
12 May 2021, 2:40pm
I prefer legos to action figures, have since I was a child. Just downloaded the plans to build a lego Krait MK II with my grandson.
12 May 2021, 5:04pm
WarCat72I prefer legos to action figures, have since I was a child. Just downloaded the plans to build a lego Krait MK II with my grandson.

My truly and deepest admiration
13 May 2021, 3:17pm

Thank goodness I'm in an FC on a long trip back to the bubble and will have time to get into this again. I'm too excited not to be mass erect right now waiting for this to drop.
13 May 2021, 3:28pm

Thank goodness I'm in an FC on a long trip back to the bubble and will have time to get into this again. I'm too excited not to be mass erect right now waiting for this to drop.

I'm honestly just going to wait how it's going to be. If it's the same gameplay as ME1 then I'm definitely not paying 60 bucks for it
13 May 2021, 3:29pm
<reply censored>
13 May 2021, 3:42pm
Rebecca Hail

Thank goodness I'm in an FC on a long trip back to the bubble and will have time to get into this again. I'm too excited not to be mass erect right now waiting for this to drop.

I'm honestly just going to wait how it's going to be. If it's the same gameplay as ME1 then I'm definitely not paying 60 bucks for it

That's the first thing I thought about when I heard this was going to be released again. The difference in gameplay (combat especially) from ME1 to ME2 was one of the biggest improvements over the first. I'm hoping with this being a remake, they have overhauled the gameplay, UI, etc for ME1.
13 May 2021, 3:43pm
Sappho<reply censored>

Sappho censored?!?!?! Say it ain't so.
13 May 2021, 3:47pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

Thank goodness I'm in an FC on a long trip back to the bubble and will have time to get into this again. I'm too excited not to be mass erect right now waiting for this to drop.

I'm honestly just going to wait how it's going to be. If it's the same gameplay as ME1 then I'm definitely not paying 60 bucks for it

That's the first thing I thought about when I heard this was going to be released again. The difference in gameplay (combat especially) from ME1 to ME2 was one of the biggest improvements over the first. I'm hoping with this being a remake, they have overhauled the gameplay, UI, etc for ME1.

If it's the Andromeda gameplay, 60 bucks spent.
13 May 2021, 3:49pm
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

I'm honestly just going to wait how it's going to be. If it's the same gameplay as ME1 then I'm definitely not paying 60 bucks for it

That's the first thing I thought about when I heard this was going to be released again. The difference in gameplay (combat especially) from ME1 to ME2 was one of the biggest improvements over the first. I'm hoping with this being a remake, they have overhauled the gameplay, UI, etc for ME1.

If it's the Andromeda gameplay, 60 bucks spent.

ME1 > Andromeda

Atari ET Game > Andromeda

Leeches sucking me dry > Andromeda
13 May 2021, 3:51pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam

That's the first thing I thought about when I heard this was going to be released again. The difference in gameplay (combat especially) from ME1 to ME2 was one of the biggest improvements over the first. I'm hoping with this being a remake, they have overhauled the gameplay, UI, etc for ME1.

If it's the Andromeda gameplay, 60 bucks spent.

ME1 > Andromeda

Atari ET Game > Andromeda

Leeches sucking me dry > Andromeda

Andromeda wasn't a bad game, it was just a bad Mass Effect.

The gameplay was, apart from the idiotic large open world maps, above average though.
13 May 2021, 3:51pm
Arguing with Saka > Andromeda
13 May 2021, 3:54pm
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

If it's the Andromeda gameplay, 60 bucks spent.

ME1 > Andromeda

Atari ET Game > Andromeda

Leeches sucking me dry > Andromeda

Andromeda wasn't a bad game, it was just a bad Mass Effect.

The gameplay was, apart from the idiotic large open world maps, above average though.

I beg to differ. The AI as a whole was absolutely atrocious and repetitive. The story was equally unimpressive. The launch state of the game was atrocious, and even them trying to fix it didn't make the stink go away. I beat Andromeda, but between the dumb planet scanning, repeating boss areas, and even repeating bosses, I'll never touch Andromeda again. Even if it were remade.
13 May 2021, 3:58pm
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam

ME1 > Andromeda

Atari ET Game > Andromeda

Leeches sucking me dry > Andromeda

Andromeda wasn't a bad game, it was just a bad Mass Effect.

The gameplay was, apart from the idiotic large open world maps, above average though.

I beg to differ. The AI as a whole was absolutely atrocious and repetitive. The story was equally unimpressive. The launch state of the game was atrocious, and even them trying to fix it didn't make the stink go away. I beat Andromeda, but between the dumb planet scanning, repeating boss areas, and even repeating bosses, I'll never touch Andromeda again. Even if it were remade.

Well, I played it years after launch so maybe that was a factor, but I didn't think it was quite that bad.
13 May 2021, 4:01pm
Rebecca Hail
Aleksander Majjam
Rebecca Hail

Andromeda wasn't a bad game, it was just a bad Mass Effect.

The gameplay was, apart from the idiotic large open world maps, above average though.

I beg to differ. The AI as a whole was absolutely atrocious and repetitive. The story was equally unimpressive. The launch state of the game was atrocious, and even them trying to fix it didn't make the stink go away. I beat Andromeda, but between the dumb planet scanning, repeating boss areas, and even repeating bosses, I'll never touch Andromeda again. Even if it were remade.

Well, I played it years after launch so maybe that was a factor, but I didn't think it was quite that bad.

13 May 2021, 4:09pm
I also enjoyed Andromeda a lot, even moreso then the original trilogy.

Little Fun-fact: Andromeda was actually closer to what they wanted the original ME to be then what it turned into

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