Elite: Odyssey

20 May 2021, 10:39pm
I don't know what FDev did but man Odyssey is running much better now
20 May 2021, 10:41pm
KilladarkDont think people like the new lighting that is implemented..... the old lighting was more artificial and brighter and vivid to a extent which made it pop a little more? maybe thta is what makes people think it looks better.
In my perspective th enew Odyssey lighting is more true to life and i prefer it that way the cockpit lighting is amazing more toned down than how it used to be the brights are bright and the dark are dark with even lighting distribution unlike before. (i feel i may not have been able to word it properly what i want to convey but in short i think the current version is more "realistic" and suits my preference)

especially the lightning is a huge part of my performance issues... in stations with just usual light I have no issues but in stations that have like red light and different lightning levels my performance takes a big hit
20 May 2021, 10:50pm
Is there a centralized place to submit odyssey engineer info? Or to know what's already known?
20 May 2021, 11:10pm
KilladarkDont think people like the new lighting that is implemented..... the old lighting was more artificial and brighter and vivid to a extent which made it pop a little more? maybe thta is what makes people think it looks better.
In my perspective th enew Odyssey lighting is more true to life and i prefer it that way the cockpit lighting is amazing more toned down than how it used to be the brights are bright and the dark are dark with even lighting distribution unlike before. (i feel i may not have been able to word it properly what i want to convey but in short i think the current version is more "realistic" and suits my preference)

I mean if they want to keep the lighiting the way it is they need to increase the amount of lighiting, especially on ships. Like the hud is somehow fuckign dark for no reason, do they know the hud is 100% artificial? Its supposed to be bright because we dont live on a cave with 0 light around in 2021 let alone 3307. Stations have weak lighting, a stadium right now has more lighting than this fucking monstrous apparatus in space made by a much more advanced humanity like WTF. Dont even make me start on having 0, LITERALLY, 0 artifical lighiting on the cockpit outside of your HUD this is unbearable. If they want to keep it "realistical", then ffs give us more artificial point of light.
20 May 2021, 11:35pm
ThinkingWithPortalsIs there a centralized place to submit odyssey engineer info? Or to know what's already known?

Hello, please post it here or in the Updates, bug reports, requests thread here on Inara. Some info is on the Engineers page already, I am currently working on the suit/weapon blueprints (will be live tomorrow probably), but the general engineer information is still mostly missing and needs to be collected.
20 May 2021, 11:58pm
working on the one with the restore mission requirement to at least see where he is and stuff but bcs I had missions and terminals bug out all day I didnt get far
21 May 2021, 2:01am
Domino Green, on screen what she can do. Donate 5x of Push so she will send email with further engi. To be invited to her need to travel 100ly in Apex
21 May 2021, 2:30am
DarthMaarDomino Green, on screen what she can do. Donate 5x of Push so she will send email with further engi. To be invited to her need to travel 100ly in Apex

This is painful seeing how low your graphics settings and you are still getting 15 fps. I can't imagine how this game will ever get reasonably optimized any time soon
21 May 2021, 2:33am
SakashiroSteam reviews now mostly negative, only 36% approval.

The only worse launch of a game in recent memory I can think of is CP2077 and NMS.
21 May 2021, 3:07am
21 May 2021, 3:44am
Aetoate Bace
DarthMaarDomino Green, on screen what she can do. Donate 5x of Push so she will send email with further engi. To be invited to her need to travel 100ly in Apex

This is painful seeing how low your graphics settings and you are still getting 15 fps. I can't imagine how this game will ever get reasonably optimized any time soon

I dont even want to send a Image of my game if you think that is bad.
21 May 2021, 4:34am
anybody found any stations selling maverick suits recently? I checked reddit and the only one near buy requires founders world pass...:/
21 May 2021, 4:37am
Aetoate Baceanybody found any stations selling maverick suits recently? I checked reddit and the only one near buy requires founders world pass...:/

Keep checking around. Yesterday I bought grade 3 Maverick from a station that didn't sold any Maverick suits previous day.
21 May 2021, 4:48am
DarthMaarDomino Green, on screen what she can do. Donate 5x of Push so she will send email with further engi. To be invited to her need to travel 100ly in Apex

Oh gosh , I had 50 FPS there. How you play that slideshow at all ?
21 May 2021, 6:26am
Tried to undock my srv and game crashed during loading out of my ship. Now its crashing every time I try to reload into the game. Lovely

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.