Grecale80Really why people waste so much time and energy hating something?
Well I for one liked the reboot movies. The only thing that really irked me was the Federation literally giving their flagship over to a bunch of cadets. Reality: an entire force of meritocracy based ranking told 'nah, just be in the right place at the wrong time and all your dreams will come true f your previous efforts and of those around you'.
As for Discovery. The CG, artistry, acting and directing were all well above my expectations. The writing? OMG awful. It went against every appealing thing that ST represented. A futuristic setting to foster discussion on possibly controversial ideas, while expressing hope for the future, using a government that is imperfect but has the right ideals. Instead we got forced fed constant misery with the occasional dollap of soapboxing and (at the time) slaps in the face to canon. They did eventually turn it around but that first season was rough. Add to that the proof it was still possible to perfectly encapsulate what ST was about, without even relying on the franchise, via a show right next to it (The Orville) and it just seemed like STD (another convenient coincidence, why not just call it ST:Cancer?

So, the reason for 'so much hate': to some it seemed to be so bad it was an intentional assault on their love. Whether they are correct is besides the point.