
30 Nov 2020, 12:09pm
Amata Lirein
Rebecca HailI'm gonna need shades anyways when the federal fleet is going to bomb Achenar 6d back into the stone age.

That's what the Empire gets for being a bunch of genocidal fucks.

The last time a Federal warfleet tried to invade Achenar it got its ass kicked... by a bunch of converted freighters.

what did I say about Mon Calamari vibes...
30 Nov 2020, 12:21pm
Just sit back, watch, and enjoy Igneel.

30 Nov 2020, 12:26pm
nah when I get bored I'll fight the Federation. Not necessarily for the Empire but still
30 Nov 2020, 12:39pm
Amata Lirein
Rebecca HailI'm gonna need shades anyways when the federal fleet is going to bomb Achenar 6d back into the stone age.

That's what the Empire gets for being a bunch of genocidal fucks.

The last time a Federal warfleet tried to invade Achenar it got its ass kicked... by a bunch of converted freighters.

If you need to go 800 years back to cite a relevant military victory, you already lost the argument.
30 Nov 2020, 12:43pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein
Rebecca HailI'm gonna need shades anyways when the federal fleet is going to bomb Achenar 6d back into the stone age.

That's what the Empire gets for being a bunch of genocidal fucks.

The last time a Federal warfleet tried to invade Achenar it got its ass kicked... by a bunch of converted freighters.

If you need to go 800 years back to cite a relevant military victory, you already lost the argument.

You know how history works. Tends to repeat itself
30 Nov 2020, 12:45pm
Besides: I was talking about a specific event (an attempted invasion of Achenar). There's a good reason why noone ever tried that again.
30 Nov 2020, 12:45pm
Rebecca HailIf you need to go 800 years back to cite a relevant military victory, you already lost the argument.

Apparently there were no community goals 800 years ago.
30 Nov 2020, 12:49pm
Igneel Prime
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein

The last time a Federal warfleet tried to invade Achenar it got its ass kicked... by a bunch of converted freighters.

If you need to go 800 years back to cite a relevant military victory, you already lost the argument.

You know how history works. Tends to repeat itself

If you don't learn from it.

Amata LireinBesides: I was talking about a specific event (an attempted invasion of Achenar). There's a good reason why noone ever tried that again.

Wasn't worth the effort.

Rebecca HailIf you need to go 800 years back to cite a relevant military victory, you already lost the argument.

Apparently there were no community goals 800 years ago.

Afaik the Federation has pretty much won every Combat CG where it was directly confronted with the Empire.
30 Nov 2020, 12:55pm
The Federation won a lot of CGs because they have much more support in the community. If you look at the numbers of the current one you'll see the difference. The Empire can keep up though. I like to compare this kinda situation to the Expanse. One side has the quantity, the other makes up for it in quality. It's even the same sides. The Federation is the UN and the Empire the MCR
30 Nov 2020, 1:06pm
Well then, 22,080t hauled so far for the glorious Empire makes me Top 10%... Guess I'll get at least one of those decals now for bragging... oh, sorry, I meant basking rights
30 Nov 2020, 3:34pm
the pro-hauler wrench
30 Nov 2020, 10:41pm
Quick question/ food for thought: What was one of your moments (or screenshots) where the first thing to come to your mind was "oh sh*t..." Maybe first encounter with 'Goids?
30 Nov 2020, 10:44pm
Sparlin007Quick question/ food for thought: What was one of your moments (or screenshots) where the first thing to come to your mind was "oh sh*t..." Maybe first encounter with 'Goids?

My first rebuy screen.
30 Nov 2020, 10:51pm
Sparlin007Quick question/ food for thought: What was one of your moments (or screenshots) where the first thing to come to your mind was "oh sh*t..." Maybe first encounter with 'Goids?

Well, there are two actually, one that made me go "Oh shit, are you for real? ROFL!" and one that made me go... "That's not going to end well..."

The funny one would be when I was doing that one Guardian data mission for Ram Tah, and when I downloaded the "Biology 7" entry and read it I was laughing out loud. Why? Welll.....

This data offers more details about the physical appearance of the Guardians, specifically regarding genders. The similarities between humans and the Guardians continue to delight me. They had two distinct genders and reproduced sexually. There don’t appear to have been any taboos surrounding sexual activity, as the data contains large quantity of graphic images and recordings – not unlike some of our data nets!


Basically you just downloaded a giant stockpile of Guardian PORN!

The other was when I found that crashed Anaconda with the Thargoid Sensor right next to it, shortly before the CG in LTT 1934 started...
30 Nov 2020, 11:10pm
"Oh shit.. I really should've put that fuel scoop on..."

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