
06 Oct 2021, 10:57am
LordPsymonI cancelled Netflix. Just wasn't supplying anymore. Setup my own Plex instead and have been binging Stargate SG-1.

IPTV Portal with STB for me
06 Oct 2021, 12:35pm
SakashiroI like science fiction in games, but most sci-fi movies and TV shows of recent years I find rather boring.

Hmm, you might want to give Stargate: SG-1 (and afterwards Stargate: Atlantis if you liked SG-1) a shot. It isn't full of technobabble like Star Trek, not hard to get into as it is set in our time, isn't too cheesy (in that the aliens aren't clearly a dude wearing a foam suit), the writing is well above average, It is fairly respectful of the sciences involved, and Dr. Samantha Carter is my favourite Female role model.

The issue with getting into it is that the preceding movie which the series was based on, while okay itself, is not a good representation of the series so I'd honestly consider skipping it until you think you like the concept well enough to try.
06 Oct 2021, 5:18pm
The Expanse is basically Elite in show form.
06 Oct 2021, 7:12pm
Does anyone know a community site similar to Inara but for No Man's Sky?
06 Oct 2021, 8:11pm
I don't know any. Actually, I was thinking about adding NMS support to Inara some time ago, but I didn't found any serious reason why I should do that, aside of having the separate discussion, logbooks, gallery and a few wiki-like pages. It felt to me that it was not good enough back then, but if there will be a popular demand...
06 Oct 2021, 8:51pm
ArtieI don't know any. Actually, I was thinking about adding NMS support to Inara some time ago, but I didn't found any serious reason why I should do that, aside of having the separate discussion, logbooks, gallery and a few wiki-like pages. It felt to me that it was not good enough back then, but if there will be a popular demand...

06 Oct 2021, 9:07pm

06 Oct 2021, 11:02pm
Photo mode in NMS is great for taking pictures, but I wouldn't want to mix them with ED screenshots.

The caves in NMS are awesome. Some of them don't even have entrances, so you find them only by digging holes into the ground. Sometimes these networks of tunnels are so expansive that I get lost and have to dig my way out of them.
06 Oct 2021, 11:53pm
SakashiroPhoto mode in NMS is great for taking pictures, but I wouldn't want to mix them with ED screenshots.

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The caves in NMS are awesome. Some of them don't even have entrances, so you find them only by digging holes into the ground. Sometimes these networks of tunnels are so expansive that I get lost and have to dig my way out of them.

I spent two days just exploring on foot of both the land, and caves in NMS. Something I hope to do in Elite someday, but when I get a better computer I hear SC caves are something really to see.
06 Oct 2021, 11:55pm
Game: "You can into space!"
Players: "Oh, I want to explore caves".

07 Oct 2021, 12:00am
MeowersGame: "You can into space!"
Players: "Oh, I want to explore caves".

Caves are fun and spooky. Also you can find treasures in those caves too. ^^
07 Oct 2021, 11:50am
I r patriarch now. So many demons and undeads were sloughtered in the process
07 Oct 2021, 3:57pm
EpisparhI r patriarch now. So many demons and undeads were sloughtered in the process

Need any holy water to shower with?:P
07 Oct 2021, 8:22pm
Knightwolf 1785
Need any holy water to shower with?:P

No need. I have a Cleansing aura
07 Oct 2021, 9:46pm
Knightwolf 1785
Need any holy water to shower with?:P

No need. I have a Cleansing aura

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...