
03 Dec 2020, 11:07am
Max, that reminds me of ZZ Top. I love the classic rock style!
03 Dec 2020, 12:53pm
Very much like early ZZ Top...
03 Dec 2020, 1:48pm
Igneel PrimeThe Federation won a lot of CGs because they have much more support in the community. If you look at the numbers of the current one you'll see the difference. The Empire can keep up though. I like to compare this kinda situation to the Expanse. One side has the quantity, the other makes up for it in quality. It's even the same sides. The Federation is the UN and the Empire the MCR

According to Inara statistics the vast majority of players are indies. The Empire has about 5% of CMDRs as supporters (who have their allegiances set) and the Federation around 4%.

Who the majority of players side with depends mainly on two things: narrative and rewards.
03 Dec 2020, 1:53pm
Yeah Max, tha's wut I'm talkin' 'bout... <does some shreddin' & pickin'>
03 Dec 2020, 2:38pm
Here's to the Imperials!
03 Dec 2020, 2:54pm
Synthya, For some reason when I saw this one from 1973...well it fits your the way...this might be NSFW!
03 Dec 2020, 3:02pm
HooYeah... I wish I looked that good... but I'm a woman in her prime trapped inside a body looking at her 62nd birthday...
03 Dec 2020, 4:01pm
Nice musical tastes. I deeply approve
04 Dec 2020, 10:47am
This week's Mandalorian...

06 Dec 2020, 9:23am

There are players japan based? I would like express them my deepest and truly admiration
08 Dec 2020, 11:56pm

09 Dec 2020, 12:00am

It's already on my SSD... just waiting for Steam to say "Now you may play it!"
09 Dec 2020, 12:09am
Elite population about to drop overnight.
09 Dec 2020, 12:12am
At least for a while...
09 Dec 2020, 12:19am
Amata LireinIt's already on my SSD... just waiting for Steam to say "Now you may download the day one patch!"


Aleksander MajjamElite population about to drop overnight.

You bet! I'll be gone for a while, too.

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