Elite: Odyssey

21 Jun 2021, 7:16pm
I think Odyssey is just the beginning , time by time , there will be more content , for sure
21 Jun 2021, 7:20pm
Not sure about that. FDev seems already overwhelmed by the challenge. I think we're lucky if they manage to make the existing stuff work as intended.
21 Jun 2021, 7:59pm
LamamotoSince several days I search in the dockingbay in the darkest corners , behind containers and cases, expecting to hear a whispering voice :" Pssst, come over here, if you sell any Lazarus/Schnurr/ or push, I wld buy them all, I'm really in need". Have best prices

yes, that wld be nice to have a dealer for drugs in Hangar or any other dark corner near the lobby

Try the bartender in anarchy systems.

BTW, if someone needs mats for unlocking EDO engineers and do not mind to skip some of the grind, just let me know what you need I have some stuff to unload including few Opinion Polls.
21 Jun 2021, 10:06pm
KurakilSo I found out that at some of the engineer bases I could walk on the large suspension cables on the support structures but not some of the large flat parts. Needless to say almost plummeting to my death from a 400m drop was a bit... exhilarating?

Yeah it wouldn't be so bad if you could, I don't know, ACTIVATE THE JETPACK WHILE FALLING.

I did do that. About 3-4 times on the way down. I had a few red bars of health left.
21 Jun 2021, 10:31pm
LOL, I totally missed that there are now ranks above Elite. I was puzzled that my exploration rank progress bar had begun growing again after the latest trips to Colonia and Sag-A. Another reason to go to Beagle Point now, I guess.

But this wouldn't be Odyssey if Universal Cartographics weren't half broken. Data retrieval sometimes takes a long time, and the system may fail to retrieve subsequent pages after selling the first. So keep an eye on the page numbers when selling, because you may end up carrying exploration data around without realizing it.
21 Jun 2021, 10:33pm
SakashiroBut this wouldn't be Odyssey if -something- weren't half broken.

22 Jun 2021, 2:50am
Anyone know why the Energylink does not work sometimes on the charge port for opening doors?

Edit: Nvm I just had to switch modes from Transfer to Overload.
22 Jun 2021, 7:32am
KurakilSo I found out that at some of the engineer bases I could walk on the large suspension cables on the support structures but not some of the large flat parts. Needless to say almost plummeting to my death from a 400m drop was a bit... exhilarating?

Yeah it wouldn't be so bad if you could, I don't know, ACTIVATE THE JETPACK WHILE FALLING.

I did do that. About 3-4 times on the way down. I had a few red bars of health left.

The issue I'm referring to is that if you fall without jumping first the jetpack is non-responsive. If you were jumping as part of the climb then it would work fine. It's really annoying when you're traversing steep terrain and you 'lose your footing'. You can literally fall down the entire mountain and your jetpack won't work the entire time. OTOH because this is more of a slide down than a fall you don't get hurt when you come to a stop, so there is that. Still you're at the bottom and need to start all over again...
22 Jun 2021, 7:34am

Yeah it wouldn't be so bad if you could, I don't know, ACTIVATE THE JETPACK WHILE FALLING.

I did do that. About 3-4 times on the way down. I had a few red bars of health left.

The issue I'm referring to is that if you fall without jumping first the jetpack is non-responsive. If you were jumping as part of the climb then it would work fine. It's really annoying when you're traversing steep terrain and you 'lose your footing'. You can literally fall down the entire mountain and your jetpack won't work the entire time. OTOH because this is more of a slide down than a fall you don't get hurt when you come to a stop, so there is that. Still you're at the bottom and need to start all over again...

Ah I see. I notice that a lot when trying to go up steep terrain. Sometimes I have to slide down a bit until I reach a less steep spot, then I can boost up.
22 Jun 2021, 7:39am
Claudius AetiusFirst time I logged Odyssey after upgrades 3 and 4. My performance, lighting and lagging changed nothing... My god.

I am doing the opposite. I am playing just EDO for now. The light, visuals and even performance got improved slightly after each patch but far from what I remember from Horizons.

Today I tried mining in EDO. It is PITA. Hotspot and overlaps are hardly visible. Because of the general darkness of EDO staying in the rings is pain for my eyes.

I will try few other Horizons activities and after patch 5 I will probably switch to Horizons as no further patches will be applied before console launch.

Also I suggest to do not try doing Ram Tah missions or any advanced (above Cyclops) Thargoid hunt - these are soooo bugged.
22 Jun 2021, 9:15am
LamamotoSince several days I search in the dockingbay in the darkest corners , behind containers and cases, expecting to hear a whispering voice :" Pssst, come over here, if you sell any Lazarus/Schnurr/ or push, I wld buy them all, I'm really in need". Have best prices

yes, that wld be nice to have a dealer for drugs in Hangar or any other dark corner near the lobby

Try the bartender in anarchy systems.

BTW, if someone needs mats for unlocking EDO engineers and do not mind to skip some of the grind, just let me know what you need I have some stuff to unload including few Opinion Polls.

How exactly do you "unload" stuff? Is there a drop button i haven't found yet? Or you just meet in a secluded area, take some goods from your locker, and get yourself killed carrying it?
22 Jun 2021, 10:20am
There is a drop option when on foot. You can drop anything including data that way.
1. Make a wing.
2. One land on surface.
3. Second drop on team beacon.
4. Both disembark.
5. One gets stuff from ship then access inventory through Insight Hub and drop.
6. If you drop 30 cat media they will be in single canister the receiver can picks.
22 Jun 2021, 10:38am
I wouldn't drop more than your friend can pick up at any one time.
22 Jun 2021, 11:07am
Aunty SledgeI wouldn't drop more than your friend can pick up at any one time.

Yeah, I this needs to be tested. What will happen with the remainder if quantity exceed your capacity.

I will check this tonight.
22 Jun 2021, 2:27pm
EpisparhThere is a drop option when on foot. You can drop anything including data that way.
1. Make a wing.
2. One land on surface.
3. Second drop on team beacon.
4. Both disembark.
5. One gets stuff from ship then access inventory through Insight Hub and drop.
6. If you drop 30 cat media they will be in single canister the receiver can picks.

Whoa good to know, thanks!

Last edit: 22 Jun 2021, 2:32pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.