Elite: Odyssey

02 Jun 2021, 11:01am
MeowersDoes naming a Python 'Monty' insults it, or it insults its owner by accusing of... having a vacancy in imagination department?

(yeah, Monty Python is awesome, but... hey... it's such a commonplace name for a Python)

Monty Python is a great group which inspired the development of a great programing language

Anyway, that drifted way too much from the discussion board topic. If you quote me , move it to general talk.

Last edit: 02 Jun 2021, 11:08am
02 Jun 2021, 11:31am
Well it looks like mission are finally working for me, however I'm not getting any Mercenary rank improvements other than the tiny amount I get for killing scavengers.

Shouldn't mission rewards be counting towards the Mercenary rank?
02 Jun 2021, 11:54am
Aunty SledgeWell it looks like mission are finally working for me, however I'm not getting any Mercenary rank improvements other than the tiny amount I get for killing scavengers.

Shouldn't mission rewards be counting towards the Mercenary rank?

I think mercenary ranks works the same way as combat ranks AKA you get points that depend on relation between your rank and the victims rank. Don't expect it to be increased from killing low ranked enemies if you are mid or high rank and certainly not from missions.
02 Jun 2021, 12:52pm
EpisparhI think mercenary ranks works the same way as combat ranks AKA you get points that depend on relation between your rank and the victims rank. Don't expect it to be increased from killing low ranked enemies if you are mid or high rank and certainly not from missions.

Oh ok, so it's purely combat based when on foot. I'm still working on my gear so actively avoiding fights at the moment.

Thanks for the heads up.
02 Jun 2021, 12:58pm
Fastest way to progress mercenary rank is through High CZ - all targets are rank 6 and you get a lot of help from team mates
02 Jun 2021, 1:01pm
So I've been doing some flower picking because foot engineering and fighting is busted. Even this is broken. After days of wondering why some things are impossible to find I finally found a smoking gun.

The heatmap is BS. The only thing that seems to be even remotely accurate is that the brightest shade of blue has a decent probability of finding the organism. That's the only thing. Planet covered 3/4 in blue? Too bad. That organism likes smooth rounded hills but the planet is actually 99% sharp jaggies.

Even if you're in an area of high concentration (very light blue) if the terrain is unsuitable nothing will be there, but it is still your best hope.

Behold the most obvious example I have found: a bright yellow tall mushroom grass on a dark beight/brown turd of a planet. Look at how much of it is shaded blue. Should be easy to find right? Nope. Only ONE cluster amongst those 2 circled areas in top right corner.

;tldr Go to areas shaded brightest blue on the heatmap and hope you get lucky and the terrain is what the organism likes
02 Jun 2021, 4:48pm
Soo... I guess weapon components can be found at military installations, but what about tungsten carbide?
02 Jun 2021, 4:52pm
Amata LireinSoo... I guess weapon components can be found at military installations, but what about tungsten carbide?

Storage. Its in lockers and laying about.
Industrial complexes are best for finding storage buildings.

This helps ya find stuff

So where is the thing I want?
02 Jun 2021, 4:56pm
BTW, I found Irregular (Threat 3) that you have to scan for with the Surface Scanner also had a fair number of Weapon Components along with drugs.

Last edit: 02 Jun 2021, 5:06pm
02 Jun 2021, 4:59pm
Anyone using Manticore Oppressor? The description says rate of fire 6.7/s but my observations are that it fire 1-3 shots per second. I think it might depends on the fps.
02 Jun 2021, 5:12pm
Another patch incoming

Greetings Commanders!
⌚ A patch and its change list will arrive tomorrow at 09:00 BST (08:00 UTC) with one hour of expected downtime.
????️ It contains many fixes and improvements for Odyssey: UI, optimisation, and much more! Horizons will also receive some improvements.
02 Jun 2021, 5:25pm
02 Jun 2021, 8:49pm
Omg, they're "improving" Horizons again.

02 Jun 2021, 8:58pm
Hold onto your butts ladies and gentlemen, Jupiter Division and Silver Legal just went to war again, Community goal is incoming no doubt. I'm guessing this is going to be us making a final stand but I'm not sure.
03 Jun 2021, 1:53am
SakashiroOmg, they're "improving" Horizons again.


Yeah I felt like this picture when I noticed that the pirate shoulder decals are missing.

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