Elite: Odyssey

04 May 2021, 11:02am
Steam has issued the refund for Odyssey.

I hope I can still play Horizons after May 19th.
04 May 2021, 11:04am
I bought from Frontier and I do not plan to ask for refund

Else I would agree with you, from what we've seen you better wait for a sale.
04 May 2021, 11:06am
Yeah I was thinking about that. Hopefully they still have Horizons listed in the launcher to give people a means to launch the game in a working state if Odyssey has performance issues or otherwise isn't working.
04 May 2021, 11:14am
Daiyousei7Yeah I was thinking about that. Hopefully they still have Horizons listed in the launcher to give people a means to launch the game in a working state if Odyssey has performance issues or otherwise isn't working.

I'm afraid it will be like last time with the base game, i.e. there'll be a Horizons entry in the launcher, but it will just start the new client with all the Odyssey features disabled. The client we're using now will be replaced (and may not even be able to connect any more due to server-side changes).
04 May 2021, 11:18am
EpisparhI bought from Frontier and I do not plan to ask for refund

Else I would agree with you, from what we've seen you better wait for a sale.

If they manage to pull off a stable release, I'll be happy to re-purchase at full price. But the alpha did not inspire confidence.
04 May 2021, 11:23am
Ironically, I feel good about the alpha. What gives me pause is that there's only 2 weeks between the end of alpha and release and no beta has been announced. I've never seen that go well. Unless they're hiding something highly advanced that has months of lead time, I don't have any confidence. I'd love to be wrong though, but I do this for a living so....
04 May 2021, 11:43am
Daiyousei7Ironically, I feel good about the alpha. What gives me pause is that there's only 2 weeks between the end of alpha and release and no beta has been announced. I've never seen that go well. Unless they're hiding something highly advanced that has months of lead time, I don't have any confidence. I'd love to be wrong though, but I do this for a living so....

It's a train wreck in slow motion, but if you go to their forums now to point this out, people will shout you down and tell you that you have no clue about development and QA, and that FDev can do no wrong. The level of denial is off the charts.
04 May 2021, 11:59am
Daiyousei7Ironically, I feel good about the alpha. What gives me pause is that there's only 2 weeks between the end of alpha and release and no beta has been announced. I've never seen that go well. Unless they're hiding something highly advanced that has months of lead time, I don't have any confidence. I'd love to be wrong though, but I do this for a living so....

It's a train wreck in slow motion, but if you go to their forums now to point this out, people will shout you down and tell you that you have no clue about development and QA, and that FDev can do no wrong. The level of denial is off the charts.

Yeah but people are like that with everything. It doesn't even surprise me anymore to see people blindly having opinions on things. They're trying to protect themselves from disappointment.
04 May 2021, 12:02pm
Daiyousei7Ironically, I feel good about the alpha. What gives me pause is that there's only 2 weeks between the end of alpha and release and no beta has been announced. I've never seen that go well. Unless they're hiding something highly advanced that has months of lead time, I don't have any confidence. I'd love to be wrong though, but I do this for a living so....

It's a train wreck in slow motion, but if you go to their forums now to point this out, people will shout you down and tell you that you have no clue about development and QA, and that FDev can do no wrong. The level of denial is off the charts.

Well, I for one will not defend FDev when it comes to their ED release date product quality record. I will just say that this is not because of the Alpha revelations (because it is copy of a branch broken off weeks ago and does not reflect the actual main builds state and way too many people are tearing their shirts over this fact), but because FDevs standards for 'acceptable release quality' is much lower than mine own.

The release day product will obviously be better than what we are seeing now (it certainly couldn't be worse) and will have a lot of content that we simply aren't being allowed to see. Thargoid (and presumably, though at a much lower probability Guardian) foot encounters/infrastructure hasn't been touched (though honestly they'll probably wait a year to add it as part of a OD phase 3 patch or some of their typical bs). Ground combat was there to test basic functionality but I suspect will have much more variety than it does now (special forces encounters, engineering, etc...) that wasn't revealed but you know is coming.

To be clear, I'm not saying you shouldn't refund and wait. I absolutely support that for all products. (try before you buy used to be a thing you know. Not this buy to try bs). I'm just saying this decision should be made as a general 'best practice' personal policy and not based on panicked speculation from a test branch.
04 May 2021, 12:58pm
If FDev had communicated in advance that we would be testing an unoptimized build from six weeks earlier with no visible progress between the four phases, I wouldn't have joined the alpha in the first place.

This was actually my first time refunding a game/DLC. I chose the option to refund to my Steam wallet. I'll use the money later to purchase the non-deluxe DLC and spend the rest on paint jobs and outfits.
04 May 2021, 1:33pm
Daiyousei7Ironically, I feel good about the alpha. What gives me pause is that there's only 2 weeks between the end of alpha and release and no beta has been announced. I've never seen that go well. Unless they're hiding something highly advanced that has months of lead time, I don't have any confidence. I'd love to be wrong though, but I do this for a living so....

It's a train wreck in slow motion, but if you go to their forums now to point this out, people will shout you down and tell you that you have no clue about development and QA, and that FDev can do no wrong. The level of denial is off the charts.

There just are... a LOT of missing features at this point, and no word if most of them are even being worked on. I'm excited for the better graphics, but foot gameplay gets a definite mehhhhh from me at this point.
04 May 2021, 1:37pm
I'll be looking forward to a more developed & relatively wrinkle-free Odyssey, & won't be seeking a refund of the Alpha Pre-Order which I purchased directly from the Frontier store.

Meanwhile, I'm a patient person.
04 May 2021, 1:56pm
I'm one of those on the forum who casually interjected that Frontier had mentioned, more than once, that we were on an old and unoptimised build - and pointed out it appeared to have just been 'testing' the modules they wished to have hit hard by a lot of clients logged-in at once...

Naturally, mentioning the obvious is not well received by the 'professionals' who perceive their knowledge to be superior to others - but is to be expected.

It has been tremendous fun reading the comments by "those in the know" about how it would be "impossible" for that build to be useable in just a few weeks. It may turn out to be unplayable on release - but I doubt it will be the unoptimised product we had for a few weeks.
04 May 2021, 2:25pm
My thanks to all the brave foot soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the common good of the alpha. I'm not so brave and will continue to wait patiently for the final release version (and probably a few patches just for good luck).
04 May 2021, 2:33pm
Rat CatcherI'm one of those on the forum who casually interjected that Frontier had mentioned, more than once, that we were on an old and unoptimised build

If I remember correctly, they only mentioned this after people were wondering why issues reported in phase 1 were still unresolved in phase 2. I guess many people, myself included, expected to see the fixes in the test builds, too. Towards the end of the alpha, so many issues had piled up in the test build that people were constantly wondering: Is this bug still worth reporting, or am I wasting my time doing so?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.