I hope this speaks for itself. This was the most adrenaline I've ever felt in this game. Nothing has yet to match this.
30 Nov 2020, 11:40pm
I hope this speaks for itself. This was the most adrenaline I've ever felt in this game. Nothing has yet to match this.
01 Dec 2020, 12:09am
SakashiroMy first rebuy screen.
Come to think of it, the earliest "oh shit" moment I remember was when a hyperjump dropped my Sidewinder between binary stars somewhere on the way back from Sagittarius A* to Colonia, and I started taking heat damage while trying to escape.
01 Dec 2020, 12:22am
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Dec 2020, 1:28am
01 Dec 2020, 12:38am
Aleksander Majjam"Oh shit.. I really should've put that fuel scoop on..."
This was mine too.
Really early doors I'd plotted a journey to a station named after my home city, as a sort of pilgrimage, and ran out of fuel halfway.
Embarrassingly it was very much within the bubble and an NPC System Security ship had to refuel me just outside of a station.
It taught me a very important lesson about scoops and tanks.
01 Dec 2020, 12:39am
Blackvertigo1So... Guys and gals, how do you drink Kool-Aid if you've got a mask on?
You use a straw beneath the mask lol
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Dec 2020, 1:28am
01 Dec 2020, 12:50am
Sparlin007Quick question/ food for thought: What was one of your moments (or screenshots) where the first thing to come to your mind was "oh sh*t..." Maybe first encounter with 'Goids?
Early on I almost lost my Anaconda without rebuy. Lesson learned don't be poor. Another time was when a mate and I spent some time in a res site and he told me he didn't see the CMDR in an FDL who started shooting at me.
01 Dec 2020, 12:55am
Blackvertigo1So... Guys and gals, how do you drink Kool-Aid if you've got a mask on?
You suck.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Dec 2020, 1:28am
01 Dec 2020, 12:59am
ArtifactHunter_Blackvertigo1So... Guys and gals, how do you drink Kool-Aid if you've got a mask on?
You use a straw beneath the mask lol
Edit: I just came to the realization that they meant drinking the kool-aid as in the incident with the cult. Why are you posting that on Inara of all places?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Dec 2020, 1:28am
01 Dec 2020, 1:11pm
Blackvertigo1So... Guys and gals, how do you drink Kool-Aid if you've got a mask on?

02 Dec 2020, 12:04am
SakashiroSpace Engineers got an update.
Coming back to this. A couple friends and I are playing in a survival world rn. I'm building the big ship that will be our mobile base and I'll take some inspiration from Elite ships. So far we have a hangar and bridge frame looking like that of the Anaconda. We'll see what the end product will be but I'm tempted to just try a mix of Conda and Vette.
02 Dec 2020, 7:47pm
Sparlin007Quick question/ food for thought: What was one of your moments (or screenshots) where the first thing to come to your mind was "oh sh*t..." Maybe first encounter with 'Goids?

First time i visited Alnitak
02 Dec 2020, 8:21pm
SakashiroGrecale80First time i visited Alnitak
Proof that DVDs are still a thing in 3306.
mmm more a 33rpm vinyl