Elite: Odyssey

23 May 2021, 12:28pm
This morning I found grade 2 Artemis suit and grade 2 kinetic rifle - will keep them until I find grade 3.

So far I see little improvement of the gear vs. OP NPC army that sees through walls and have a hive mind with unlimited supply of ammo, grenades and energy.
23 May 2021, 12:30pm
EpisparhThis morning I found grade 2 Artemis suit and grade 2 kinetic rifle - will keep them until I find grade 3.

So far I see little improvement of the gear vs. OP NPC army that sees through walls and have a hive mind with unlimited supply of ammo, grenades and energy.

What system was it in if you don't mind sharing?
23 May 2021, 12:31pm
23 May 2021, 1:29pm
OK, IDK what kinda gun they use, but those NPCs that can two-shot you need some serious nerfing -.-
23 May 2021, 1:34pm
Odyssey renderer is broken - details (Reddit)

I guess this removes all doubt that the release and the alpha are the same branch. FDev was lying when they claimed otherwise.

The good news: There is still plenty of potential for optimization.
23 May 2021, 1:53pm
23 May 2021, 1:56pm
23 May 2021, 2:35pm
The only thing that sort of works right now in EDO is flying to planets and enjoying the view. Everything else is more or less broken.
23 May 2021, 4:11pm
This is probably a hot take, like, hotter than a Type-7-fresh-out-of-witchspace-hot. (And I may not actually have the full story! Please, I implore you to correct me, to respond and debate. But it just annoys me to see things like this.) While I certainly can understand the playerbase's frustration, I don't understand why they would go out of their way to review-bomb the game. Even leading up to its launch, YouTubers and news articles alike were saying to, in essence, "keep your hopes high, but your expectations low," as well as how the PC launch is more the expansion going from alpha to beta. So what confuses me is why there was all this hype, and there were so many warnings, and yet a large portion of the playerbase just outright forgot that? Even worse, FDEV has set a very poor-yet-consistent precedent of "Launch it Now, Fix it Later" with the likes of Horizons. So why is it that with these big and blatant warnings, people still got so upset that they decided to review-bomb the game. It's buggy, and it's unfinished, I get it. You're allowed to be angry and frustrated. AND IT IS FDEV'S FAULT, AS PER FUCKING USUAL! But that anger doesn't need to be so excessive. Especially when the game is still technically in a beta bug-squashing phase.
23 May 2021, 4:25pm
Why you think it is a review bomb? People do not like what they paid for. We heard some lies that what we've seen in alpha was some old branch and the released version will be much better when in reality it is even worse than alpha to some extend.

Not to mention the bugs, like the one I've posted here few posts above, that actually ruin hours of progress in Horizons. FDev saw that their product is far from ready yet they kept the hype train and did this rush release.

You should also keep in mind that most of the players are not kickstarter backers, nor even were here when Horizons was released(this is my case) and there are even new players who see cool marketing materials and just joined the game with EDO. The last group is probably the most critical because they had no chance to build some relations with the game that would eventually transform in some sympathy.
23 May 2021, 4:37pm
Kelton BlalockEspecially when the game is still technically in a beta bug-squashing phase.

The game gets review-bombed because Frontier claims it's a release, not the beginning of a six month beta.
23 May 2021, 4:43pm
EpisparhNot to mention the bugs, like the one I've posted here few posts above, that actually ruin hours of progress in Horizons.

That's especially funny since some people in the forums claimed that this couldn't possibly be a beta because it runs on live servers. Well, this is what you get if you run a beta on live servers.
23 May 2021, 4:48pm
EpisparhWhy you think it is a review bomb? People do not like what they paid for. We heard some lies that what we've seen in alpha was some old branch and the released version will be much better when in reality it is even worse than alpha to some extend.

Not to mention the bugs, like the one I've posted here few posts above, that actually ruin hours of progress in Horizons. FDev saw that their product is far from ready yet they kept the hype train and did this rush release.

You should also keep in mind that most of the players are not kickstarter backers, nor even were here when Horizons was released(this is my case) and there are even new players who see cool marketing materials and just joined the game with EDO. The last group is probably the most critical because they had no chance to build some relations with the game that would eventually transform in some sympathy.

Though I won't back down on my own claim, because I don't have to, I do see where I came across as inconsiderate. That was not at all my intent, and I do apologize.
23 May 2021, 5:07pm
23 May 2021, 5:20pm
Yeah, this is good they patched it fast. Unfortunately, I think that this firefighting will continue through the entire summer.

Last edit: 23 May 2021, 5:28pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.