Elite: Odyssey

12 Apr 2021, 9:11am
We should also test if it's now possible to share dual SRVs with team members.
12 Apr 2021, 9:16am
Episparh Yeah, I know that it is alpha and so on. But being into software development I know what can be changed in last moment and what cannot

With respect, do you develop games on the bespoke COBRA engine?

I'd think that only Frontier know how much optimisation is possible between now and the release of Odyssey as no-one else has the engine, it isn't as if they are using the 'off-the-shelf' offerings that can be licensed to games developers for Odyssey.

It is easy for 'developers' to make a sweeping statement as you have, which is likely to be 100% accurate for thier product - me, I prefer to see what the owners of a bespoke engine do with their own product in the coming weeks...
12 Apr 2021, 9:26am
Design decision are not subject of engine, framework, etc. But yes, I will not enter discussion for this. In any case it is pointless, we will just wait and see.
12 Apr 2021, 9:28am
EpisparhDesign decision are not subject of engine, framework, etc. But yes, I will not enter discussion for this. In any case it is pointless, we will just wait and see.

Yes it is pointless, but a topic that so many love to discuss.

Do you not have alpha / beta tests where the software is heavily loaded with perfomance monitoring telemetry?
12 Apr 2021, 9:40am
No. In my case, every build is subject to this if the product owner wants it. Of course it takes time to produce feedback and address the issues.

But you miss the point. As I said it looks that most of the stuff is related to design decision. Design is the base idea on which the code implementation is based. Even in simple project with a change management in mind it is hard and time consuming to adjust the design in late stages and there is a great risk of trashing existing work. This is why I doubt we will see great improvement of what we actually get with that alpha builds.
12 Apr 2021, 11:33am
In a perfect world the design would be right, and alpha testing would be testing those elements when they became available.

This is effectively a beta test where the design is fixed, elements are made, and we're now load testing, optimising, and where possible tweaking the existing rules in functions to make it a better product (like disabling mission fails on death would be a simple change as they just disable that function call).
12 Apr 2021, 2:56pm

12 Apr 2021, 3:48pm
They could easily put a clown instead of this with a same effect.
12 Apr 2021, 4:31pm
Episparh They could easily put a clown instead of this with a same effect.

Oh, come on, Epi, they could have made the smile far worse. It looks kind of like a wise-cracking, sarcastic smile.
12 Apr 2021, 4:39pm
Thanatos au GrimmusOh, come on, Epi, they could have made the smile far worse. It looks kind of like a wise-cracking, sarcastic smile.

He looks like a space cowboy, always ready to save a damsel in distress.

Me on the other hand...

12 Apr 2021, 6:16pm
12 Apr 2021, 6:20pm
12 Apr 2021, 6:31pm
Thanatos au GrimmusOh, come on, Epi, they could have made the smile far worse. It looks kind of like a wise-cracking, sarcastic smile.

He looks like a space cowboy, always ready to save a damsel in distress.

Me on the other hand...

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LMSO, and yet I only look worse.
12 Apr 2021, 7:41pm
Pics plz!
12 Apr 2021, 8:13pm
I'm on Xbox so I'm not in the PC alpha. So I don't have pictures, Sorry.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.