortally offended me.

I have enjoyed both.

I do still have more to watch though.

I have just started rereading them in preparation for book 9, so will wait 'til then to watch the rest.

I'll give them a try. In the process of re-reading the Doom novels. In my opinion, they are some of the most fun to read. Although it looks like you're doing a ton of rereading yourself.

Aleksander Majjam
MeowersLiked it. Maybe even a lot. But hardly can call myself a 'fan'.

Oh come on, Meowers. Submit.

I can't be a fan just by watching a series, it takes much more to win a place in my heart
(I guess... Can't call myself a 'fan' of anything)

A fan of nothing. I can't believe it. There has to be something.

Knightwolf 1785The Expanse is a good show and the books are better. It's hard to say which is the best to enjoy really.

Speaking of written stories would anyone like to help me with a small hang up I'm having in a fanfic I'm working on? It's a Star Trek Discovery/Elite crossover. I'm asking now and being clear about it before the 'lore police' try crushing me again for just wanting some helpful feed back. -.-

I have seen the ED lore police here on Inara addressing RP's in the past, and not in a very constructive way. It's RP for goodness sake. Not EVERYTHING needs to be perfect.
19 Apr 2021, 10:44pm
Aleksander MajjamA fan of nothing. I can't believe it. There has to be something.

Maybe I'm just hard to surprise, skeptical brick with dampened emotions. Who knows.
Good side is... If I do like something, its... a very long-term thing. There's music bands that I'm still listening to, right from the teenage days. However, I'm not the one to put their pictures on the wall and sell my underwear for a show ticket.

Last edit: 19 Apr 2021, 10:49pm
19 Apr 2021, 10:51pm
But, Cmdr Meowers seems to be a fan of getting massages.
19 Apr 2021, 10:54pm
SapphoBut, Cmdr Meowers seems to be a fan of getting massages.

If they're done the proper way and by a person who I found attractive. Or a gynoid, maybe.
19 Apr 2021, 10:54pm
Seeing Perturbator last February was definitely a treat.
19 Apr 2021, 11:01pm
@Sappho: I'm still waiting for that catalogue
19 Apr 2021, 11:09pm
Patience, Hew-mon! My alter-ego & I have been busy stalking materials in the crystal forests.
19 Apr 2021, 11:27pm
SapphoPatience, Hew-mon! My alter-ego & I have been busy stalking materials in the crystal forests.

Odd... you should think that Achilles would have programmed one into your database, ready to hand an issue out if needed
19 Apr 2021, 11:33pm
Amata Lirein
SapphoPatience, Hew-mon! My alter-ego & I have been busy stalking materials in the crystal forests.

Odd... you should think that Achilles would have programmed one into your database, ready to hand an issue out if needed

She is a fair distance out at the crystal forests.

Your catalogue is in the mail......

Tigger giggles as she reads the catalogue in the comfort of her stateroom.

I really should put this back in the mail.
20 Apr 2021, 1:53am
Sappho can message me anytime.
20 Apr 2021, 2:04am
So is anyone interested in helping me a little with that story?

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