Elite: Odyssey

23 May 2021, 5:30pm
EpisparhYeah, this is good they patched it fast. Unfortunately, I think that this firefighting will continue through the entire summer.

I'd say "fortunately". Yes, it sucks that we're basically in a beta right now, but I fully expect FDev to significantly improve the game over the next few months, as has happened with Horizons.
23 May 2021, 5:34pm
That was my sympathies for poor maintainers
23 May 2021, 5:37pm
I got to the point of downloading EDO, & updating ED & EDH, but now I'm leery of playing anything E:D.

I'm... JUST NOT needing all that additional stress.
23 May 2021, 5:44pm
Kelton BlalockThis is probably a hot take, like, hotter than a Type-7-fresh-out-of-witchspace-hot. (And I may not actually have the full story! Please, I implore you to correct me, to respond and debate. But it just annoys me to see things like this.) While I certainly can understand the playerbase's frustration, I don't understand why they would go out of their way to review-bomb the game. Even leading up to its launch, YouTubers and news articles alike were saying to, in essence, "keep your hopes high, but your expectations low," as well as how the PC launch is more the expansion going from alpha to beta. So what confuses me is why there was all this hype, and there were so many warnings, and yet a large portion of the playerbase just outright forgot that? Even worse, FDEV has set a very poor-yet-consistent precedent of "Launch it Now, Fix it Later" with the likes of Horizons. So why is it that with these big and blatant warnings, people still got so upset that they decided to review-bomb the game. It's buggy, and it's unfinished, I get it. You're allowed to be angry and frustrated. AND IT IS FDEV'S FAULT, AS PER FUCKING USUAL! But that anger doesn't need to be so excessive. Especially when the game is still technically in a beta bug-squashing phase.

This was not labeled a beta last I checked. If it had been labeled a beta, people might be more forgiving.
23 May 2021, 5:46pm
Synthia, it is safe only if you use existing ships without making modifications and play only on-foot as doing normal EDH stuff is pure gamble (eg. 95 MEF in storage, you complete mission and get 3 MEF. Now you have 3 MEF in storage. Note: this is supposed to be patched now)

But then you need to deal with frustration from on-foot bugs and the "improved" UI and graphics.
23 May 2021, 5:50pm
"Players in uproar over Elite Dangerous: Odyssey's bugs and poor performance"

And Frontier will solve SQUAT of this mess. Just mild "patches" and "hotfixes" which will address nothing of the main problems.
Many sheep players will swallow this scrap and praise Fdevs for their "hard work"...
23 May 2021, 5:52pm
If beta testing feels stressful, better stick with EDH for now.
23 May 2021, 5:53pm
EpisparhSynthia, it is safe only if you use existing ships without making modifications and play only on-foot as doing normal EDH stuff is pure gamble (eg. 95 MEF in storage, you complete mission and get 3 MEF. Now you have 3 MEF in storage. Note: this is supposed to be patched now)

But then you need to deal with frustration from on-foot bugs and the "improved" UI and graphics.

...and NPCs using a totally overpowered gun in supposedly low-level threat areas that two-shot you even if you had your suit's shields online. (AFAIK that was supposed to have been removed even during the alpha...)
23 May 2021, 5:54pm
23 May 2021, 5:59pm
What is quite sad is I have played alphas that were more stable and more finished than many completed games. For non-indie developers, it is always easy to tell who has an internal QA/QC department and who does not.
23 May 2021, 6:08pm
New video by Yamiks on WHY the framerate is so bad:

Also: It's a video by Yamiks, so expect the usual explicit swearing.
23 May 2021, 6:10pm
Question peeps.

I have a question. When a hotfix releases, is it a hotfix for PC Odyssey OR is it a hotfix for both PC Odyssey/Horizons?
23 May 2021, 6:11pm
EpisparhThat was my sympathies for poor maintainers

Ah, that's fair. Although it's better for the devs to be able to fix stuff without any time pressure and the associated crunch, I suppose. Still sucks that they'll get some backlash for stupid corporate decisions.
23 May 2021, 6:48pm
Just when you thought it couldn't get any better..

There's an FC item duplication bug/exploit happening right now. Prepare for a massive roll back once this gets out to the masses. There's tickets on it as well as videos.

23 May 2021, 6:52pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.