18 Nov 2021, 7:02pm
KazumaGShepAleksander MajjamSalmoneaWho cares about Star wars...
How dare you..
Star Trek is better
1992 Space movie is best
18 Nov 2021, 10:24pm
Aleksander MajjamI think you are all crazy, poppets.
Who isnt crazy... Maybe some tribal people in jungles. We are all mad.
19 Nov 2021, 12:47pm
SalmoneaSilver TafferAmata LireinOh, are we throwing random scifi franchises at each other right now? Try this one:
The Andersons? Well that has to be Fireball XL5 - Classic, it even had a monkey
I never heared about that. From British sci fi I know only Red Dwarf.
god i love red dwarf
19 Nov 2021, 2:28pm
Austria is to become the first European country to make vaccinations against Covid 19 mandatory, and will go into its third nationwide lockdown for at least 10 days from Monday, the chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, has announced.
The government said it was preparing the legal groundwork for a general vaccine mandate to come into effect from 1 February, with exemptions for those unable to receive a jab on medical grounds.
Those refusing to be vaccinated are likely to face administrative fines, which can be converted into a prison sentence if the fine cannot be recovered.
19 Nov 2021, 5:14pm
SakashiroFascism is returning to Europe.
unfortunately fascism is already on the doorstep of the whole world. And it looks like it will be even tougher further.
19 Nov 2021, 5:25pm
SakashiroFascism is returning to Europe.
Austria is to become the first European country to make vaccinations against Covid 19 mandatory, and will go into its third nationwide lockdown for at least 10 days from Monday, the chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, has announced.
The government said it was preparing the legal groundwork for a general vaccine mandate to come into effect from 1 February, with exemptions for those unable to receive a jab on medical grounds.
Those refusing to be vaccinated are likely to face administrative fines, which can be converted into a prison sentence if the fine cannot be recovered.
Its time to leave Europe. Did you noticed that? Every world war starts in Germany-Austria
Last edit: 19 Nov 2021, 5:41pm
19 Nov 2021, 6:37pm
Austria is to become the first European country to make vaccinations against Covid 19 mandatory, and will go into its third nationwide lockdown for at least 10 days from Monday, the chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, has announced.
That is not fascism. That is possibly technocratic authoritarianism in a loose sense considering it is policy being instituted by a democratic government. Frankly, it's about damn time. It's spelt 'Freedom' not free-dumb. There are MANY limitations on your freedoms. Have free speech? Can't threaten to kill someone, or yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. That isn't tyranny, it's common sense. Nobody should have the right to threaten other people with a potentially lethal disease just because they're too stupid to understand the science that went into that scawy bo bo juice.
19 Nov 2021, 7:40pm
BurstarThat is not fascism. That is possibly technocratic authoritarianism in a loose sense considering it is policy being instituted by a democratic government. Frankly, it's about damn time. It's spelt 'Freedom' not free-dumb. There are MANY limitations on your freedoms. Have free speech? Can't threaten to kill someone, or yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. That isn't tyranny, it's common sense. Nobody should have the right to threaten other people with a potentially lethal disease just because they're too stupid to understand the science that went into that scawy bo bo juice.
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, "All Cause Severe Morbidity"
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.
US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, "All Cause Severe Morbidity"
Pivotal clinical trial data from the 3 marketed COVID-19 vaccines was reanalyzed using “all cause severe morbidity", a scientific measure of health, as the primary endpoint. “All cause severe morbidity” in the treatment group and control group was calculated by adding all severe events reported in the clinical trials. Severe events included both severe infections with COVID-19 and all other severe adverse events in the treatment arm and control arm respectively. This analysis gives reduction in severe COVID-19 infections the same weight as adverse events of equivalent severity. Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statically significant increase in “all cause severe morbidity" in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001). The Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group (p=0.000014), when only including “unsolicited” adverse events. The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001).
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
In contrast, our data provide valuable details on the involvement of spike protein subunits in DNA damage repair, indicating that full–length spike–based vaccines may inhibit the recombination of V(D)J in B cells, which is also consistent with a recent study that a full–length spike–based vaccine induced lower antibody titers compared to the RBD–based vaccine [28]. This suggests that the use of antigenic epitopes of the spike as a SARS–CoV–2 vaccine might be safer and more efficacious than the full–length spike. Taken together, we identified one of the potentially important mechanisms of SARS–CoV–2 suppression of the host adaptive immune machinery. Furthermore, our findings also imply a potential side effect of the full–length spike–based vaccine. This work will improve the understanding of COVID–19 pathogenesis and provide new strategies for designing more efficient and safer vaccines.
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
19 Nov 2021, 8:31pm
SakashiroBurstarThat is not fascism. That is possibly technocratic authoritarianism in a loose sense considering it is policy being instituted by a democratic government. Frankly, it's about damn time. It's spelt 'Freedom' not free-dumb. There are MANY limitations on your freedoms. Have free speech? Can't threaten to kill someone, or yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. That isn't tyranny, it's common sense. Nobody should have the right to threaten other people with a potentially lethal disease just because they're too stupid to understand the science that went into that scawy bo bo juice.
<< Show less
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.
US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, "All Cause Severe Morbidity"
Pivotal clinical trial data from the 3 marketed COVID-19 vaccines was reanalyzed using “all cause severe morbidity", a scientific measure of health, as the primary endpoint. “All cause severe morbidity” in the treatment group and control group was calculated by adding all severe events reported in the clinical trials. Severe events included both severe infections with COVID-19 and all other severe adverse events in the treatment arm and control arm respectively. This analysis gives reduction in severe COVID-19 infections the same weight as adverse events of equivalent severity. Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statically significant increase in “all cause severe morbidity" in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001). The Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group (p=0.000014), when only including “unsolicited” adverse events. The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001).
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
In contrast, our data provide valuable details on the involvement of spike protein subunits in DNA damage repair, indicating that full–length spike–based vaccines may inhibit the recombination of V(D)J in B cells, which is also consistent with a recent study that a full–length spike–based vaccine induced lower antibody titers compared to the RBD–based vaccine [28]. This suggests that the use of antigenic epitopes of the spike as a SARS–CoV–2 vaccine might be safer and more efficacious than the full–length spike. Taken together, we identified one of the potentially important mechanisms of SARS–CoV–2 suppression of the host adaptive immune machinery. Furthermore, our findings also imply a potential side effect of the full–length spike–based vaccine. This work will improve the understanding of COVID–19 pathogenesis and provide new strategies for designing more efficient and safer vaccines.
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
Its not about cure. Its about control.
19 Nov 2021, 9:18pm
SakashiroIncreases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
The author points out that this study suggests the need for MORE THAN JUST vaccines to prevent infection and not that vaccines are useless. So what you're saying here is you think mask mandates and social distancing recommendations, and media that attempts cultural shifts to emphasize hygiene are also good and should be listened to right? I bet not.
SakashiroUS COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, "All Cause Severe Morbidity"
Open source journal, and hence disreputable because any idiot can publish whatever garbage on there and it looks science-y so feeds the fools.
SakashiroSARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
In contrast, our data provide valuable details on the involvement of spike protein subunits in DNA damage repair, indicating that full–length spike–based vaccines may inhibit the recombination of V(D)J in B cells, which is also consistent with a recent study that a full–length spike–based vaccine induced lower antibody titers compared to the RBD–based vaccine [28]. This suggests that the use of antigenic epitopes of the spike as a SARS–CoV–2 vaccine might be safer and more efficacious than the full–length spike. Taken together, we identified one of the potentially important mechanisms of SARS–CoV–2 suppression of the host adaptive immune machinery. Furthermore, our findings also imply a potential side effect of the full–length spike–based vaccine. This work will improve the understanding of COVID–19 pathogenesis and provide new strategies for designing more efficient and safer vaccines.
Oh no's, DNA repair might be slightly impaired until the last of the vaccine breaks down. Lets see, on the one hand: could get sick, have my DNA repair impaired by the disease instead, spread the disease to everyone around me (impairing their DNA too, gosh don't care about that though do you?), and potentially die slowly suffocating, or risk a slight impairment of ONE mechanism for DNA repair in SOME cell's for a couple months... Gee, what would an intelligent, conscientious member of society choose?
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
If you do not understand the science, listen to the scientists otherwise you're not making 'an understanding and enlightened decision'. News flash, the scientists say take the damn vaccine.
Last edit: 19 Nov 2021, 9:31pm
20 Nov 2021, 2:16am
BurstarBefore I begin, I'll just point out that instead of daring to comment on the articles, and thus reveal your naivete, you just linked articles as if that gives any credibility to what you think.
I knew you would eventually comment on them and thus reveal your naivete.

BurstarSo what you're saying here is you think mask mandates and social distancing recommendations, and media that attempts cultural shifts to emphasize hygiene are also good and should be listened to right? I bet not.
On the contrary, I'm saying that these are the only things that work. You see, here in Germany (and in Austria, where the situation is very similar) people were nudged into vaccination with the promise they would get their normal lives back. The government has introduced a rule called "2G" ("geimpft oder genesen"), i.e. if you want to go to a restaurant, a club, or any other indoor venue, you need proof of either vaccination or recent recovery from COVID-19. And since the vaccines make you "immune", you don't need a test, and you can even take your mask off. The success of this regulation can be seen in this graph:

Doctors now report that in many hospitals the majority of COVID-19 patients in intensive care are fully vaccinated. The government, instead of admitting that their 2G rule turned the vaccinated into silent super spreaders, now doubles down with booster shots and blames the whole mess on the unvaccinated -- who still wear their masks and aren't even allowed to enter the places where the bulk of transmissions happens. This is the context for Austria's upcoming vaccine mandate. It's not going to work, because it's stupid and not based on science. It's magical thinking.
BurstarOpen source journal, and hence disreputable because any idiot can publish whatever garbage on there and it looks science-y so feeds the fools.
No scientific paper has ever been debunked on the basis of where it was published. The numbers were taken straight from the vaccine trials, anyone can look them up. If you find a proper rebuttal, please share it. That's how science is supposed to work, you know.
BurstarOh no's, DNA repair might be slightly impaired until the last of the vaccine breaks down. Lets see, on the one hand: could get sick, have my DNA repair impaired by the disease instead, spread the disease to everyone around me (impairing their DNA too, gosh don't care about that though do you?), and potentially die slowly suffocating, or risk a slight impairment of ONE mechanism for DNA repair in SOME cell's for a couple months... Gee, what would an intelligent, conscientious member of society choose?
The paper suggests that the vaccines are inefficacious because they introduce to the body the same spike protein that the virus uses to suppress the immune response. Oh, and the spike protein inhibits DNA repair in the cell nucleus, i.e. it acts as a mutagen. Our response: booster shots every six months. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

BurstarNews flash, the scientists say take the damn vaccine.
News flash, the scientists say don't sue us if it doesn't work as advertised.
20 Nov 2021, 9:55am
SakashiroBurstarBefore I begin, I'll just point out that instead of daring to comment on the articles, and thus reveal your naivete, you just linked articles as if that gives any credibility to what you think.
I knew you would eventually comment on them and thus reveal your naivete.
Here's the difference: I'm smart enough to know I'm not an expert on the science and so don't bother cherry picking lies on Facebook to forward my agenda.
SakashiroBurstarSo what you're saying here is you think mask mandates and social distancing recommendations, and media that attempts cultural shifts to emphasize hygiene are also good and should be listened to right? I bet not.
On the contrary, I'm saying that these are the only things that work.
And you're dead wrong. Even the paper you cite says "efforts should be made to encourage populations to get vaccinated".
SakashiroDoctors now report that in many hospitals the majority of COVID-19 patients in intensive care are fully vaccinated.
Citation needed, because this sounds like something you hear on Facebook.
Also, the problem is that the governments are allowing people to stop wearing masks in public if their immune system has experience with Covid. That we can agree on. Until the percentage of the population that is immune achieves herd immunity levels mask mandates and social distancing should also still apply to everyone. That was their mistake because Democracy is weak when it comes to implementing tough solutions. I'm not saying we should take China's example, but they did lock that shit down (literally)

SakashiroBurstarOpen source journal, and hence disreputable because any idiot can publish whatever garbage on there and it looks science-y so feeds the fools.
No scientific paper has ever been debunked on the basis of where it was published. The numbers were taken straight from the vaccine trials, anyone can look them up. If you find a proper rebuttal, please share it. That's how science is supposed to work, you know.
That isn't a scientific paper. if it was it would have been published in a scientific journal that Peer reviews. This is some dude claiming they are a doctor and spewing garbage. The fact you double down on defending it proves my point; You are unqualified to 'do your own research', and despite this, you're researching to prove your opinion, not form one. Produce reputably sourced articles or GTFO and take your dressed up propoganda with you, not the other way around.
Sakashiro The paper suggests that the vaccines are inefficacious because they introduce to the body the same spike protein that the virus uses to suppress the immune response. Oh, and the spike protein inhibits DNA repair in the cell nucleus, i.e. it acts as a mutagen. Our response: booster shots every six months. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
No, that is not what that paper 'suggests' at all. For starters, the word 'mutagen' does not appear even once in that paper. Also, this line "no evidence has been published that SARS–CoV–2 can infect thymocytes or bone marrow lymphoid cells" is extremely important for understanding the true meaning and scope of the paper. Can you tell me why?
SakashiroBurstarNews flash, the scientists say take the damn vaccine.
News flash, the scientists say don't sue us if it doesn't work as advertised.
No, no. What they actually say is "You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects". Stop making words up to suit your agenda, it's just making you look bad. If they "didn't work as advertised", you would almost certainly be able to sue, or at least your estate would. Over a billion doses administered and the only ones turning into zombies are the ones not vaccinated.