
20 Jul 2021, 9:15pm
Holy ****!

20 Jul 2021, 11:33pm
Wow…that video is disturbing. I really feel sorry for all these folks going through this severe flooding across Europe and China…while the western US burns! No climate change…my ass!

Last edit: 20 Jul 2021, 11:43pm
21 Jul 2021, 10:06am
21 Jul 2021, 10:12am
SakashiroHoly ****!

Damn, that's even worse than the floods in Germany :/
21 Jul 2021, 3:55pm
21 Jul 2021, 4:18pm
Check out the discussion of metrics in this video, then remember the Imperial Cutter's oversized stairway. That's probably another reason why there won't be ship interiors in ED.

22 Jul 2021, 2:23am
Honestly, look at some of the reviews of the SC ships on YouTube. Apparently they spent around 15 months just developing the Hercules Starlifter. And it shows. In some cases, it wouldn't be a stretch to convince someone that CIG puts more work and dedication into a single ship, than FDev has been able to put into Odyssey as a whole (if not all of Elite). Not saying it makes SC better than ED. In some cases, I'd venture to say their attention to detail on the ships is probably excessive and they'd stand to gain from committing some of that attention to the rest of the game. But it is impressive. If FDev ever gives in to the community and gives us interiors, I don't believe they would ever come close to SC's ship interiors. Not by a longshot. But then again, SC's getting its money by selling these ships for real money (you can still get them in game by playing the game and earning the credits for one). So they have an incentive to make them be as appealing to their target audience as possible. And it's working for them, as SC has generated around three times the revenue of Elite.
22 Jul 2021, 4:49am
Light-HawkHonestly, look at some of the reviews of the SC ships on YouTube. Apparently they spent around 15 months just developing the Hercules Starlifter. And it shows. In some cases, it wouldn't be a stretch to convince someone that CIG puts more work and dedication into a single ship, than FDev has been able to put into Odyssey as a whole (if not all of Elite). Not saying it makes SC better than ED. In some cases, I'd venture to say their attention to detail on the ships is probably excessive and they'd stand to gain from committing some of that attention to the rest of the game. But it is impressive. If FDev ever gives in to the community and gives us interiors, I don't believe they would ever come close to SC's ship interiors. Not by a longshot. But then again, SC's getting its money by selling these ships for real money (you can still get them in game by playing the game and earning the credits for one). So they have an incentive to make them be as appealing to their target audience as possible. And it's working for them, as SC has generated around three times the revenue of Elite.

I wonder how many vehicles are usable right now in-game.
22 Jul 2021, 5:24am
Aleksander MajjamI wonder how many vehicles are usable right now in-game.

Quite a few actually. From a quick look, there are 113 ships and ground vehicles that are "flight ready" status meaning they can be used right now. Many more are in development.
22 Jul 2021, 5:26am
I think there are about five or six ground vehicles. At least a dozen ships that are fully flyable, but not all useable. I'm not sure if they got the salvage up and running yet.
22 Jul 2021, 6:05am
I still feel like barking up Star Citizen's tree when it's been in Alpha for many years is rather silly tbh.

I'd like it to succeed as much as the next person, but at the rate it's going it's not going to reach 1.0 until we're all in retirement homes.
22 Jul 2021, 7:47am
LordPsymonI still feel like barking up Star Citizen's tree when it's been in Alpha for many years is rather silly tbh.

I'd like it to succeed as much as the next person, but at the rate it's going it's not going to reach 1.0 until we're all in retirement homes.

Someone mentioned they apparently had initially planned it to have a 20 year development phase. From my experience so far, I can see why.
22 Jul 2021, 9:41am
LordPsymonI still feel like barking up Star Citizen's tree when it's been in Alpha for many years is rather silly tbh.

I'd like it to succeed as much as the next person, but at the rate it's going it's not going to reach 1.0 until we're all in retirement homes.

Maybe by that time, I'll have a machine capable of running it.
22 Jul 2021, 9:48am
LordPsymonI still feel like barking up Star Citizen's tree when it's been in Alpha for many years is rather silly tbh.

I'd like it to succeed as much as the next person, but at the rate it's going it's not going to reach 1.0 until we're all in retirement homes.

Someone mentioned they apparently had initially planned it to have a 20 year development phase. From my experience so far, I can see why.

20 years is optimistic at this point.
24 Jul 2021, 2:19pm
So who's ready for this to be coming back? I know I am.

Last edit: 24 Jul 2021, 6:29pm

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