Gatimũ KamauI already posted this in the "Game Talk" chat, but I'd like a deeper pool of thought/response on this idea...
I hear you. I put exactly 625 hours into Elite. With my schedule, it meant that it was the only game I was playing at the time. The day they announced that they were halting major upgrade support for consoles, I quit. Uninstalled it as fast as I could. Even when there were glaring issues that should've pushed me to quit earlier, it was playing Elite with my squad that was the most rewarding thing. Now it's uninstalled and even if Odyssey miraculously made it to consoles, I don't think I'll pick it back up. I remain here because I like the community here. And I also like the kind of OT fights we have here where Saka goes 1 v 100 and Artie has to break is up.

Thankfully I'm not too picky when it comes to my gaming and moved on to games better suited for the MMO role. ESO has engaged me much like Elite had, without it feeling like a grindy POS. Hopefully you find something to scratch that itch. I have a long way to go, but the next game I look forward to is Starfield. Meanwhile, I also enjoy getting my simming with MSFS for consoles. I know it's not the same, but you should check out Elite alternatives. Obsidian Ant has some good videos on them.