Elite: Odyssey

21 May 2021, 8:49am
Rebecca Hail
Dirniviri dont get how people are being so salty. my framerate wasnt impressive and it made missions really hard especially combat ones. so i move to something else like exobiology or salvage.
the game looks amazing i havent seen an issue with lighting if it annoys you change the brightness in the settings
its called [insert stars emoji]Resilience[insert stars emoji] find an issue and overcome it or report it or abandon the game and weight until it gets better.

Because once again a company charged 30€ for an unfinished game.

Most of the frustration doesn't come from the game being bad, it's simply not done.

This isn't unique to FDev it's a problem of the entire industry. Companies outsource playtesting to the customers and skip the entire optimization to make money a little faster. The result is overall just a shitty experience for the people who want to play it during the time after the launch. Imho, it's okay if you do that and label it as Early-Access, but not if you sell a full game and explicitly state that it's not a Beta.

i suppose but i spent £20 i didnt go for the alpha. idk i just dont think into it to much people be doing people stuff. if the game is playable then i will play it. if i can enjoy the new looks and the exo life and do some on foot missions. i do admit tho the full on combat was death, so i am going to do salvage instead or exobiology.
21 May 2021, 8:53am
Daiyousei7That isn't sad, that's the consequence of not delaying and releasing a quality product because of worries about shareholders. Companies care about the wrong people. They're not entitled to my money.

Pre-release sales are still sales. It's just bad stakeholder management. They already had your money, and shareholders don't like seeing the bad press that comes from a bad release.

They should have gone to beta, listened to customer feedback, and gone live at the same time as the consoles.

If everyone thinks of what they have now as a beta, and if FDev treated it as such and had better two way conversations with users rather than the usual "we have listened to your feedback" but then deciding things behind closed doors, then we'd all be happier bunnies.
21 May 2021, 8:55am
Yo, how to unlock Hero ferrari?

join surface conflict zone Via Frontline solutions? or landing with my ship and join?

Or..need join 10 different conflict zone?

Last edit: 21 May 2021, 9:05am
21 May 2021, 9:01am
Rebecca Hail
Dirniviri dont get how people are being so salty. my framerate wasnt impressive and it made missions really hard especially combat ones. so i move to something else like exobiology or salvage.
the game looks amazing i havent seen an issue with lighting if it annoys you change the brightness in the settings
its called [insert stars emoji]Resilience[insert stars emoji] find an issue and overcome it or report it or abandon the game and weight until it gets better.

Because once again a company charged 30€ for an unfinished game.

Most of the frustration doesn't come from the game being bad, it's simply not done.

This isn't unique to FDev it's a problem of the entire industry. Companies outsource playtesting to the customers and skip the entire optimization to make money a little faster. The result is overall just a shitty experience for the people who want to play it during the time after the launch. Imho, it's okay if you do that and label it as Early-Access, but not if you sell a full game and explicitly state that it's not a Beta.

i suppose but i spent £20 i didnt go for the alpha. idk i just dont think into it to much people be doing people stuff. if the game is playable then i will play it. if i can enjoy the new looks and the exo life and do some on foot missions. i do admit tho the full on combat was death, so i am going to do salvage instead or exobiology.

That's one way to approach it, but they still promised a finished game experience and sold an unfinished one.

If I get home after ten hours at work, I don't want to be a free playtester for a company unless I agreed to that. Free in the sense that I pay them money to do that.

Also what Aunty said: It's just bad stakeholder management. They pump and dump their own reputation by doing shit like that. It's how EA got the reputation it has today.

Additionally looking at some features like the shared mats pool, it doesn't feel like FDev really learned something from 5+ years of developing Elite. They just add layers of grind on top of layers of grind and expect people to be fine with it.
21 May 2021, 9:11am
DarthMaarDomino Green, on screen what she can do. Donate 5x of Push so she will send email with further engi. To be invited to her need to travel 100ly in Apex

Great, thanks!

Mastadon623Got some info on Jude Navarro to share:
  • He is located in the Aurai system at Marshall's Drift, located on Aurai 1A
  • His engineering modifications are combat oriented. (See below picture for full details)
  • He wants 5 Genetic Repair Meds to give a referral to another engineer.

Perfect! Thank you very much, I will update the engineer here on Inara.

ThinkingWithPortals https://imgur.com/a/RgBuu7L
Here's Ferrari's page.

Also, many thanks! I will make an update.
21 May 2021, 9:19am
Dirniviri dont get how people are being so salty. my framerate wasnt impressive and it made missions really hard especially combat ones.

Looks like you answered your own question right there.

i suppose but then you change what you are doing.

You mean like, play a different game? That's always an option of course, but then why pay for this one in the first place?

Rebecca is absolutely right, the game isn't bad but unfinished. And customers like you who accept it in that state are part of the problem. If we want business practices to change, we have to hold these companies to higher standards. Sony did that when they pulled Cyberpunk 2077 from their store, and it worked wonders. Look at how careful FDev is not to release Odyssey for consoles too early. They know full well that they can get away with it on PCs, and that's why we are paying beta testers now.

But then again, I shouldn't point fingers because I'm part of the problem, too. I'm a sucker for cosmetics, and the reason why I couldn't resist pre-ordering is...

the Pioneer skin.
21 May 2021, 9:22am

Looks like you answered your own question right there.

i suppose but then you change what you are doing.

You mean like, play a different game? That's always an option of course, but then why pay for this one in the first place?

Rebecca is absolutely right, the game isn't bad but unfinished. And customers like you who accept it in that state are part of the problem. If we want business practices to change, we have to hold these companies to higher standards. Sony did that when they pulled Cyberpunk 2077 from their store, and it worked wonders. Look at how careful FDev is not to release Odyssey for consoles too early. They know full well that they can get away with it on PCs, and that's why we are paying beta testers now.

But then again, I shouldn't point fingers because I'm part of the problem, too. I'm a sucker for cosmetics, and the reason why I couldn't resist pre-ordering is...

<< Show less
the Pioneer skin.

i meant different missions because my issue is just conflict zones its quite hard to shoot people when the frame rate drops. so i might do salvage. but overall i do get it but its finished enough for me to not care. but the optimisation would be nice.
21 May 2021, 9:23am
i have the pioneer skin it looks good but the livery menu is a bit bugged. but its easy to work around just click on what you want and check your actual character to see if they are wearing it. the preview on the livery doesnt seem to work
21 May 2021, 9:25am
I heard that The Oracle is falling in Delphi.

The question now is:
Is it bug or feature?
21 May 2021, 9:26am
EpisparhI heard that The Oracle is falling in Delphi.

The question now is:
<< Show less
Is it bug or feature?

is the oracle the mega ship?

i did a covert assassin mission and no one caught me doing it. but i still got a 1000cr bounty. was quite upset about that.

Last edit: 21 May 2021, 9:33am
21 May 2021, 9:40am
Dirniviri have the pioneer skin it looks good but the livery menu is a bit bugged. but its easy to work around just click on what you want and check your actual character to see if they are wearing it. the preview on the livery doesnt seem to work

Yesterday I couldn't apply it at all, it actually disappeared from the livery menu every time I tried, and then I had to restart the game to make it return. But today it works. I'm glad I have it because the skins for sale are way too colorful and cartoony for my taste.
21 May 2021, 9:56am
Dirniviri have the pioneer skin it looks good but the livery menu is a bit bugged. but its easy to work around just click on what you want and check your actual character to see if they are wearing it. the preview on the livery doesnt seem to work

Yesterday I couldn't apply it at all, it actually disappeared from the livery menu every time I tried, and then I had to restart the game to make it return. But today it works. I'm glad I have it because the skins for sale are way too colorful and cartoony for my taste.

my pioneer skin disappeared to but after a while it reappeared. but if you are already wearing it it stays.
21 May 2021, 10:25am
is the oracle the mega ship?

i did a covert assassin mission and no one caught me doing it. but i still got a 1000cr bounty. was quite upset about that.

The Oracle is Orbital star port recently attacked by Thargoids.
21 May 2021, 10:34am
is the oracle the mega ship?

i did a covert assassin mission and no one caught me doing it. but i still got a 1000cr bounty. was quite upset about that.

The Oracle is Orbital star port recently attacked by Thargoids.

so after being attack its now falling, maybe.
does it orbit a landable planet?
21 May 2021, 10:43am

this is a good looking skin.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.