
07 Jul 2021, 8:20am
Look! Ship interiors! We're walking around inside a ship... IN A MECH GAAAAAAAME

07 Jul 2021, 10:17am
Wow, look at all that design work and artistry for something that adds nothing to the Mech gameplay. All I see when I look at the pointless craftsmanship is resources that could have went into designing another gun or skin, or better yet just not wasted and sent directly into the company owners pockets so that more lifeless future products are more likely to be developed. /s
07 Jul 2021, 3:39pm
What's that game?
07 Jul 2021, 6:58pm
KalenarWhat's that game?

mechwarrior 5: mercenaries if im not mistaken.
08 Jul 2021, 1:47am
Mechwarrior 5, where missions are fun and feel meaningful, ship interior exists, the grind ain't horrible and big stompy shooty robots. I need not say more.
08 Jul 2021, 10:43am
08 Jul 2021, 3:27pm
I've played Star Citizen for a bit and I have to say: I enjoyed it. Wish I had a computer that could run it again.
08 Jul 2021, 6:40pm


09 Jul 2021, 8:10am
Knightwolf 1785I've played Star Citizen for a bit and I have to say: I enjoyed it. Wish I had a computer that could run it again.

To be honest, I was rather pissed when Roberts bluntly stated that "it's your fault if you don't have a PC able to run my game". It was somewhere around 2013 or 2014. It was somewhere around 2013 or 2014 and it was still a time when you could easily own a reasonably-priced (for Polish realities) PC that could run things on medium. Post-2016 was a period when I had to drop any PCMasterRace chances, because prices went seriously up with EU trade regulations that unified digital game and electronics prices in Eastern Europe... but for 1300 Euro minimal wages like in Germany (Poland: 400 Euro at that time).

Last edit: 09 Jul 2021, 8:21am
09 Jul 2021, 8:55am
I'm wondering, would my PC run SC? I have an i5-6500@3.2GHz, Nvidia 1070, 16 GB RAM and a spinning HDD. I don't need 4K resolution, 1080p is enough. Would I get acceptable frame rates?
09 Jul 2021, 9:18am
Rho Tefnutet
Knightwolf 1785I've played Star Citizen for a bit and I have to say: I enjoyed it. Wish I had a computer that could run it again.

To be honest, I was rather pissed when Roberts bluntly stated that "it's your fault if you don't have a PC able to run my game". It was somewhere around 2013 or 2014. It was somewhere around 2013 or 2014 and it was still a time when you could easily own a reasonably-priced (for Polish realities) PC that could run things on medium. Post-2016 was a period when I had to drop any PCMasterRace chances, because prices went seriously up with EU trade regulations that unified digital game and electronics prices in Eastern Europe... but for 1300 Euro minimal wages like in Germany (Poland: 400 Euro at that time).

Games by Chris Roberts always demanded the latest specs to run smoothly, it was this way even back in his Wing Commander days...
09 Jul 2021, 10:54am
Amata LireinGames by Chris Roberts always demanded the latest specs to run smoothly, it was this way even back in his Wing Commander days...

Kinda stupid if you ask me. I think this could be one of the reasons why he was removed from leading Freelancer development, because Microsoft likely wouldn't be really happy if game under their wing would require stuff that would run only on small part of PCs.

Freelancer... If Microsoft did a full remaster of that game with stable multiplayer servers (likely with entirely reworked character save as you could do that on multi), along with changes as they were done in Discovery Freelancer - like getting rid of each region having certain level requirement and instead it was modified into safer House spaces, challenging House border systems and dangerous outskirt systems with extremely hostile outer systems filled with aliens) I would play the hell out of that.

Given how simple Freelancer controls were, they would have no issues to adapt to pads. Especially when you realize how many controls are on Elite: Dangerous and they are reasonably intuitive.
09 Jul 2021, 11:24am
As far as I remember, he left (or was left) for his managing skills. Micromanaging everything, constantly changing things, throwing studio's work away, feature creep, regularly missing milestones due that, etc. Same stuff as is happening with Star Citizen.
09 Jul 2021, 12:47pm
ArtieAs far as I remember, he left (or was left) for his managing skills. Micromanaging everything, constantly changing things, throwing studio's work away, feature creep, regularly missing milestones due that, etc. Same stuff as is happening with Star Citizen.

That's why I said "could be one of the reasons". I am fully aware why Chris Roberts got put away from Freelancer.
09 Jul 2021, 7:08pm
Sakashiro[SC video - why play elite]

Wow, carrying boxes ... so immersive. Thanks, but no , thanks!

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