
14 Dec 2021, 8:39pm
Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?

I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole
14 Dec 2021, 9:00pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?

I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole

Well... I fell into it... and I don't regret it.

Unless you understand Japanese you might want to stick to the English and/or Indonesian branches, at least when it comes down to the actual streams. Sideprojects of the JP branch usually have excellent subtitles though.

I can give you a few pointers at who of them might be the "right one" to drag you down said rabbit hole depending on your interests
14 Dec 2021, 9:06pm
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail
Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?

I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole

Well... I fell into it... and I don't regret it.

Unless you understand Japanese you might want to stick to the English and/or Indonesian branches, at least when it comes down to the actual streams. Sideprojects of the JP branch usually have excellent subtitles though.

I can give you a few pointers at who of them might be the "right one" to drag you down said rabbit hole depending on your interests

It sounds like fun but sadly I have next to zero time atm to do that
14 Dec 2021, 9:25pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail

I'm aware of what it is although I've hesitated to go down that particular rabbit hole

Well... I fell into it... and I don't regret it.

Unless you understand Japanese you might want to stick to the English and/or Indonesian branches, at least when it comes down to the actual streams. Sideprojects of the JP branch usually have excellent subtitles though.

I can give you a few pointers at who of them might be the "right one" to drag you down said rabbit hole depending on your interests

It sounds like fun but sadly I have next to zero time atm to do that

Most streams get archived and are available on YouTube. Due to fear of copyright claims most karaoke streams are the unfortunate exception of the rule ... which is a shame, because the girls who do sing are really talented, most of them having even published their own songs...
14 Dec 2021, 10:39pm
Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?

It's like CodeMiko but in 2D, right?
14 Dec 2021, 10:43pm
Amata LireinOut of curiosity: Is there anyone here who's aware of what "Hololive" is or has even fallen down that rabbit hole?

It's like CodeMiko but in 2D, right?

Yes and No... new talents with the Hololive agency usually start with a 2D model, after a year or two they get a 3D one as well, with new outfits for either on a regular basis.
16 Dec 2021, 3:18pm
I was hyped for the new Stalker until they announced that game will have NFT (which, in a lot of cases, is used for negative purposes). I don't think I need to say why I don't really like the ideas. What's worse for the developers, a lot of players started to demand refund for the preorders. Not to mention the feedback that is... let's say that "negative" is putting it lightly.
16 Dec 2021, 8:29pm
I already posted this in the "Game Talk" chat, but I'd like a deeper pool of thought/response on this idea.

I'm kind of saddened by the fact that I feel as a platform gamer (PS4), I feel purposefully left behind by Elite and FD in general. All of the Odyssey updates that the PC community is swimming in even beyond the on foot combat and station exploration to include all of the smaller quality of life improvements (such as the "on the dash" shield percentage in your ship) have, from all that I've seen, been delayed indefinitely for us. And while I believed that once all of the bugs were ironed out the gameplay would be passed onto us, after 8 months there has been no talk of it even though all press of bugs or issues have all but disappeared from gamer discourse. And now the Scorpion SRV is being introduced to Odyssey and we're being left out of something else that we have ALL been begging for since the game's initial release.

I love E:D. All we have on this level as far as space exploration games go on consoles is this and No Man's Sky. And I LOVE Elite. I'm a life long science fiction lover, gamer and I've supported E:D from its early days on the platform. I've spent money in the in-game store and I would have paid whatever the DLC cost for Odyssey would have been for us without question. But instead, it seems like FD honestly does not really see us as necessary anymore. I gave $70-ish during their initial PS4 release just as PC gamers payed whatever the Epic store (or whatever storefront) price was so I'm just as financially invested as anyone else. And my on-line time counts towards their player base during earnings calls just like the PC and X-Box players do. So why is the game being allowed to blast ahead of us like this?

I take pics for Inara, I track my in-universe progress through this beautiful independent app, I write in-character stories...I want this more fleshed out experience also. I crave it. It's part of the drive of the game. As I've heard other players relate.

I logged into the game today to see what changes have taken place since I took a break a while back. And according to my build-up of powerplay vouchers ($18K), it's been roughly 18 weeks or four and a half months since I last piloted my Anaconda and if the game continues to evolve without me, it breaks my heart a bit to think that I may not be able to bring myself to play anymore knowing via YouTube videos that there is an ever growing portion of the game that's gated off to me.
16 Dec 2021, 9:09pm
love this game too and it´s a shame what they did the last months in aspect to console players.. not so much as for pc players. hope it getting better one day..
but just a hint from me: i play ed on pc, not the newest one but realy good hardware.. a few years ago it was.. and so far no problems during playing at medium / high settings.
maybe you can get a cheap playing pc from a friend, or selfbuilding one (not so hard), if you want continue playing with all feautures.. and of course bugs too
i can send you a pc config / gave you advices if you want to invest some money for pc hardware.. i think other cmd´s here too.. greetings
16 Dec 2021, 9:29pm
Alex Hoffmannlove this game too and it´s a shame what they did the last months in aspect to console players.. not so much as for pc players. hope it getting better one day..
but just a hint from me: i play ed on pc, not the newest one but realy good hardware.. a few years ago it was.. and so far no problems during playing at medium / high settings.
maybe you can get a cheap playing pc from a friend, or selfbuilding one (not so hard), if you want continue playing with all feautures.. and of course bugs too
i can send you a pc config / gave you advices if you want to invest some money for pc hardware.. i think other cmd´s here too.. greetings

Going headlong into a new PC for the sake of E:D is not only daunting because of the cost involved since I work two jobs as it is and support a household but, as you said, also because I'm not a mechanically inclined individual. Building a PC is a very...intimidating prospect. But, by all means, shoot me your proposed setup and I'll see how realistic the idea is for someone like me.
16 Dec 2021, 10:03pm
Gatimũ KamauI already posted this in the "Game Talk" chat, but I'd like a deeper pool of thought/response on this idea.

I'm kind of saddened by the fact that I feel as a platform gamer (PS4), I feel purposefully left behind by Elite and FD in general

The day they announced Oddity would not be released for Consoles at the same time as PC I was pissed for you guys (I'm not a console player). The monumental advantage we get over you guys because of this is ridiculous. "but Console can't play with PC so why does it matter"? Because of the BGS and perma marking of exploration sites.

Because of FDev management greed, ALL interesting tourist sites will have first footfall already marked. You have NO chance to make a 'permanent' mark on anything truly worthwhile by now if that sort of thing matters to you. Fighting for standing in a contested system with another Player faction? Oddity settlements all give missions you do not have access to or can even see. The Oddity ground CZs earn 5x the bounties that Space ones do and complete in half the time. A single player grinding settlement combat can keep pace with a full wing in space easily and be better paid doing it.

On top of that there's the bugs and 'exploits' (for lack of a better word) that make the ED:O engineering grind faster/easier or for anything else you'd want to to with it. They will all be patched out and long gone by the time you get to play it. That means, unless FDev changes the particulars (for example like they did for Horizons mat farming) you will have a longer fight just to get to where we've all been for months now.

You have every right to be pissed. I empathize with your situation. The unfortunate reality is you do not have any recourse aside from abandoning the game, putting Frontier games on your blacklist (no matter how interesting they may seem), and convincing anyone that will listen to you to do the same.
16 Dec 2021, 10:31pm
BurstarThe monumental advantage we get over you guys because of this is ridiculous. "but Console can't play with PC so why does it matter"? Because of the BGS and perma marking of exploration sites.

I do wonder what percentage of the player base actually cares about either of those things? I'm not saying nobody does, I'm just curious. Personally, I couldn't care less, but obviously some people do. My gut feel is that it's a minority, and probably a small one, but maybe I'm wrong?

The advantage that ground CZs have over space CZs definitely annoys me when there's a combat CG, but I'm not annoyed because I don't have Odyssey - I'm annoyed because I don't want to play a third-rate FPS when Elite was always (and IMO should always be) a game played in space.

I haven't bought Odyssey, and I won't buy Odyssey. I just hope that by the time they force the shared "improvements" on all of us, it won't break the game to the extent that I have to abandon it.
16 Dec 2021, 10:59pm
Gatimũ KamauGoing headlong into a new PC for the sake of E:D is not only daunting because of the cost involved since I work two jobs as it is and support a household but, as you said, also because I'm not a mechanically inclined individual. Building a PC is a very...intimidating prospect. But, by all means, shoot me your proposed setup and I'll see how realistic the idea is for someone like me.

i can check some prices for a nice pc setup but i need some time for the research.. or i can send you my pc config.. much faster

to make it short: at the base you need a good mainbaord and cpu, im using an old asus sabertooth amd board with 8 core fx cpu, not the newest one but asus make great boards.
a good power supply and memory is needed, im using rog thor 800w but thats to expensive, 550-650w should be enough, real power consumption is displayed around 350w during gaming.
importend for a good power supply is the output Ampere on the several tracks, check / calculate the right ammount for your planned graphic card and components. there are many good ones on the market.

memory not less than 8 GB and have an eye on dual channel compatibility if your using more than 2 memory slot / moduls. low latency memory is advantageous against the normal ones. with g skill and corsair i had good experinces. ed takes around 3,5 GB of system memory during gaming.

a big case, for better air flow, and enough fans i would recommend. a ssd hard drive, samsung make nice ones and not so expensive, or a nvme ssd drive (expensive but very high transfer rate) is a good choice.

the graphic card could be a problem couse the prices are very very hight at the moment. thanks goes to corona. im using a good old radeon rx 580 with 8 GB ram and its runnig all fine at medium / high settings.

at least a os is needed but thats yours choice. im running win 7 64 bit, that you can get very cheap couse it´s outdated.. running out of support.. but ed is runnig nice on it. or take a newer one.
all components you can buy on ebay or some other trading platform cheap. if you need some help i can gave you advices.. was long times tradind pc parts and building systems.. greetings
16 Dec 2021, 11:49pm
Co'hen MacBain
BurstarThe monumental advantage we get over you guys because of this is ridiculous. "but Console can't play with PC so why does it matter"? Because of the BGS and perma marking of exploration sites.

I do wonder what percentage of the player base actually cares about either of those things? I'm not saying nobody does, I'm just curious. Personally, I couldn't care less, but obviously some people do. My gut feel is that it's a minority, and probably a small one, but maybe I'm wrong?

I don't think there's anyway to know for certain how many. Regarding caring about the BGS I would point out that a significant portion of this website is devoted to BGS information and that their are around 2000 Player factions in its database. Granted many are defunct, but, the ones that are still active almost certainly do care about the BGS to some extent or another. Also, even if people claim to not think about it, they do care about the BGS in some small regard if they participate in any of its actions. Heck, Oddities ground combat becomes monotonous damn quick if there isn't some overarching goal to spice it up. So, even if it is their life's goal to absolutely not give one iota of a care about the BGS they either will indirectly or will quickly grow tired of ED:O and abandon it anyways.

As for peeing on planets, I suppose the only ones that do care about that sort of thing are the ones that had the opportunity?
17 Dec 2021, 5:20pm
Iwao KishiroI was hyped for the new Stalker until they announced that game will have NFT (which, in a lot of cases, is used for negative purposes). I don't think I need to say why I don't really like the ideas. What's worse for the developers, a lot of players started to demand refund for the preorders. Not to mention the feedback that is... let's say that "negative" is putting it lightly.

They walked their NFT stance back.

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