Elite: Odyssey

22 May 2021, 1:09am
Episparh...and I found why the flashlight do not work it is the pioneer skin that bugs it. Apply pioneer skin to any suit and you can say goodbye to the light.

I can't even imagine how something like that could happen by accident.
22 May 2021, 3:55am
Found the suits I was looking for.

22 May 2021, 5:17am
Episparh...and I found why the flashlight do not work it is the pioneer skin that bugs it. Apply pioneer skin to any suit and you can say goodbye to the light.

I can't even imagine how something like that could happen by accident.

Maybe it's the scarf? Is the flashlight shoulder mounted?
22 May 2021, 6:09am
SakashiroFound the suits I was looking for.

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What is this? Some expensive stuff for 16k arx?
22 May 2021, 6:36am
Odyssey Issue, if not yet mentioned here:
Fleet Carrier not Jumping. Unable to Plot Course.
I'm a console CMDR, so I am not sure if this effects all platforms.
22 May 2021, 6:43am
OptionalOdyssey Issue, if not yet mentioned here:
Fleet Carrier not Jumping. Unable to Plot Course.
I'm a console CMDR, so I am not sure if this effects all platforms.

Fdev stopped all FC jumps across all platforms because of Odyssey performance.
22 May 2021, 6:47am
Aleksander Majjam
OptionalOdyssey Issue, if not yet mentioned here:
Fleet Carrier not Jumping. Unable to Plot Course.
I'm a console CMDR, so I am not sure if this effects all platforms.

Fdev stopped all FC jumps across all platforms because of Odyssey performance.

After the performance issues this annoys me the most I got lazy since I have a carrier and most ships dont even have a fuel scoop anymore bcs they only get used from the carrier to the next system
22 May 2021, 8:40am
Oh, gosh, Steam reviews are further down with 2% overnight, 32% positive now.

This is sad as from my perspective 2 more patches and things will settle down. And then just regular bug fixes will be needed.

Ah, yes, stupid ui and graphics implementations need to be addressed too.
22 May 2021, 9:24am
EpisparhWhat is this? Some expensive stuff for 16k arx?

I had accumulated almost 17,000 ARX on my account anyway. Might as well spend them on something. Those skins are from the Plainsman Drifter pack. The helmets in that pack are goofy cowboy hats, but I'll use the ones from the Pioneer pack instead; they match perfectly.
22 May 2021, 9:31am
EpisparhOh, gosh, Steam reviews are further down with 2% overnight, 32% positive now.

This is sad as from my perspective 2 more patches and things will settle down. And then just regular bug fixes will be needed.

Ah, yes, stupid ui and graphics implementations need to be addressed too.

There is a lot more than just '2 more patches' worth of frustration in those reviews.
People are getting tired of being Cyberpunk'd. The whole business education system needs to reassess their equation for determining Increased Margin vs Reputation Capital or some such BS because we're at the point now where whatever gains you get from selling early just maybe might not be worth the damage it's incomplete state will do to your reputation, which you know, used to be a thing society cared about.

It's not that they're not learning the lesson from past mistakes. We're long past that. They KNOW what they are doing is wrong and still sell the crap early. They still think they can get away with it because people are dumb and desperate for that precious dopamine.

Fdev should NOT have released OD so early for SEVERAL reasons. 1) It clearly isn't ready. No way around this. EVERY part of the game still has critical failures in it, 2) worse they didn't fix previous bugs like they said they would once the major changes in OD were implemented. No, instead they made the same mistakes again in the new interface (see my previous rant on the Star map 7 year old bug), 3) It is a slap in the face to all their console customers. Wanted a fair chance to get first footfall on a nearby POI? too bad. Every single one will be pissed on by the time Fdev gets around to letting you play it.

Remember when you used to make a purchase and had a sense of pride and excitement when walking off the lot with it? Nowadays it's all just 'well its not that bad is it? Gosh, I sure do love paying for the privilege of writing up bug reports' News flash: 68% think it IS that bad and the percentage of those willing to let FDev burn to the ground as a warning to all other game Publishers is growing. Sad that this is what it's coming to simply for an extra buck or two (or more likely because of what the manager read in a book 10 years ago).
22 May 2021, 9:51am
The fact that all carrier jumps on all platforms are now suspended because of Odyssey bugs is ridiculous. Imagine taking your carrier out for some exploration, and now you're stuck in the void, possibly for several days, until FDev fix their shit.

And wtf was that alpha for anyway? They fixed almost none of the bugs that were reported! And the story about the test branch and the old build and how everything was much better in trunk was complete BS.

How they even manage to get 32% approval on Steam is beyond me. It's still too favorable imho.
22 May 2021, 9:52am
OptionalOdyssey Issue, if not yet mentioned here:
Fleet Carrier not Jumping. Unable to Plot Course.
I'm a console CMDR, so I am not sure if this effects all platforms.

They have now enabled jumps again.
Both of my FC accounts have been able to move to the systems I originally wished them to be following the launch of Odyssey.
22 May 2021, 10:38am
Is there already a list out there of which goodies you can collect on foot are needed for crafting and should therefor be hoarded and which ones can be sold safely to the barkeeps?
22 May 2021, 10:54am
Amata LireinIs there already a list out there of which goodies you can collect on foot are needed for crafting and should therefor be hoarded and which ones can be sold safely to the barkeeps?

I had posted the screenshots of the materials that are needed for different mods that Sakashiro's clone makes but removed them after Artie copied them. I plan to put them in some markup file later today. I will send you a direct message with then.

Last edit: 22 May 2021, 11:06am
22 May 2021, 10:56am
EpisparhSakashiro's clone

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.