
04 Jan 2022, 3:45am
Royal JamaicaOh gross. Discussions like this remind me of my favorite meme of "independent" vax research via a phone whilst on a toilet.

Eventually all will be touched, regardless of the discussion. Too many vaccinated or healed for it not to happen. Matter of time.

Zombie apocalypses inbound.
04 Jan 2022, 4:46am
Aleksander Majjamr/HermanCainAward on Reddit is my favorite subreddit.

Wow, that's a whole new level of depravity.

Say what you will about anti-vaxxers, but you don't see them running a subreddit mocking victims of breakthrough infections or vaccine injuries.
04 Jan 2022, 5:49am
Yuna Sakashiro
Aleksander Majjamr/HermanCainAward on Reddit is my favorite subreddit.

Wow, that's a whole new level of depravity.

Say what you will about anti-vaxxers, but you don't see them running a subreddit mocking victims of breakthrough infections or vaccine injuries.

I'll say this one thing and drop it.

It's not depravity. It's the truth.

Every.. single.. individual.. post.. in that subreddit is someone who is mocking people for being vaccinated, mocking people who opt to wear masks, and overall politicizing the virus. Then those same people that have mocked others become infected and end up in a fight for their lives, usually succumbing.

The unvaccinated put themselves at risk, and while most people can fight the virus, those that choose not to use all the precautionary measures available also put others at risk. The subreddit only targets people that are not only anti-vaxx, but also ridicule others. Emphasis on ridicule. So yes, Saka, these people are absolutely mocking vaccinated and masked people, only to wind up being a cautionary tale themselves. It's almost poetic in a way.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 6:41am
04 Jan 2022, 6:09am
On a much more fun topic.

@Sal - I started up that little project again, only to realize you're using a different looking avatar for your current one. Although I think the face-claim I found does match yours quite well.

04 Jan 2022, 8:35am
Yuna SakashiroThe problem isn't ignorance but the dogmatic belief that scientists know everything right from the start, are incapable of error, and therefore must not be doubted.

This is totally against everything Science represents.
Nobody worth listening to says Scientists are perfect, omniscient, and to be obeyed. Science, by definition, doubts itself. It is THE REASON they never say 'absolutely certain 100% that this is the complete whole story with no further nuance or information to consider'. There is peer review specifically because of this, so that the PEOPLE THAT UNDERSTAND the research can check for errors and/or bias. This institutionalized doubt is not a weakness, although it is exploited to great effect by those looking to manipulate the less knowledgeable or fearful.

All Science ever is and ever will be is the sum total of our evidence based, current best understanding of the natural world. It is always improving, always correcting itself. It's not 'Dogma', it is simply accepting that nobody else knows any better, nor is there any better way to gain such knowledge.

When confronted by a hungry lion, the scientist might advise you that based on past evidence if you don't want to get eaten you should make yourself as big as possible, make a lot of noise, and don't look away. Anti-vaxxers be like 'nah bro, I'm still on the fence. You should just put your head in the sand then the threat disappears!'. If you listen to the scientist and still get eaten you at least did the best you could with the information available at the time. If you put your head in the sand you are not a victim, you're an idiot that deserves to be mocked.
04 Jan 2022, 10:48am
Yuna Sakashiro
RainbroThe risk of a dangerous mutation occurring will only be eliminated when enough people have been vaccinated.

Provably false.

Can you elaborate? It's a fairly simple chain of logic. Mutations occur with replication - more infections means more replication - more chance of a dangerous mutation if we don't curb the spread. Vaccines give immunity without risking infection and mutation.
04 Jan 2022, 1:10pm
RainbroCan you elaborate?

I'd love to, but we can't do this here.
04 Jan 2022, 1:58pm
Yuna Sakashiro
RainbroCan you elaborate?

I'd love to, but we can't do this here.

Why not?
04 Jan 2022, 2:16pm
RainbroWhy not?

ArtiePlease, not another Covid discussion again. As I mentioned before, it usually ends like discussions about politics, religions, etc....

That's why. Artie works hard on this site. Best to respect their requests here.

Last edit: 04 Jan 2022, 2:26pm
06 Jan 2022, 2:36pm
Dirnivirs-m-s what is this witchcraft how do you use it.


Who else been banned from Frontier Forums by Canonn volunteer mods, by false, unfact checked accusations?

Or had Arty delete 40-50 images of your multiple times when you get close to the 160 tier 5 photographer award on INARA?

06 Jan 2022, 2:54pm
I will explain it once again and for the last time - your images got auto-deleted by a script, pruning the old not liked or any other way used images to reduce the overall galleries size (as there is a ton of images being uploaded all the time). It's mentioned on the image adding page and it's same for everybody. Also, I have explained this to you twice already. There is no conspiracy behind it, so just move on. It's getting tiresome.
08 Jan 2022, 3:43am
I posted this in "game Talk" already, but I thought I'd post it here also in case it was missed and comeone else has the answer.

So I guess that somewhere along the way (likely with the Odyssey update) Dav's Hope got removed from the game. I KNOW that it got moved to the opposite side of the planet on PC...but for those of us on console without access to Odyssey, it's COMPLETELY gone.

So much for mat grinding there for me.

Is there any other location that has easily grindable materials?
08 Jan 2022, 8:24am
ArtieI will explain it once again and for the last time - your images got auto-deleted by a script, pruning the old not liked or any other way used images to reduce the overall galleries size (as there is a ton of images being uploaded all the time). It's mentioned on the image adding page and it's same for everybody. Also, I have explained this to you twice already. There is no conspiracy behind it, so just move on. It's getting tiresome.

Over 50 images pruned for the second time in six months. How can people get the badge past rank four if you keep doing this? It is tiresome for you to hear about it? You run a site where people upload photos and journals. I would think hearing about this would be what you want to hear about. Sorry you are tired.
08 Jan 2022, 9:59am
ArtieI will explain it once again and for the last time - your images got auto-deleted by a script

Over 50 images pruned for the second time in six months. How can people get the badge past rank four if you keep doing this?

Look, dude. The majority of upvotes that validate your trash photos are obtained the day they are posted, and perhaps the next day or 2. Keeping garbage up taking up valuable server space for months so your whiny ass might luck out and get one or two more likes is unreasonable. Get a clue. You really want Photographer Rank 4+? L2 photograph and photoshop so you get the requisite likes to validate the pictures so they don't get deleted.

This is a YOU problem, not an Artie one.
08 Jan 2022, 10:43am
Uhhh... To cut things short - do things that people will probably like. If you want to do smth more 'technical', like a banner or an illustration for smth, upload it on third-party hosting. That's how it works if you want to use this thing in a proper way... Not grinding the badges.

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...