Elite: Odyssey

23 Sep 2024, 8:28pm
AHGot attacked by weird spiky ships and lost all my bio/DNA data I had collected. F****!

First off you should tell us if you were in the area known as the Bubble , or were you farther out
depending on where you were attacked it could be unusual
We do currently have an invasion and war going on against these aliens and very likely you ran afoul of them
My first suggestion is to acquire a thargoid pulse nuetralizer but not the Titan pulse one the one that prevents the shut down field on your ship

Second is i would look up some basic tutorials on what to do when hyperdicted by a goid
Basic rule of the fight is to go silent running , go past the goids so they have to turn around which takes them a moment and then when your fsd is online again jump away

I have no idea what/where the "Bubble" is.
I think I was in Col 285 Sector KMV... not sure how to check.
Thanks for the advice, I'll check it out.
23 Sep 2024, 8:40pm
The Bubble is the human-populated, umm, bubble around Sol.
yesterday, 5:07pm
Every station has sleeping NPC's, mouths open and drooling.
It seems that absolute boredom is a galactic issue.

BTW, why cant I buy a drink and a cigar at the bar? There are drinks on the table and a beverage icon above barkeeps head.
Makes 0 sense.
today, 6:52am
The in game bartender only serves as a sales point for cmdrs to buy and sell certain odysey materials at, im not even sure if thats every bartender or just the carrier ones tbh
I also feel this pain of wanting a cigar as my character does smoke in stories regardless of the fact that it is usually disallowed in game
today, 8:18am
MiseriI also feel this pain of wanting a cigar as my character does smoke in stories regardless of the fact that it is usually disallowed in game
Same. Generally, she has most of my real life sins, lol, even if she doesn't need it and doesn't have any effect from it. There's a lot of things that game engine won't allow our characters to do, mostly the fun part. But, we can grind in game after we grind IRL!
today, 8:46am
Do you really think that smoking would be allowed in a space station with closed and limited atmosphere? Most of the countries nowadays do not allow smoking in planes, restaurants, public transport, hotels. And some have banned smoking at public places. Yet, you want to order a cigar on a space station.

"Nice try but no cigar!"

Anyway, typical FDev MVP approach to concourses. If you remember the feature to actually sit was added quite recently. They added concourses with minimum functionality and gameplay opportunities expecting that people will gather there and socialize AKA "Blaze your own trail"
today, 9:42am
EpisparhMost of the countries nowadays do not allow smoking in planes, restaurants, public transport, hotels. And some have banned smoking at public places. Yet, you want to order a cigar on a space station.
Everything has a price if you really want that cigar and can afford indulging to your sins whenever and wherever you want. And since we're playing a little futuristic world of bored billionaires having dozens of top notch equipped spaceships and personal carriers in their property, I doubt that a mere cigar would cause any problems. Many people like to break rules as a showoff of their wealth and power, implying that they are above the laws and regulations. Gritty dystopian lore of 'cheap human life in cutthroat galaxy' is perfectly on the other side, you can smoke, drink and even do drugs because nobody cares, there are lots of that in the slums, dingy docks, shabby cargo holds around you, you can even die and other people would discover it only looting your corpse. Also you can do whatever you want in your ship, being responsible for it personally. So I guess only the fictional 'middle class' is really restricted, imagine those clerks and other white collar folks, not that wealthy for giving regulations a middle finger, yet living in conditioned and regulated spaces, way better than slums. That's a fictional description anyway since every player has their ship, such is the nature of the game.
today, 12:14pm
Meowers...And since we're playing a little futuristic world of bored billionaires having dozens of top notch equipped spaceships and personal carriers in their property...

Great, Now I imagine the ED galaxy being filled with Batmans and Iron Mans
today, 12:24pm
Vasil VasilescuGreat, Now I imagine the ED galaxy being filled with Batmans and Iron Mans
But what we do really have is a bunch of dorks in cowboy hats with skulls and crosses over their helmets and everything in their profiles [REDACTED], shooting useless bums personally.
today, 12:27pm
And you can’t get rid of the ridiculous hat even if you like the helmet that is part of the cosmetic set.

But that never occurred to the designers, of course.
today, 12:32pm
Episparh Anyway, typical FDev MVP approach to concourses. If you remember the feature to actually sit was added quite recently. They added concourses with minimum functionality and gameplay opportunities expecting that people will gather there and socialize AKA "Blaze your own trail"

So much this! I don't expect old-school BioWare style of dialogue I can have with some procedural/generic generated NPCs, but there would really be so much opportunity to make the Concourse more lively and interactive. Heck, even if you would have more than two general outlines of a Concourse would be great. Or the option to have an appartment area you can rent, or a gaming area, or whatever. Dang, just imagine you could have a mission like the Ryujin quest in Starfield, where you explore more than just the Concourse of a station. Ah, one can dream.
today, 12:48pm
Kasumi GotoAnd you can’t get rid of the ridiculous hat even if you like the helmet that is part of the cosmetic set.

But that never occurred to the designers, of course.

The helmet in question would be the coolest one available if it wasn't for the stupid cowboy hat.
today, 1:45pm
The sleek-looking helmet that was part of the Artemis suit in the Odyssey trailer never made it into the game. The goofy-looking one with the grilles did. FDev's ability to always pick the worst of multiple options never ceases to amaze me.
today, 2:01pm
Hardly anything can be more goofy than the cowboy hat in space, in my opinion. I even understand those pumpkins and snowman heads, they're there for celebrations and stuff, but people wear space cowboy hats for serious.
today, 5:43pm
MeowersHardly anything can be more goofy than the cowboy hat in space, in my opinion. I even understand those pumpkins and snowman heads, they're there for celebrations and stuff, but people wear space cowboy hats for serious.

You will need a cowboy had when the Simguru opens up West World. And a gear-embellished top hat when he opens Steampunk World. And a bowler when he opens up UK Banker World.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.