Elite: Odyssey

20 May 2021, 9:26am
Amata LireinWell, here's EDO Amata at her home port


i am currently at shin but i will be heading back to cubeo in imperial cutter style with me new suits and weapons
20 May 2021, 10:27am
Hey Artie... if you've got 5 minutes... can you go fix Odyssey? Thanks.

I think that I can.... ah, wait.... nope.

By the way, about the game performance - if you are using nVidia, try their latest drivers. It seems it may help a little (at least I did see an improvement).

Crazy idea... if I was FDev, I would have invited you, Exigeous, Obsidian Ant, Buur, Yamiks, Pilot et al to London... put you up in a hotel for a week and said... "okay crew... try and break it!" That would have been a great part of the Alpha!
20 May 2021, 10:30am
Crazy idea... if I was FDev, I would have invited you, Exigeous, Obsidian Ant, Buur, Yamiks, Pilot et al to London... put you up in a hotel for a week and said... "okay crew... try and break it!" That would have been a great part of the Alpha!

Technically, everybody had a chance to break it during the past alpha stages and 3rd party developers found various issues regarding the journals, etc. there. FDev guys (Rhevian especially) were very helpful with fixing those bugs and generally improving the stuff there. I certainly cannot complain in that regard.
20 May 2021, 11:07am
Amata LireinWell, here's EDO Amata at her home port


The new suits look nice, but I prefer the old skin shader tbh. Every face looks like plastic now.
20 May 2021, 11:30am
Crazy idea... if I was FDev, I would have invited you, Exigeous, Obsidian Ant, Buur, Yamiks, Pilot et al to London... put you up in a hotel for a week and said... "okay crew... try and break it!" That would have been a great part of the Alpha!

Technically, everybody had a chance to break it during the past alpha stages and 3rd party developers found various issues regarding the journals, etc. there. FDev guys (Rhevian especially) were very helpful with fixing those bugs and generally improving the stuff there. I certainly cannot complain in that regard.

That's good to hear. We don't get to hear about stuff like that. Still a trip to London would have been something!
20 May 2021, 11:33am
smaloo sometimes i like to click on peoples profiles and look at their ships.
i was not disappointed.
20 May 2021, 12:22pm
Hm, performance is pretty bad but bearable (except for the delay in menus, that's awful). Combat is decently fun and the one "Restore Power" mission I did so far had neat gameplay.
Imho the release isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but maybe that's more an issue with the fact that Frontier didn't fix issues reported in the Alpha. Or maybe it's just me -- I immensely enjoyed CP2077 on release as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20 May 2021, 12:42pm
A heads up. Failed mission = 100000 CR fine.
You better not stack a lot of on-foot missions - apparently I had 2 that contradicted with each other and although I did 1 of them both failed.
20 May 2021, 12:44pm
EpisparhA heads up. Failed mission = 100000 CR fine.
You better not stack a lot of on-foot missions - apparently I had 2 that contradicted with each other and although I did 1 of them both failed.

i suppose onfoot missions are far more sensitive than ship ones.
20 May 2021, 1:27pm
I went back to horizons. I'm probably only gonna boot up odyssey when I specifically want to try out something new. It's in too rough of a state atm.
20 May 2021, 1:44pm
42% positive reviews on Steam, down from 44% half an hour ago.
20 May 2021, 1:53pm
I can’t even download it yet…preordered on Frontiers website back in March…and it never processed. Had to open a ticket…
20 May 2021, 2:08pm
Sakashiro42% positive reviews on Steam, down from 44% half an hour ago.

Not surprising. There are still parts I really love, but the bugs and crashes are too much lol.
20 May 2021, 2:08pm
Just glanced over the comments on Frontier's Twitch stream: "I didn't run into any bugs."

Mic seems to be broken btw. As if there wasn't enough fail yet...
20 May 2021, 2:17pm
Anyone else think that Artie should have been sent one of those fancy content creator goodie-bags and a station named after him in game?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.