Elite: Odyssey

06 Apr 2021, 6:14pm
I would imagine by the time Fdev get feed back from the alpha a lot of these current features will change or improve....hopefully. I'm only a console player so I'm not experiencing this exciting alpha. I thought about getting it for my PC but I'll probably just wait for its release on console lol
07 Apr 2021, 8:35am
Today I found that if you hit a defense turret while the settlement is powered down you get a fine.
This makes all defenses immediately hostile when you turn on the power. ....Although I switched off all turrets and scans , the remaining Goliaths, Skimmers and one patrolling Vulture shredded that Apex Adder in seconds.
07 Apr 2021, 11:56am
EpisparhToday I found that if you hit a defense turret while the settlement is powered down you get a fine.
This makes all defenses immediately hostile when you turn on the power. ....Although I switched off all turrets and scans , the remaining Goliaths, Skimmers and one patrolling Vulture shredded that Apex Adder in seconds.

Got that one too ... hit the turret while shooting a rocket at a hostile NPC. A bit unexpected to be fined for defending the damn station
07 Apr 2021, 1:48pm
So far, after playing Alpha, I've concluded that I don't like all these ground missions. The whole thing turns into just another stupid single-type grind of resources to upgrade the suit and weapons. I decided that I'm not going to participate in it, I need the suit only for research and walks. That's why I won't even consider weapons.
07 Apr 2021, 2:12pm
Some ground missions don't require weapons. In fact carrying weapons might be a reason why guards open fire in some cases.

However, the tedium of Apex rides kept me from investigating this further. During this first phase of the alpha I spent most of the time in camera mode and in the Holo-Me editor.
07 Apr 2021, 2:29pm
I am buying A-rated cobra mk3 with half my alpha CR as soon as phase 2 starts. Have you checked the new ship renders in the store? The textures looks amazing and it looks like some of the base colors are changed.
07 Apr 2021, 2:39pm
SakashiroSome ground missions don't require weapons. In fact carrying weapons might be a reason why guards open fire in some cases.

However, the tedium of Apex rides kept me from investigating this further. During this first phase of the alpha I spent most of the time in camera mode and in the Holo-Me editor.

True, but it seems to me that the strategy chosen with surface missions is a dead end. There are a lot of games of similar genre and they are much better implemented. I did not like the concept of weapons with two types of damage at all. Very disappointing that there is no sniper weapon as a type, which means there is no whole shooter trend.
07 Apr 2021, 2:50pm
I haven't seen all weapons yet. And once upgraded few times you can just use one type of weapon.

It looks like intended design bullet sponges are countered with grind and upgrades.

P. S. I found this Jewel in the official forums.

Last edit: 07 Apr 2021, 2:59pm
07 Apr 2021, 3:56pm
I have a game question about Odyssey. I have an xbox and can not test or review yet but wondering about how the new game connects to Horizons? I am excited to use my own ship in the same universe and step out on planets. Are you PC folks having to start over again and use Apex for transportation?

Also if I am engineering a module X3 (thrusters) with a new engineer do I have to start over with the module to fain access to engineering 4 and 5? Palin wont touch my thrusters unless I reengineer them or buy a new module.

Thanks for your comments. Please continue the talk about Odyssey ...
07 Apr 2021, 4:30pm
RickchapI have a game question about Odyssey. I have an xbox and can not test or review yet but wondering about how the new game connects to Horizons? I am excited to use my own ship in the same universe and step out on planets. Are you PC folks having to start over again and use Apex for transportation?

Also if I am engineering a module X3 (thrusters) with a new engineer do I have to start over with the module to fain access to engineering 4 and 5? Palin wont touch my thrusters unless I reengineer them or buy a new module.

Thanks for your comments. Please continue the talk about Odyssey ...

We will be able to use our ships in Odyssey. Next two alpha test phases will allow us to buy ship and in the last one we will get all our assets from live server including Fleet Carriers.

About your engineering question technically Palin can continue upgrading your thrusters but only if you unlocked that engineering access with him. So if you have upgraded your thrusters elsewhere and just arrived at Palin you should try to use other module upgrades until you hit the required engineering grade that you need to continue your thruster's upgrades.
07 Apr 2021, 4:36pm
RickchapI have a game question about Odyssey. I have an xbox and can not test or review yet but wondering about how the new game connects to Horizons? I am excited to use my own ship in the same universe and step out on planets. Are you PC folks having to start over again and use Apex for transportation?

Also if I am engineering a module X3 (thrusters) with a new engineer do I have to start over with the module to fain access to engineering 4 and 5? Palin wont touch my thrusters unless I reengineer them or buy a new module.

Thanks for your comments. Please continue the talk about Odyssey ...

When Odyssey goes live people with Horizons won't be able to instance with Odyssey players, just like you can't with PC and Playstation players. So there will be 6 flavour of ED players, and the 3 types of play open/private/solo. So a total of 18 ways to play! It'll be like when players didn't have Horizons couldn't land on planets or use an SRV.

Alpha testing is done using fresh accounts, but when it goes live we'll be using our existing accounts and ship/gear etc.

As for engineering modules, if you have a level 3 thruster but no rank with Palin your options are to either level him upto level 3 with something else, or re-engineer the thrusters (doing one roll of a different upgrade and then switching back to the one you originally had). If possible, get him to upgrade your FSD to level 3, then you should have enough rank to do 4 and 5 on your thrusters. You should then finish as level 5 with Palin. Don't forget to pin Dirty Drives with him.
08 Apr 2021, 5:57am
Yesterday I experienced a glitch in Odyssey which revealed a bit about how Elite Dangerous works internally. Check this out:

As you can see, Horizons still exists as optional content, even in the upcoming Odyssey client. This suggests that Odyssey as a project consists of two elements: a new client incorporating all the new rendering tech, redesigned user interfaces etc., and a DLC license which unlocks the new on-foot locations and activities. So the client installed on your computer after Odyssey's release will likely be the same, regardless of whether you own the DLC or not.
08 Apr 2021, 6:06am
Aunty SledgeWhen Odyssey goes live people with Horizons won't be able to instance with Odyssey players

If I remember correctly, this restriction applies only to planetary instances. Horizons and Odyssey players will still be abe to share instances in space or supercruise.
08 Apr 2021, 8:07am
Aunty SledgeWhen Odyssey goes live people with Horizons won't be able to instance with Odyssey players

If I remember correctly, this restriction applies only to planetary instances. Horizons and Odyssey players will still be abe to share instances in space or supercruise.

Yes, that's my understanding as well. The same was true when winged up with people who didn't have horizons. I presume the glide path part of entering an atmosphere is actually a cover for instance changing.
08 Apr 2021, 10:35am
The instance change completes with the bang. The glide is just a mechanic to shorten the descent and won't happen if you enter the drop zone too fast.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.