Episparh the BluntCan you get a room to finish this?
I doubt he'd perform better in a room.

Episparh the BluntCan you get a room to finish this?
Yuna SakashiroEpisparh the BluntCan you get a room to finish this?
I doubt he'd perform better in a room.
Burstar or somethingYuna SakashiroEpisparh the BluntCan you get a room to finish this?
I doubt he'd perform better in a room.
Well could you blame him. It's admirable really to be able to still get a half-chub when, ahem, the conditions are FAR from ideal. And lets face it, we all know you'd be grateful for the attempt.
Yuna SakashiroAleks, in case you still didn't get the hint, I'm an actual citizen of Germany, and I actually develop software for the government. So who the fuck are you to tell me that I have "no clue" about software and can't discuss government-related issues with "actual Germans"? What are your credentials?
Yuna SakashiroAleks, in case you still didn't get the hint, I'm an actual citizen of Germany, and I actually develop software for the government. So who the fuck are you to tell me that I have "no clue" about software and can't discuss government-related issues with "actual Germans"? What are your credentials?
Iwao Kishirospreading misinformation about coronavirus falls under NetzDG
Yuna SakashiroIwao Kishirospreading misinformation about coronavirus falls under NetzDG
No, it doesn't. Besides, I didn't post misinformation. Facts are not conspiracy theories. (...) And how can you play a science fiction game and not be interested in science?
Iwao Kishiro"...an article dressed up to look like it was scientific..."
Yuna SakashiroIwao Kishiro"...an article dressed up to look like it was scientific..."
As if Burstar could tell the difference.
Burstar or somethingI'm not the one linking to open access publications as sources.
Yuna SakashiroBurstar or somethingI'm not the one linking to open access publications as sources.
The merit of a scientific publication is not determined by whether it is in OA or not. Likewise, the merit of a scientist's verbal statement does not depend on where it is reported. When I cited three of Germany's most reputable virologists/epidemiologists on the issue of herd immunity, you dismissed all of them because you didn't like the online news portals (T-Online et al.) that I had linked to (so that you could get an English translation). Most scientific literature about the-virus-that-must-not-be-named is in preprint at this time, and if you think CNN peddles misinformation by citing preprint OA articles, you're a conspiracy nutcase.
Yuna SakashiroThe merit of a scientific publication is not determined by whether it is in OA or not. Likewise, the merit of a scientist's verbal statement does not depend on where it is reported. When I cited three of Germany's most reputable virologists/epidemiologists on the issue of herd immunity, you dismissed all of them because you didn't like the online news portals (T-Online et al.) that I had linked to (so that you could get an English translation). Most scientific literature about the-virus-that-must-not-be-named is in preprint at this time, and if you think CNN peddles misinformation by citing preprint OA articles, you're a conspiracy nutcase.
Iwao KishiroOh my effin lord, just drop this already... You've been told "stop linking conspiracy theory bullcrap" so many times I think I ran out of my braincells that still somehow survived after reading your posts about COVID, mate.