
26 Sep 2021, 3:54pm
Oh boy. Sounds like a hot time coming for you. I'm going to guess it was for the remaster of Diablo 2.
26 Sep 2021, 6:11pm
Yes, indeed. This reskin is amazing.
27 Sep 2021, 2:51am
I liked the third game myself, and I'm a Doom fan as well. Heck I'm hyped for the new Deadspace that's on the way. I've played the three original games and really enjoyed the story. Also the zombie stomping. All of the stomping. *evil laughter*
01 Oct 2021, 2:37am
SakashiroBtw, if you consider buying NMS during this sale, buy it on Steam, not on GOG, because then you'll have more freedom to choose your player name in the game if you play online. The GOG version of NMS uses the GOG account name. In Steam however you can choose a display name that is different from your account name, and NMS will use that instead.

Today I learned that it's actually possible to change a GOG user name. You can do it from within the GOG Galaxy app. To prevent abuse, there's a 1 month cooldown period after each change.

So if you happen to meet someone named Sakashiro in No Man's Sky, it's probably me.
01 Oct 2021, 8:35am
Man, I tried getting into No Man's Sky multiple times, but the flight model is such a let down...
01 Oct 2021, 9:14am
I agree. If they could bring that closer to Elite, I'd never look back.
02 Oct 2021, 2:17pm

02 Oct 2021, 6:07pm

02 Oct 2021, 7:17pm
I know you want to see the face of your avatar, but that's definitely better than nothing.
03 Oct 2021, 6:07am
Uh-oh, I'm stuck in my ship on a planet with sentinel drones attacking outside and no launch fuel.

Edit: OK, I made it off the planet. Phew!

Last edit: 03 Oct 2021, 7:12am
05 Oct 2021, 1:14pm
Has anyone else watched "Squid Game" on Netflix yet?
05 Oct 2021, 1:22pm
SakashiroHas anyone else watched "Squid Game" on Netflix yet?

Yep, not bad, but I liked Alice in Wonderland more (speaking of the newer series with a similar theme there).
06 Oct 2021, 4:51am
I cancelled Netflix. Just wasn't supplying anymore. Setup my own Plex instead and have been binging Stargate SG-1.
06 Oct 2021, 9:05am
LordPsymonI cancelled Netflix. Just wasn't supplying anymore. Setup my own Plex instead and have been binging Stargate SG-1.

Oh, boy that is old school... You have many hours ahead with SG-1 and SG Atlantis.
06 Oct 2021, 9:17am
I like science fiction in games, but most sci-fi movies and TV shows of recent years I find rather boring.

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