Elite: Odyssey

27 Jun 2021, 10:39pm
BurstarYeah, nah mate. I'm already 2 Elite ranks in to explorer while doing this Exo BS. I don't think you appreciate how much work is involved. Almost 600 turn ins, x3 separated samples per + having to search and land. Exploration is WAY easier to do, and much more profitable. That said I'm sure the combat grind is on par or worse.

I suppose I am comparing it to exploration from back in the days when you had to fly within a certain distance of any body in order to scan it. Now it's much easier with the FSS/DSS. I did about half of mine the old way...
27 Jun 2021, 11:13pm
Kurakil I suppose I am comparing it to exploration from back in the days when you had to fly within a certain distance of any body in order to scan it. Now it's much easier with the FSS/DSS. I did about half of mine the old way...

Even that old way was easier. I earned my whole Exploration Elite before FSS was a thing and yeah, it sucked, but still a cakewalk compared to Exobiology:

If the system has never been scanned you first need to FSS it, then fly all the way to a host planet, do the DSS, check out the DSS overlay and figure out where you should go for best results (the various flora have their own preferences you'll need to learn, and the overlay lies half the time to boot), fly down, search until you find it, land, disembark, scan it, take off, and search 2 more times for each one. What do you get for your troubles? A datta boy from the Vista NPCs, chump change for the time and work involved, a suit skin you won't use, and eventually another ship sticker.

At this point you won't even get first discovery of new flora because there really isn't even very many variants out there (read: quickly repetitive/monotonous) and they've almost certainly all been found by now so frankly, you'll be out there picking flowers and suddenly find yourself coping with an existential crisis. It's not even relaxing like Exploration is. Often times you can't find the organism because the terrain on the entire planet is bad even though the overlay covers it blue.

At this point I'm only doing it so I can eventually post a "F U FDev and your BS content" on their forums
27 Jun 2021, 11:33pm
I had put a limit of 20 systems per day for myself (if I was in the mood at all) doing it the old way. My mind was totally numb by that point.

The only Biologic I have trouble finding is the bacteria since it doesn't pop up off the surface so I can't see it from a distance. I usually have to fly low in my ship and wait for ground objects to load in. I haven't had much trouble finding other types, even with the heat map BS. I feel like the SRV or even the suit should have a wave-scanner type thing for Biologics. It would kind of defeat the purpose of ground exploration but it doesn't make sense that we can scan for one but not the other. But then there isn't much that makes sense in ED anyway.
28 Jun 2021, 12:34am
For me, bacteria the easiest to find. It's always on smooth flat land. In and on the ring around craters is my go to spot for them. Fly 150-250m altitude at less than 100m/s and that should keep you from exceeding the load in rate. Easy to see the grease spots then. The only time it is difficult is when its colour matches the terrain mottling.
28 Jun 2021, 12:54am
I got really lucky one time. The planet had 5 Bio-types and I could get 4 complete scans all in the same area no more than about 1.2km away from my ship. I just needed a few short hops (less than 5 km) to finish up the 5th one. :3
29 Jun 2021, 2:29pm
29 Jun 2021, 2:31pm
Well, why not. The content is what matter, not its form. But I bet it will be a topic of the stream day after anyway.
29 Jun 2021, 2:35pm
29 Jun 2021, 2:44pm
Usually, I would support that. Unfortunately, seeing how informative are their patch notes and the level of trust the community have after Odyssey launch fiasco I have some doubts that this will end in improved communication and trust regain.
29 Jun 2021, 2:48pm

Fine by me. I don't want to watch their streams anyway.

Yeah, they've cut the update streams to just 2 in a month. I was watching streams recently only the first 15 min just for the updates.
I have no interests in listening British jokes while watching how terribad are CMs in their own game.
29 Jun 2021, 4:52pm
Just like that forum post roadmap was fine, eh?
29 Jun 2021, 5:05pm
Aleksander MajjamJust like that forum post roadmap was fine, eh?

If that roadmap had been announced somewhere else, it would still be garbage, but fewer people would have known about it. There have been complaints about FDev announcing things on Twitter and Twitch but not on their own website. Maybe they're changing that now.
29 Jun 2021, 5:59pm
Aleksander MajjamJust like that forum post roadmap was fine, eh?

If that roadmap had been announced somewhere else, it would still be garbage, but fewer people would have known about it. There have been complaints about FDev announcing things on Twitter and Twitch but not on their own website. Maybe they're changing that now.

I just wish they had a dedicated patch page and not just forum threads that are difficult to go through. Unless they do and I'm just lost.
29 Jun 2021, 6:04pm
I wish they will all appear in the one of the streams and say altogether "Sorry, we're screwed. Please, don't go. We will fix it."
29 Jun 2021, 6:43pm
Aleksander Majjam
I just wish they had a dedicated patch page and not just forum threads that are difficult to go through. Unless they do and I'm just lost.

You mean this one?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.